View Full Version : Shaking/Vibrating/Jittering/Whole body moving with heartbeat

04-03-19, 15:34
Hello there, I have read these forums many times but this is the first time I have posted and I'm a bit nervous so please excuse me if I ramble.

I have been diagnosed with health anxiety aswell as social and general anxiety for around 20 years now. I'm 41.

Recently (just before Christmas) I started with physical symptoms which my GP is telling me is anxiety however I am having a hard time believing her.

My entire body vibrates all the time. If I gently hold my top and bottom front teeth together I can feel the vibration through them (really freaks me out) My hands are shaking constantly all day every day (noticeable to the eye) and now and again my legs feel weak and shaky. My entire body moves with my heartbeat. I feel generally rubbish, tired and irritable.

I have had more blood tests than I can remember over the past couple of months (all fine) and my GP did a "neurological assessment" - lots of funny walks and finger moving etc. She said she isn't worried about any neurological factors and feels the problem is anxiety.

I think the problem is I have had anxiety in one form or another for a long time and it has never presented like this. I was anxious before Christmas and the only thing different was, in a determined bid not to ruin my kids Christmas I worked hard to surpress it. I had a period of quite strange depersonalisation (hope that's the right word) straight after Christmas where I felt nothing, completely (emotionally) numb. This has returned to normal somewhat but I wouldn't say totally.

Basically I just feel really scared of these physical symptoms, they are new and I'm just having a hard time believing anxiety could cause all this shaking and jittering and vibrating and palpating 24/7 for months even at times when I haven't felt anxious!

Hoping someone can offer advice, opinion or reassurance. I don't really like to talk to my family about it as they are a bit like - oh she's off again so which makes me feel stupid.

Thank you for reading and thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply.

Shelley x

04-03-19, 17:09
Nobody should ever make you feel stupid for how you feel. If you have had the all clear from the GP then it does sound like anxiety. All the symptoms you are mentionng, I have had over the years. I am currently going through a sever patch at the moment and this has brought some shaking int he hands, feeling sickly, heart racing and socially not wanting to face people as I feel so on edge. Its a horrible thing anxiety.

Are you on any medication or having some counselling? Did your anxiety stem from an event do you think or just part of your make up being prone to it?

04-03-19, 20:06
Thank you for taking the time to answer. Do you mean what started my anxiety originally or this time? Originally I think it goes way back to my childhood but I won't bore you with that. This time I started when my friends mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

I'm not on any meds currently and I'm on the waiting list for counselling. I just feel like the doctors are missing something and that it's easier to put everything down to anxiety because I have a history of it

04-03-19, 21:58

I know exactly what your going through - I have been going through the exact same thing since January it’s horrible !!

I have had quite a few anxious stressful months since Christmas and I think this has brought it on - I was getting myself into such a state about it I wasn’t sleeping at al

I’ve learned to live with it for the moment - it definitely gets worse at night or when I’m tired/anxious

I have one or two weekends where it subsided but now it’s back with a vengeance

I’ve googled everything online and to be honest anxiety seems to be the only answer - it seems to be harmless but extremely common in anxiety sufferers

Hope you are feeling better

04-03-19, 22:13
Hi, oh I'm sorry you're having to go through the same thing. Although you want reassurance that you're not the only one it's awful to think others are suffering too. Thank you for the words of advice. You're definitely right about trying to live in the moment a bit more and not second guess it, I've consciously done that a bit this evening and have felt a tiny bit more like *me* than I have for a while. I'm fizzing a bit now I'm getting tired though.

04-03-19, 22:24
Hi owl seeker I know - at the start it seemed like i was the only one but if you search this forum it’s quite common and the good news is that most people’s symptoms resided :)

I definitely think it’s our nervous system being over exhausted with stress and it’s caused this reaction .

On another note have you had any vitamin testing done ? I went and got mine done a month ago and it turns out I was severely low on vit d. Gp told me that this could be causing all my symptoms I read online about a woman who’s internal tremors stopped once her levels got back to normal so im hoping for the best

Low vit d does terrible things for anxiety as well so worth getting it checked out :)

I’m currently going through a terrible fear of health anxiety it’s came out the blue but all started with these vibrations !

04-03-19, 22:34
Yes have had vit tests and am a little low on iron but nothing else. Have been taking prescribed iron for a few weeks and do have more energy but it hasn't had an effect on the buzzing, fizzing, wobbling and shaking unfortunately,!

09-03-19, 13:06
I’m still suffering with those internal vibrations! Going on 3 months now - I haven’t slept properly since they started - anyone had any success or answers for this ??

11-03-19, 15:37
Hi there

I have posted previously about body vibrations/moving etc.

Well I have seen my GP again (now third time for follow up) and again she has said that she thinks my symptoms are due to stress/anxiety. This is despite me saying that other than about the physical symptoms I am feeling I don't feel massively stressed or anxious.

I have noticed that when I am sat down or resting I might feel ok but if I get up and walk around, even nipping to the loo at work when I sit down again my body is juddering and moving - actually sometimes it feels like I'm doing a shoulder shimmy!! I can't find this type of symptom on any other post reguarding symptoms of anxiety so wondered what others thought?

Also what are thoughts on quite severe physical symptoms when not really feeling anxious? I have suffered for years with anxious thoughts and have previously gone to the GP for medication however this time I feel like I'm trying to convince myself that I'm anxious. The only explanation I can come up with is that I'm surpressing??

I really would value thoughts on the shimmering sensation and the physical symptoms without emotional ones.

Just as a note Ive had extensive bloods Inc vitamins and thyroid etc etc and two neurological exams by two different GPs who say completely normal.

Thanks so much in advance


11-03-19, 16:10

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


11-03-19, 23:26
Hi Owl seeker I’ve also been experiencing these symptoms for 3 months now it’s awful I feel your pain

13-03-19, 15:14
We seem to be in the minority Murphy93! Do you feel like your body is moving all the time. Today my biggest symptom is moving with my heartbeat....at least that's what it feels like. How are you doing? Do you ever get the feeling that you are physically unstable (not mentally!! Lol) yesterday I felt like I was flailing around in a really unstable way

13-03-19, 19:45
Hi Owl seeker

Lol I totally know what you mean I am starting to feel like I am losing it to be honest! No one seems to have any answers as to what’s going on that’s what worries me

I’m just hoping one day we will wake up and the shakes will be gone! I can’t even face going back to my doctor about it as I feel like I am hassling her all the time . No idea where to go from here

I hope you are doing good

16-05-19, 09:41
I started to experience this around 6 weeks ago, Mainly internal vibrations though you can't really tell looking at me from the outside

It started off in my head & leg, then my foot started to vibrate and now my lungs and heart area seem to be vibrating

It's so scary and the doctor puts it down to anxiety but I had a bad reaction to citalopram and I put it down to that