View Full Version : Scared by regurgitation feeling.

03-03-19, 13:33
Hi there, I really hope someone can offer some reassurance as i m having a wobble over my current new and very scary symptom. It is particularly worrying as I have severe emetophobia....fear of vomiting....so many of my worst symptoms seem to be around my stomach and throat causing concern that I may gag or vomit. I have had stomach problems nausea and acid reflux my whole adult life and take daily omeprazole which controls the acid burn quite well, however I get other weird symptoms tht come and go and some that stick. I have a gastro appt in april and this causes me much anxiety as I had an endoscopy done 7 yrs ago the less said about the better. For an emet the experience was deeply traumatising and has lost my trust in doctors, but I am so anxious around my stomach I know I need to get checked out. So far it has taken me two years to pluck up courage but I intend to keep the April appt although whethr I can get through the tests is another matter. So having had various problems i obsess over like burning throat and mouth, lump in the throat, watering mouth, nausea, burping, gagging feeling and so on, the latest new problem is a feeling of regurgitation in my throat. There is no burning but a feeling of liquid rising up and a kind of cold feeling to it. It doesn't come up into my mouth, it kind of subsides for a few mins then happens again. This is causing me extreme anxiety and I admit a little trip to google out of desperation. A quick visit to some terrifying diseases and I managed to stop this unhelpful behaviours and decided to ask if anyone here had experienced anything similar. Im hoping its maybe a kind of globus sensation, I feel like my throat and solar plexus is very tightly held and am trying to do breathing exercises but shortly after I find Im all held in like a clamp there again. It could be reflux but without the acid as im on meds but I have never experienced this before. Or maybe it is just another weird and wonderful terrifying anxiety symptom. Im struggling with the thought of having this feeling forever and my worst case scenario thinking pattern is coming back with a vengeance. Thanks you for taking the time to read.

03-03-19, 15:17

I know how you feel, I’m a fellow GERD sufferer and have posted a topic today on here. I notice I get bouts of burning throat and mouth, sometimes feel a mild burning in my nose too, like higher up my throat. I also get a sensation of liquid in the back of my throat ... feels like I could almost cough it up. If I eat it goes away then comes back in an hour or so. Notice at high stress points in my life.

What you’re describing sounds like extra-oesophageal reflux, or LPR.

The more you worry over it the more it usually lingers. The PPI meds take the sting out of it but doesn’t stop the actual reflxing from happening.

I’ve heard cutting diary and wheat can help and I got a good two weeks relief from doing this.

I’m trying to get an nasal endoscopy from an ENT referral to confirm the LPR/Silent reflux.

04-03-19, 12:05
Hi and thanks for commenting. Im sorry you are having to deal with this too. Do you think it might be an anxiety related thing, like maybe we are hypervigilant to things that other people wouldn't notice? It seems hen im tuned into it it just gets worse and worse. Is there anything that they can do for LPR? Because I am so afraid of the tests that I would rather not have them if they will just say there is nothing that can be done. All of the tests raise my vigilance and my anxiety terribly too so things just spiral out of control pretty quick. Have you had any tests done yet? I did have endoscoy once before. I am really scared they want to do the PH test and the manometry. I don't think I could tolerate that.