View Full Version : Hit my head against the wall, now I'm worried about Natasha Richardson syndrome

01-03-19, 04:34
Okay, so this is going to sound kind of stupid. Recently, I did something really stupid and I got angry at myself and I banged my head against the wall a few times kinda hard on purpose. It didn't really hurt that badly, but then I started thinking about what happened with the actress Natasha Richardson, who hit her head skiing, showed no symptoms of a concussion, and then suffered a fatal brain aneurysm literally hours later directly caused by the blow to the head.

Right now, I'm scared and I dont know if I should go to the hospital or not,

01-03-19, 05:19
No, you shouldn't. There's a huge difference between the sort of impact you'd get in a skiing accident and banging your head against a wall.

You'll be fine, you just need to wait it out.

01-03-19, 15:39
I know it sounds stupid that I banged my head against the wall....While I was on my local train coming home from a vacation, I left my backpack which had a lot of valuable things (ipad, nintendo switch, wallet) on the train because the half the doors on the train were broken and they were closing way too fast (my mom's leg got stuck in the door and a guy had to pry it open) There was no way for me to feasibly get it.

I put a ticket in for a lost item, and hopefully it'll turn up in the lost and found. I had to deactivate everything, change all my passwords, enable 2 factor authentication (even though I hate it) on a lot of things. If the bag was stolen before a conductor found it, then I'm going to have to permenantly deactivate my credit and debit cards.

01-03-19, 16:50
It's okay, nobody's judging you for that, I bet a lot of people here have done pointlessly self-destructive things at times of frustration (I know I have).

02-03-19, 14:56
No this will not lead to what happened to Natasha Richardson.

Besides, my understanding is she took Aspirin or Ibuprofen, which thinned her blood and caused the bleed.

Hence, anyone reading this if you ever injure your head severely, do NOT ​take a NSAID until you've been given the all clear.

02-03-19, 21:44
I had to jump in and post, because her death triggered my anxiety for a number of years after. Every time I'd bump my head, I'd be afraid that I was going to die the same way as her.

I've also done what you've done and I think most people have done something similar. A skiing accident is much different than bumping your head up against a wall (although you should probably not do that as it can give you a headache). I'm sure you're going to be fine. I'm sorry about your bag, hope you're able to get it back.

19-02-20, 15:10
This also triggered anxiety for me whilst snowboarding (I'm a novice and go VERY slowly, with helmet and fully ON piste). I found myself terrified each time I went!

You're okay :)

Not sure what happened with her.