View Full Version : Cramps in left groin

01-03-19, 17:37
I’ve been getting sharp spasms in my left groin on and off all day.
Trying to stay calm but feel really scared ..

01-03-19, 17:55
What is scaring you?

01-03-19, 19:09
Just not sure what's going on. May try to see gp next week.

01-03-19, 19:30
See how it goes. Pain can come and go for no reason.

12-03-19, 12:55
Stressing so much this week.
Have cramps in left groin, some constipation. Right hip still painful.
Scared and panicking. Have booked appointment to see gp but not until end of March.
Going to ask for ct scan but not sure they will agree.

12-03-19, 13:33
They won't do a CT scan unless it warrants it.

If you are in that much pain ask the doctor's for an emergency appointment.

12-03-19, 13:37
Just to let you know that I had that a couple of weeks ago, it just disappeared after about a week, I think it was trapped wind. :shrug:

12-03-19, 16:52
Thank you for your replies, I will try to get an earlier appointment.

14-03-19, 19:04
Sorry to keep posting
i feel like I’ve got trapped wind and cramps again in left side / groin.
Has anyone had this with ibs.
i have managed to get a slightly early drs appointment, now on the 26th.
Still worried it might be diviculitis ..

14-03-19, 20:28
Assuming this is your left side "as you look forward" and not your left side "as someone else looks at you" this is, imho, almost definitely constipation.
This would be coming from your lower bowel as poo backs up.

Can you get to Tesco, or your local pharmacy, for glycerin suppositories (4g, adult size)? Follow the instructions on the package and see if that helps you clear out.

You can also try Windeze tablets (simethicone/simeticone) for relief.

If the pain worsens, or you develop severe cramps that come in waves without the ability to pass wind, seek urgent (A&E) care. But I think that won't be necessary in your case.

Good luck

16-03-19, 12:33
Totally stressing out today - bad wind and cramps on left side.
Have gp appointment on 26th March.
Want to check I haven’t got divicular but do not want colonscopy. Hoping they will give me some sort of scan.
Hip is bad as well..

19-03-19, 19:41
Keep feeling that I need to do a poo, had this all day, so uncomfortable.
Went yesterday so know I’m not constipated.
Maybe ibs but so worried..

22-03-19, 14:28
Has anyone had really bad wind with ibs , it’s driving me mad and very uncomfortable

23-03-19, 09:54
Get some dates, they are known for clearing you out :blush:

20-04-19, 12:12
Still getting left sided cramps.
Going to gp on.Wednesday.
Scared it's divicular disease.
So stressed all the time

20-04-19, 19:29
Anyone had this. Very stressed.