View Full Version : Going through my worst ever episode - convinced I have a tumor

02-03-19, 10:25
This started with sudden lower back pain on my right side last May.
Was treated in A&E for a UTI but the pains continued. I had blood tests which just showed inflammation and an x-ray which was normal.
The pain continued into my hip, deep into my groin and also down the front of my thigh.
I had a transvaginal ultrasound which came back normal. Ultrasound of my kidneys and gallbladder came back normal.
Abdominal x-ray came back normal.

The pain continues every day. Sometimes it's so bad in my groin that it can reduce me to tears. It can be a pinching pain in my groin and hip but then also a stabbing pain! I'm now being investigated for endometriosis which my consultant gynecologist is fairly certain I have, he's one of the top experts in the country...but I saw him before the deep pains in my groin and hip started. And all my tests were before those pains started.

I've looked in the mirror and felt with my own hands and my right side is noticeably more swollen than the left, especially in my groin. I have lots of hard lumps all over my right side. In my groin, in my thigh and over my hip. It can also be extremely tender to touch. These symptoms aren't typical for endometriosis.

Which is why i've come to the conclusion I have a tumour or bone cancer.

This isn't like all my other episodes of health anxiety. This has caused me to give up my job. My agoraphobia has come back. I am crying all the time because i'm genuinely convinced this is it for me. Especially with the length and type of pain, and the fact that I can literally see the swelling.

I know because i'm 29, they haven't entertained the idea that this could be something more sinister but i've had to request an MRI from the gynae. I see him next on the 14th and then my scan will be sometime after that.

I don't know what to do. None of my coping mechanisms are working. It's completely taken over my life now and i'm just waiting to be told him dying.

I really have hit rock bottom. It's got to the point where I don't want to wake up anymore because I can't deal with the pains or feeling this bad anymore

02-03-19, 10:51
Andromeda, I think they would have picked up a tumour if there was one. Infections can be terribly painful and can cause swelling as you had a UTI.
Also if you have been prodded and poked in hospital, that can leave some after affects of discomfort and swelling.
It's so easy to think the worst, but while you wait for your appointments can you do some relaxing meditation, a soak in a warm bath, a gentle walk around the garden, find some stuff on the tv you can get stuck in to?
But don't Google! :hugs:

02-03-19, 15:06
Hi, Sorry if this is in the wrong place but my male friend had an ultrasound on Friday and this morning the drs receptionist called to book him in for a telephone consultation next week to talk about his results. He's now very worried. Surely they wouldn't tell him something bad over the phone or wait a week to tell him over the phone?