View Full Version : Total short-term memory loss

05-03-19, 12:15
Hello everyone,

I am a fellow anxiety sufferer and I have a question to clarify my experience on Saturday.

I live with a dog (she is not mine) and when I came home in the evening there was just the two of us in the house. I had been very stressed because of something that happened with my mum just an hour ago, and it's been a difficult time for the last few months anyway. The dog, Cleo, has been following me up and down a few times, to my bedroom, and back to the kitchen, I fed her some cheeky sausages and then played with her. The last time we came up to my bedroom she sat down next to me as I was watching something on the computer. After a while she realised that I didn't have any more food and went around the bed, towards the door. My thought process at the time was: "She will want to go out, I will need to stand up and open the door for her" but I decided to wait until she scratched at the door. She didn't. There was total silence and I thought she just lied down next to the radiator. After a few minutes I stood up from the computer and decided to see what she was up to. I was totally shocked because she wasn't in the room. I looked under my curtains next to the window but she wasn't there. So I opened the bedroom door (it was closed) and there she was on the landing. I was really puzzled because I didn't remember opening the door for her at all and the door is very heavy with a spring mechanism, you can't leave it ajar. She is a very old dog and has difficulties walking, she would never be able to open this door.

I have a total memory loss of what happened. I must have got up from my chair, let her out, come back to the computer and then after a few minutes start looking for her. It's not a habitual activity for me, it was the first time she spent any time in my bedroom, I have only lived in this house for 3 weeks. Or we might have gone down together and then I came up on my own, sat down at the computer and then started looking for her. But my last conscious memory is of her sitting behind my chair and then moving away to the other side of the room. So I either blanked out opening the door for her and letting her out, or I blanked out going downstairs and coming back on my own.

Either way it is really disturbing and scary. Normally when I do strange things, or forget something I can then re-remember doing it. This is a total blank. Nothing. What else has happened that I am not consciously aware of?

Could this be caused by anxiety? I have not slept properly since, thinking I am probably developing dementia at 43. I have recently worked with a lady with Alzheimer's and it scares me a lot. I can feel myself spiralling down into health anxiety obsession. But this one, I can't really talk myself out of because the symptom is gone, and I might not be aware when it happens again. It's really, really scary.

05-03-19, 22:45
This is quite a strange one, but is it possible you've maybe been on your phone (or otherwise distracted) and let her out in the process?

Do you take any medications - that includes OTC, herbal etc?

05-03-19, 23:07
My wife has permanent cognitive deficits from a rare form of encephalitis she suffered two years ago. Part of the damage is short term memory loss. For example, she'll literally say she's going into the kitchen to get something and walk out empty handed etc. etc.

What you describe is a one-off incident most likely caused by being distracted. If people start commenting on how forgetful you are or you wake up on a park bench naked and didn't drink, then I would get checked out.

Positive thoughts

05-03-19, 23:17
you wake up on a park bench naked and didn't drink, then I would get checked

Phew.....I was beginning to get worried about my Sunday morning

05-03-19, 23:29
Phew.....I was beginning to get worried about my Sunday morning

Many years ago during my touring days, we were playing a venue at one of the beach resorts in Dover, Delaware. After the last show on Saturday night, we went back to our rooms and proceeded to get stupid on bourbon and other things....yeah... :whistles:

I truly don't recall any of the evening after that. I awoke extremely hung over, proceeded to get some coffee and was standing outside leaning on the balcony railing outside the room on the second floor. These two very attractive ladies drove up, got out of their car and started walking toward the door. They saw me and said... "Hi! Remember us from last night? You were so much fun!"

Long story short... There was a wedding going on that night. I do remember some of the wedding party dancing at our show. Apparently, after consuming copious amounts of party materials, I decided to crash/join the party and continued my night of reverie which included hanging with these ladies!

Yep..... :shades:

Positive thoughts

05-03-19, 23:37
:roflmao: Love that story @Fishmanpa

Not too dissimilar to how some of my nights go - usually it's a "remember you said/did this?" the next day. And, naturally, "The Fear" that comes with it :roflmao:

06-03-19, 08:22
This is quite a strange one, but is it possible you've maybe been on your phone (or otherwise distracted) and let her out in the process?

Do you take any medications - that includes OTC, herbal etc?

No, I wasn't on the phone, I was a bit distracted with watching something on my laptop. I don't take any medication. It is very strange and I am not sure how to let it go.

06-03-19, 08:25
My wife has permanent cognitive deficits from a rare form of encephalitis she suffered two years ago. Part of the damage is short term memory loss. For example, she'll literally say she's going into the kitchen to get something and walk out empty handed etc. etc.

What you describe is a one-off incident most likely caused by being distracted. If people start commenting on how forgetful you are or you wake up on a park bench naked and didn't drink, then I would get checked out.

Positive thoughts

I have never had anything like that happen. I am now constantly testing myself and seem to remember everything long-term and short-term. Short of thinking the dog teleported herself through the door I can't understand what happened. I might go to my doctor anyway. Thanks!

06-03-19, 11:43
Tbh, as someone who has feared brain tumours, when things like short term memory loss which is pathological occurs, it doesn't stop once its started.

This happened on Saturday, right? It's now Wednesday. Similar things to what you describe would have happened at least several times by now.

By all means, run it past your doctor for reassurance, but I honestly think you've been distracted and let the dog out - or the dog was never in the room to begin with. E.g. you've gone downstairs with it, but it hasn't come back up and the thought of "I must let it out soon" has just been stuck in your head.

Something similar-ish happened to me this morning. I was playing Lana Del Rey and suddenly realised "National Anthem" was playing again - my favourite song. I don't remember skipping back to this song, but I must have done, because the playlist was already on past it!

Good luck

06-03-19, 13:25
I think you might be right RadioGaGa, I am extremely distracted at the moment. I think the dog didn't come up with me, and I convinced myself she was still there because I was thinking about something else. I will watch this space and if nothing happens for the next month I will file it in the "glitches in the matrix" file.

07-03-19, 17:44
OK happened to me this afternoon

Was talking with colleagues, when another colleague walked in (we'll call him Jimmy) and I nodded at Jimmy. I thought at the time I wanted to speak to him about something and thought I'll catch him on his way out

About 10mins later I said to my colleagues 'is Jimmy still down here?' and they said 'uh Andrew, he walked past 2 minutes ago?'

I had no recollection of this. So yeah. Go figure haha

07-03-19, 21:53
It didn't feel quite like that though to me. I also do a lot of things on automatic, and if it was one of those automatic activities I wouldn't pay attention. Most of them I re-remember doing or they are so small that I "forgive" myself for not remembering (e.g. I wasn't sure if I took my oils from the bathroom back to my bedroom, I checked, I did, I don't remember the moment of picking them up because I was also taking a book and a towel and my clothes so I just took them automatically with the rest of the stuff. I can live with that.

On Saturday I feel like a whole few minute activity happened (either going downstairs and coming back; or getting up and letting the dog out) that I just missed. Imagine going to a park and deciding to go into the lake with your shoes and 5 minutes later wondering why your shoes and feet are wet and not remembering any of it.

I'm trying to just chill out about the whole thing, it's been 6 days and no other weird lapses. I have to say though it's one of the meanest health anxiety symptoms, it makes me not trust myself.