View Full Version : Aching Arms and Panic!

06-09-07, 10:22
Hi Everyone

Has anybody ever suffered with very achy arms, almost to the point that it is unbearable? Have had this on and off over a few months, not very often though.

Had all sorts of symptoms, Palpitations, Burning Skin, Pins and Needles/stabbing pains in feet, aching jaw, stomach ache, slight nausea. In April, saw a Specialist who thinks symptoms were mainly due to Hyperventilation. I had Blood Test, B12 and Folate, Chest X Ray, Calcium and Bone Profile, ESR and 24 hour urine sample. Everything was normal! However, this does not stop me worrying. Previously I had low folate, and was told I would be on it for life - however after nearly 4 years, I was feeling so bad, my level was tested and it was too high. I have had to come off the folate and most of my problems I think, are to do with being on 5Mg of folate every day for so long, when it maybe should have just been 5mg for 1 week, to prevent folate deficiency.

Lately, I have had more panicky feelings, i.e; overwhelming fear and having to rush out of a room etc. Of course, I have been reading on the Internet, and have convinced myself I have many horrible illnesses.

My Dr thinks it is Health Anxiety/Panic Disorder and has started me on Sertraline liquid (low dose) as I was on Citalopram for nearly one week, and was having very panicky feelings and side effects, waking in the night in a panic!

At the moment, my tongue is tingly - I have had this before and it did go. Is the aching arms, due to adrenaline or do you think I am just thinking about it too much and making them worse.

I have been reading all these posts, and this seems a really great website!



06-09-07, 13:38
Hey, i found my arms used to ache in the mornings, usually when my jaw ached as well....i figured since i was grinding my teeth i was probably tense all night and making my arm mucsles ache too. i woke up a couple of times with clentched fists so i guess its a good possibility.

07-09-07, 06:17
I had the achey arms thing too.
It'd just come on me for no reason - not only achey but feeling weak like I couldn't even lift em.
It'd stay for a while and then just disappeared.
They went away on their own after a few months so I'd say it's prolly just anx
Phill :shades:

07-09-07, 08:00

I'm currently trying to cope with the same symtoms as you (tongue tingles, arms and legs feel heavy and week, joints hurt and today my back has started.


12-09-07, 23:19

I'm currently trying to cope with the same symtoms as you (tongue tingles, arms and legs feel heavy and week, joints hurt and today my back has started.


Wow, I could have written this post myself!! The left side of my tongue has been sore for a few days, left arm has been aching, I feel weak and heavy, joints hurt and burn, and my back hurts. I just feel "blah" all over and just generally off-kilter!!! A touch of nausea as well, which is very rare for me. I'm getting scared, but figure it's my anxiety...

13-09-07, 10:20
Who would have thought that Anxiety can cause such a wide range of bizarre symptoms. Sometimes the aches in my arms are really bad - but it is mostly after a day of either carrying heavy shopping bags, or strenuous housework! My tongue is tingling at the moment. My Dr actually says that I am my own worst enemy, because I look at the Internet medical sites and frighten myself to death!

13-09-07, 16:23
My tongue is tingling, too, but it only does it on the left side. It almost feels as though I sort of have a sore on it, but nothing's there! It's creeping me out.

25-08-08, 12:34
sore tounge is very common, drives me nuts.....

25-08-08, 13:01
Sounds like its all anxiety related, i too have had simular syptoms for a few weeks, i know only to well just how worrying it is though. Have you tried doing a little light execise? Just to try and burn off some of the adrenaline a bit. I give it a go earlier today as i was feeling quite anxious, so i did some light weight execise and then had a nice warm bath afterwards and i feel fairly chilled atm. Maybe try using a can of beans if you have no weights available. It will also give you another distraction instead of just focusing on the bad feelings you have. Might be worth going in the chat room too on here, i did for the fist time last night and it put me at ease quite a bit and everyones so freindly too.

All the best


07-10-08, 22:45
Hi, this is my first time posting on here. Have had a problem with achy wrists first, feels like the growing pains we all suffered from as a child, but more painful! have had this problem for a couple of months now, but in the last couple of weeks it has started aching up my arms to my shoulders. The pain is so uncomfortable that i just dont know what to do with myself. Have trouble at times to reach up and touch my head. For the first time last night the pain woke me up and i couldn't get into a comfortable postition after that as my shoulder and upper arm really hurt, feels more like a bone ache then muscle! have been to doctor to have a blood test for arthritis but tests came back clear. Am 36 years of age and a housewife, but have done nothing different in my daily routine to of caused this pain. Has anybody else had anything simular to this, would be helpful to hear from you. Many thanks.

08-10-08, 11:49
This is my main symptom.
I hate it.
My arms feel weak heavy and hurt i get this every single morning it goes when i get up and keep myself busy and sometimes in the evening it just comes on in seconds. Its like when you get really bad flu and your body aches, well it's the same feelings but just in my arms. I'm sure its anxiety but it scares me too!
Going for blood tests tomorrow to check my iron levels as i get a lot of dizziness aswell - last time i was verging on anemic and had too take iron tablets - funny enough the iron tablets halfed my problem with my arms.
Have you have your iron checked?