View Full Version : Canker sore not going away

03-03-19, 11:52
I have a ulcer on my gums, it's almost been 2 weeks and it should show signs of it going away by now. Doesn't look like it got any smaller, I'm supposed to go back to the dentist if it doesn't go away. Medicated mouth wash doesn't seem to be helping..

I'm scared it's oral cancer, the ulcer itself doesn't even hurt. That worries me more because cancer a lot of the time has no pain. My jaw on that side has started hurting, though. Hope it isn't spreading...

03-03-19, 16:09
I've had many canker sores over the last few years. Canker sore is EXTREMELY painful and it has that characteristic appearance (google the pics). Mine always went away within 10 days or so.
From what you describe, it doesn't sound like a canker sore. But it doesn't have to be cancer either. It could be, for example, oral lichen planus. Or other numerous benign oral conditions. Did you see a dentist yet? If it is still there after 3 weeks, I suggest that you should. NOT to rule out cancer but rather see if this is something else that could be treated.

03-03-19, 21:55
Yeah, I saw my dentist. She said it was a canker sore and gave me the medicated mouthwash.

15-03-19, 11:52
sometimes an ulcer might not hurt unless it's rubbing against your teeth or in a spot where you hit it when eating. in my opinion they can take like 3 weeks to go away, because they keep getting irritated. if you put some salt on it, and it hurts, it is for sure a cankersore/ulcer.
i have had them for so long that hurt, that i finally let my dentist use the weird thing where he basically burns it off. hurts like HELL, but it works. ulcer gone the next day.

16-03-19, 14:08
I have one atm and they are a pain in the ass to go away. They hurt when you open your mouth they hurt when you chew they just hurt and sometimes they take a few weeks to go. Ive also had some that don’t hurt and I haven’t noticed until I’ve opened my mouth and seen them I’ve had my fair share and they’ve always taken a while to leave. Your dentist would know if something was up trust them and wait until it passes.