View Full Version : Constant lightheaded feeling that gets worse when thinking about it

04-03-19, 20:00
Hey all,

I'm having an issue that I'm pretty certain is 100% due to anxiety. For the past few days I've had a constant lightheaded feeling that gets stronger the more I think about it. When I'm distracted, for instance while playing a game with friends, it goes away completely. However, when I check to see if I'm feeling lightheaded it's always there in the background, and it gets stronger the longer I think about it...

I've looked into all the physical reasons I could be lightheaded, but there's no reason I've found for me to be feeling this way. My heart rate is constantly between 60 and 70pbm, my SpO2 is constantly between 97 and 100%, my breathing rate is about 12 breaths per minute, and my blood pressure is normal! I've also made an effort to eat more recently to rule out blood sugar issues, and through it all I'm still experiencing this...

I think that it's all psychological, and once I stop worrying about it it'll go away, but I can't stop worrying about it. Any advice is appreciated!

04-03-19, 21:56
People with pathological dizziness e.g. caused by vertigo, brain tumour whatever, know it. They don't have to "check" if they're still feeling dizzy.

This is 100% your anxiety here.

All your vitals are well within normal limits.

Good luck

05-03-19, 01:48
Does it feel like you're swaying on a boat when you walk?

Keeping hope
16-03-19, 19:56
Did you lightheadedness get better? I am having the same issue