View Full Version : Its back..part time...

06-09-07, 00:12
hey everyone.

i dont post much, but i do read and help out sometimes. I developed anxiety almost 2 years ago which turned into severe panic attacks and eventually i was too scared to step out of my house.

i have by now without medication self-healed myself, through constant positive thoughts, distractions and a few other methods.

I am now anxiety and panic attack free after 2 years...well kind of.

you see, everyday i take a train to work..the same train to and from. I live in NYC and there is nothing i can do, but take the subway. This train goes over the bridge for 2 minutes(literally..that short).

In the morning i can be on that bridge for 20 minutes and not care,i am anxiety free. BUT coming back from work i get myself so worked..and over the same bridge...that before i even get to it, i get all the classic anxiety symptoms.

here is the kicker, recently i took a flight to Florida and spent the whole week there with my gf. I was completely anxiety free including my constant symptoms like dizziness and weak knees..which were suddenly gone. I truly enjoyed myself..and the funny thing is.. I do better on a 2 hour plane flight than a 2 minute subway ride over the bridge.

As soon as I get over the bridge and into the station..my body is back to normal..like nothing ever happened and i can be on that train for hours longer.

Problem is..this is throwing me into a sort of depression, i have to do this ride every day from work..and i DREAD it. Today my breathing got shallow and obviously my chest tightened, ive been thinking about heart attack for the past week (due to a death of footballer from a heart attack last week)...and of course my first reaction was "OMG im having a heart attack".

I guess i am not really asking for advice(but if you have some, please share)..because i know that its just panic and i know i have to deal with it and especially do belly breathing as ive been really doing hard breathing.

Im just trying to vent..i cant talk about this with my gf as she is fed up with it.although she doesnt show it.

anyway thanks for listening, and i appreciate any input.

14-09-07, 05:45
I too have my good days and bad. Just when I think it's gone, the anxiety comes back. I try to just think of the good days to get me through the bad. Take care,