View Full Version : Worried about lymphoma

04-03-19, 07:33
Hi all,

So recently my anxiety has been very bad with having a lot of stress going on... I currently have my nan in hospital with pulmonary embolism and a mass showed up on her CT scan under her arm. She has now been diagnosed with cancer unfortunately.

The last few days I have had what feels like armpit strain, its ever so sore and painful to move my arm. Even keeping it still it hurts. I noticed in the shower later night I have a lump, I'm unsure if it is even a lump or I'm overreacting cause of what my nan has been diagnosed with. It definitely feels like a lump, but then the more I press it just feels like a muscle.

I am 18, so fairly young... I have had a long battle with anxiety for many many years and finally feel like I've hit a point I'm happy with it's been a long fight but I'm worried now my nans I'll and now I've found a lump I'm going to go backwards.

Thank you for reading

04-03-19, 07:42
Hi all,

No idea why my last posted deleted, maybe I selected the wrong button when I tried to edit it?

So I have battled anxiety for a long time now, I have gotten better over the past year or so and finally feel able to do things now.
These past few days my anxiety has been bad due to my nan going into hospital with pulmonary embolism to then a mass showing up on her CT scan under her arm and now has been diagnosed with cancer. :(

The past fees days I have had what feels like a strain under my arm, its sore and painful it hurts to move .
I checked last night in the shower and I could feel a tiny lump. When I tried to edit my last threats I had a look in the mirror a minute ago and it's red and I can feel the lump where the red patch is... I'm just wondering if it's where I shaved?
I'm worried I have lymphoma but I can't get to a doctor till Wednesday.

I know this is probably my brain playing tricks on me

Thanks for reading

04-03-19, 07:49
Even if it is lymphoma (spoiler, it isn't) waiting another couple of days won't hurt.

That said, with the horrible time you've had lately it wouldn't be surprising if your mind was playing tricks on you, especially with what's been happening with your nan.

There's any number of innocent things this could be, but it's not a bad idea to check in with your doctor, if only to let them know you're having some problems with your anxiety and see if they can help at all. Hope you feel better soon - please keep us posted?

04-03-19, 08:00
Thank you for your reply.
Google definitely doesn't help and I don't know what I ever did it. I'm only 18 so fairly young, a lot had gone on recently.

04-03-19, 08:04
Seriously, have a chat to your GP when you get the chance. I honestly don't think there's anything to worry about, but what you need to focus on right now is starting to feel better, whatever the cause is.

I'll be thinking of you.

05-03-19, 19:50
A small, painful red bump isn't lymphoma that much I can assure you. Lymphoma lymph nodes are huge and painless, so much so that they in many cases can grow to the size of golf balls before anyone notices them. They also aren't known to change the color of your skin (i.e. red bumps)

Yours sounds like an infected hair or something.

05-03-19, 19:54
You deleted your original post so I have merged them now after re-opening it