View Full Version : Lip/Chin buzzing tingly

03-03-19, 17:13
Hi everyone- I realize I am seeking re-assurance and I hope you are kind enough to help. It's sunday so I cant really talk to my doctor.
I have sat with this for two days and and Ive been using my therapy tools but really starting to feel low.

Yesterday I was on the phone when I felt like there was a hair or fuzz on my chin/lip area left side. I wiped it a few times before realizing nothing was there. When I opened my mouth to speak I would feel like a nickle size area that was a buzzing tingly sensation. I am familiar with these feelings on my legs, arms, and feet and have accepted them. However on my face is a different story. I am not concerned about a stroke or anything since it's been over 24 hours. The fact that I am having a hard time reasoning without catasphrophising is getting me into a panic. Got two little ones here and I see them and feel like crying b/c I don't know what my future holds and this facial sensation gives me feelings of impending doom.

Here are some other things-
I'm on the pill and on placebo week? Who knows if that can have a connection
Some upper neck and shoulder stiffness, but no more than usual
I had a similar sensation exactly a month ago on the opposite side and it left after an hour and never came back.
I take Klonapin and was a few hours later than normal taking it yesterday.

Can anyone related to this sensation and have evidence that it might not be a neuro-nasty?

Thanks so much for your time and help. :)

03-03-19, 20:10

This is definitely nothing to worry about or even give a second thought about. I've had this in all areas of my face - sometimes on the cheek, sometimes on the chin, sometimes along the jawline.

The only time you'd need to be worried is if the entire right or left side (or the majority) of it went tingly and numb. If that happened to you, you'd not be posting on here asking if it was normal - you'd know right away it wasn't.

But yes, this is 100% nothing to worry about.

​Good luck

03-03-19, 20:26
Oh goodness I wish I could believe that!!! Since I posted I came across “Numb Chin Syndrome” and I had a full blown panic attack. I’m scared sick.

04-03-19, 13:16
Please stop worrying about this! I can't emphasise enough that there is nothing wrong here!

04-03-19, 15:20
Please stop worrying about this! I can't emphasise enough that there is nothing wrong here!
I am sending you a PM.

04-03-19, 21:37
After 24 hours of total panic over my tingly/ buzzing / numb feeling under my left lip and chin, It came into my memory that on Friday morning my toddler sons bumped into my face. I can only assure it may have been my chin. He was laying down and got up to give me a hug when he head hit me. I remember saying Ow Ow and then checking his head and since both of us were fine I put in out of my thoughts . Could this be the reason my left chin and upper lip have been buzzing and tingly since Saturday? I’m so freaked out by this as it’s not moving around like my usual tingles do. This is just in the same spot for 3 days now. No bruise, nothing. Would it be a far stretch to conclude it was from the head bump? I was so badly to believe so as the alternatives are quite frightening. But I also don’t want to assume it was the head bump and miss something major.

04-03-19, 22:36

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

05-03-19, 12:02
I’ve been pretty high anxiety due to my chin tingling these past few days - last night as I was walking down the stairs my left leg knee down to foot started to feel a really fuzzy full sensation. I tried to ignore and went on with what I was doing but it persisted. Now it’s present again this morning. My mind is going to dark places and I feel like I may be missing a sign that this is serious. Yet I don’t want to know. I’m thinking MS, BT or ALS. Everyone around me will just say this is anxiety. Which I want to accept but my leg is literally feeling fuzzy and heavy like I won’t be able to walk on it but yet I can. Please help.

05-03-19, 13:39

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

05-03-19, 13:56
I’m in therapy 2x a week that has me going broke .
I also am taking prescribed meds by my doctors along with a host of other things.

Does your therapist know you’re posting on an anxiety forum for reassurance?

Positive thoughts

07-03-19, 22:14
Update- still tingly and buzzing usually when I talk/ eat. No better.
Going to therapy tomorrow.
Have daily panic attacks and can barley function.
NOT googling but desperately wanting to seek evidence for NOT having Numb Chin Syndrom.
Contacted doctor who said does not seem worrisome at the time. Possibly irritated nerve.

10-03-19, 18:33
So here is my update

hit rock bottom last week. Could not function. Wanted to cry and sleep. No make up and barley took care of myself.

Met with therapist for CBT which was helpful but my symptoms were also slightly decreased ; Spoken with psychiatrist who said up klonapin for panic. Mentioned possible intensive outpatient until I can get this under control. Have people / family praying for me.

Friday my symptoms lessons but didn’t want to get my hopes up. Saturday gone. GONE. I laughed and enjoyed an family and friend putting and felt PEACE rush over me. I felt God answered my prayers.

This morning I wake up and the buzzing sensation is back. The rug was pulled out from under me . Tears of frustration sadness and WHY!!!

Things I wonder-

does the fact that it went away for 24 -36 hours boad well that it’s not Numb Chin Syndrom ?

Dows anyone else feel like cobweb sensation in same spot?

If you are the praying type please say a prayer because I feel in total darkness when panic creeps up like this.

10-03-19, 18:50

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.