View Full Version : Anyone any idea how to get over als dragon ?

04-06-14, 11:37
Hello everyone , I have been reading this forum for some time now and plucked up the courage to post on my own .

I can see a lot of lymphoma fears on the site and I'm one of them .

It's been a little over a year now since I discovered a small lymph node in my groin . It's still there and now I can feel them behind my knees in the armpits and neck . On google It does refer to lymphoma lumps as large but I am still panicking .

I also have been itchy every couple of nights and sweat at night sometimes .

Now I expressed my fears to my gp who said everything was fine but I'm not convinced . He took some bloods and sent me on my way and when I phoned back last month the receptionist rudely said it's fine and that was that .

I'm at a loss and in a state of confusion. I feel pretty normal . Any lymphoma experts able to comfort me ?

Thank you in advance


04-06-14, 14:11
All doctors receptionists are rude. I am so sick of them.

If the doctor has looked at you, and you told him what other symptoms you had (perhaps none?) then you do not need to do anything else. The alteration in node size is not a sole indicator of a disease. They are glands which fight infections and can come and go all the time.

If someone went to a doctor with other symptoms to talk about, the doctor might quickly see if the nodes were swollen, just to act as a confirmation of infection. The doctor wouldn't be basing his sole decision purely on the size of the glands.

You say "I discovered a small lymph node in my groin" which doesn't surprise me. This is proof that you are human, as we all have them. I can feel mine right now, in my knees too, and neck, and I am currently fit and well. If you squeezed yourself in other places you'd find more lumps, because our bodies are full of them. But please don't. You will not discover a disease any earlier this way. You will make yourself more miserable.

04-06-14, 15:13
Hi Murphy,

Im not an expert on Lymphoma, however my Dad suffered with it a few years back. We both had tonsilitis (something I suffer regularly with) we both went to the Drs at the same time and as usual mine cleared up after my penicillin. My Dads however didnt.

He went back for further blood tests and on the same day he was called back to the Drs and admitted straight into hospital and didnt come out for 4 months.

If the Drs are telling you everything is fine with your blood tests I wouldnt worry as they were so quick to get my Dad into hospital and begin his treatment and picked it up pretty much straight away.

I sometimes get a painful gland in my neck when Im really run down - it can last a day, or a week. Ive been for blood tests when Ive had this and they have come back normal. Theyve just said that glands swell and sometimes become painful when theyre fighting off infection.

I hope this helps, but I dont think a Dr would tell you everything was ok with your blood tests if there wasnt. Especially with something as serious as Lymphoma.

Also with regards to the sweatting at night, I get that also. When I went for counselling I brought this up and he said that anxiety is always worse on a night, when youre in the dark you feel more vunerable, theres nothing occupying your mind so you start to over think and therefore your senses become heightened. So the sweatting could just be a symptom of anxiety?

Dont let it get you down bud

04-06-14, 17:00
Cheers guys this has really helped me today .

Chuffed with the fact that others can feel nodes too and it's just a normal part of the anatomy .

Also Jono spot on about the night sweats I do find myself having negative thoughts and more symptoms if you like when I'm heading to sleep

Sorry to hear about your father I hope he is ok now .

I guess my bloods would have flagged up as they have had a year to do so if it were a sinister issue .
Glad the decision to post on the forum was the right one

03-01-19, 21:24
Hi All

hope you are doing well and happy new year !

I have not been on this forum for quite some time now ( around 6 years ) but my health anxiety is back and worse than ever- I really thought I had a grip of it

I have now convinced myself that I have early symptoms of MS and I am just looking for some support

I’m 28 and at the start of October was experiencing numbness and tingling in my hands and feet - I went to hospital who done some checks and bloods and told me I was fine - that has subsided now but my recent symptoms are leg cramps and some trembling ( left hand ) and internal vibration feeling

I know my anxiety is out of control at the moment and logical me should put these symptoms to bed but I have spent the last hour googling convinced this is my fate! I am so miserable over this

Any advice would be so appreciated

Thank you in advance

03-01-19, 21:34
Hi there, what you're describing could just be from stress and anxiety. The former tingling and numbness could have been from a pinched nerve.

I don't know whether you're male or female but have you got any other autoimmune conditions going on?

03-01-19, 21:37
Hi Wise Monkey

I am a female , no other conditions apart from hypertension which I am being treated and monitored for

03-01-19, 21:49
Hi Wise Monkey

I am a female , no other conditions apart from hypertension which I am being treated and monitored for

Could your symptoms be related to the hypertension meds? Just a thought.

03-01-19, 22:04
WiseMonkey has a good point. Betablockers and other BP meds can cause problems with circulation, resulting in tingling, numbness and sometimes cramps.

Doesn't sound at all suspicious and I would avoid Google scaremongering :lac:

03-01-19, 22:08
Thanks for the reply guys! That would probably explain the Symptoms of course my anxious brain is steering me in the opposite direction

Guess I just need to manage these panic attack’s better

06-01-19, 16:57
Hi all me again

I’ve literally ruined my whole weekend worrying about MS convinced I have it!

Back in October I went to hospital with numbness and tingling in my arms and legs- they took some bloods etc but said I was fine

It had came out of no where and lasted for ten days now I’m wondering was this a flare up ?

The current symptom just now is internal tremor and it’s horroble :( has anyone ever jacket this ? It’s keeping me from sleeping and when I do wake up my body feels like it’s vibrating

Is this something to do with anxiety ? I can’t seem to control it!

Can’t believe I’m starting the new year like this any thoughts would be appreciated x

07-01-19, 19:07
Has anyone had any experience of internal tremors ?

I am struggling big time over the past few days I’m trembling inside and struggling to sleep with it

It’s just came on all of a sudden I have been experiencing bad anxiety recently but can’t help thinking it’s something terrible like Ms :(

Has anyone had any experience of internal shaking?

If so how did you mange it and did it go away in time ?

Many thanks all. X

07-01-19, 19:11
I am currently having this right now too!!!! It's been causing me crazy anxiety too! Until I spoke with a sweet girl on here through messaging last night. It helps so much to know I'm not the only one having this happen.

Anxiety, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, magnesium deficiency, zinc deficiency, and lots of other things can cause this!

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07-01-19, 22:58
Thank you so much for responding ! It’s so comforting to know I’m not alone :) I honestly feel like sometimes I’m imagining things

I have been going through a tough time anxiety wise recently so logical me should really put it to bed it’s a really unpleasant symptom I just hope it passes soon

Trying to stay away from the docs as much as possible

I find it at its worst when I’m still of trying to sleep maybe because my mind is focusing on it ?

Hope you are feeling better soon x

07-01-19, 23:06
Mine is the worst when I am still. Especially at night! Nights are the worst...then I'll lay there and obsess. I've been having twitches in my back that feel like a kicking baby, thighs that flutter twitch, eyelids, throat, abs, calves and that was all just last night. I slept 2 hours and gave up. Every twitch was a surge of fear and adrenaline.

My best guess is anxiety. But the dark, quiet, middle of the night makes me fear much worse.

You're definitely not alone. As much as it sucks to have this garbage happen, take solace in knowing others are twitching right alone with you. [emoji4]

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07-01-19, 23:20
Yep totally with you!! I’m living on 2 hours a night just wide awake feeling every tremor and monitoring it ! Gosh I hope it passes soon for both of us! Oh the joys of anxiety !

07-01-19, 23:38
Me too. I feel like I have water running down my legs, but inside. I get the baby kicking feeling in the back, vibrating soles of my feet and vibrating like there is mobile phone vibrating inside me. Even in my head and face.

07-01-19, 23:44
Man!! Anxiety needs to get some new material already!! Her stuff is old!! [emoji6][emoji6][emoji1787]

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08-01-19, 07:13
These are the worst. I honestly don't worry about them much but I do get them. I notice them most not before I gi ti sleep, but if I wake up just after falling asleep. Sometimes my whole body will be filled with them, even my lips. They go away though, and it's been going on for a couple of years. I chalked it up to anxiety.

08-01-19, 07:51
I get them in my cheek sometimes, and I always kind of worry that they're a stroke or something; it takes a real effort to remind myself they're most likely harmless.

08-01-19, 08:08
They are awful ! Really one of the most unpleasant anxiety symptoms i think I’ve just woke up this morning and it was like an earthquake in my room my whole body was shaking including my checks it calmed down after 30 seconds

I honestly wish this would go away soon it’s so unnerving and I’m finding it difficul to concentrate at my job like this

08-01-19, 09:21
Mine is the worst when I am still. Especially at night! Nights are the worst...then I'll lay there and obsess. I've been having twitches in my back that feel like a kicking baby, thighs that flutter twitch, eyelids, throat, abs, calves and that was all just last night. I slept 2 hours and gave up. Every twitch was a surge of fear and adrenaline.

My best guess is anxiety. But the dark, quiet, middle of the night makes me fear much worse.

You're definitely not alone. As much as it sucks to have this garbage happen, take solace in knowing others are twitching right alone with you. [emoji4]

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I've also had this and still get it from time to time. I had extreme anxiety before I was diagnosed with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). I was relieved to get this diagnosis after not knowing what was wrong with me, the internal tremors can be part of this. That was 25 years ago.

08-01-19, 17:34
Thanks so much guys for your thoughts I’m sorry your all going through this- it’s nice to know we can talk to each other and are not alone in this!

I’ve been relatively okay today but now that I’m still the trembling is back it’s awful! Feel like I’m constantly vibrating twitching

Trying to remain calm and not stress over this it definitely makes it worse

08-01-19, 18:15
I’ve had this for about a week. Feels like every last nerve is on edge in my legs and arms and lower back. Buzzing, vibrating, shaking. My legs are really hurting to walk today too, like the feeling you get when you’ve done some hard workout the feeling you get the next day, but I’ve not done anything to stress them.

08-01-19, 20:44
Hi Dodo

I feel your pain I honestly feel like my whole insides are shaking - can’t help shake the feeling that it must be something serious

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:11 ----------

I’ve just read online that blood pressure medications can cause tremors I am on ramirpil for my hypertension I wonder if this is connected?

Anyone else on high blood meds ?

08-01-19, 21:03
Yes, sometimes I get that when I’ve had periods of anxiety. Often I find drinking a glass of water, maybe some chamomile tea and something to eat often helps.

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08-01-19, 23:14
I had a period of really bad anxiety just before Christmas I wonder if it has stemmed from that . Thanks for the tip about chamomile tea I may try it

I’m going to give it a few days then go to the doctors really worried that’s it’s MS or essential tremor :(

09-01-19, 11:18
My tremors are worse than ever literally feels like someone is kicking my back from the inside anyone had anything like this ?

09-01-19, 15:14
Hi Dodo

I feel your pain I honestly feel like my whole insides are shaking - can’t help shake the feeling that it must be something serious

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:11 ----------

I’ve just read online that blood pressure medications can cause tremors I am on ramirpil for my hypertension I wonder if this is connected?

Anyone else on high blood meds ?

That's interesting. I am on metoprolol a beta blocker, and. Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker.

10-01-19, 23:28
Hi all just seeing if anyone is awake

I’m lying in bed cannot sleep at all with these internal tremors I had a relatively tremor free day today and now that I’m laying in bed they are worse than ever

Also having tingling in my hands and feet

Going to see a doctor tomorrow

15-01-19, 21:01
Anyone had experience of internal tremors ?

I’ve had them for 10 days now and it’s driving me mad!

I know this a common symptom of anxiety just wanted to know if anyone had any success at getting rid of them ?:weep:

15-01-19, 23:45
I’ve just started a new thread with the same symptom.

I’ve had them two nights now and it’s driving me nuts. Your post has made me feel a little better. I hope yours ease soon.

16-01-19, 01:27
Yes I had these for a long time. I just recognised it was anxiety and gave it no extra fear to feed off. It eventually left and now I can't remember the last time it happened.

16-01-19, 08:14
I'm having this right now too. Buzzing, Twitching, Pins and Needles ALL over in different random spots. Both eyes, both legs/feet, thumbs, back, hands, pinkies, tongue/back of throat and then one sided instead of both, then back to both sides. It's been weeks now. Going on a month soon.

Anxiety SUCKS!!

16-01-19, 08:16
Thanks for all the comments everyone! I’m hoping it leaves soon as It’s literally keeping me Awake all night they definitely get worse when my anxiety is at a high or I’m tired!

Anxiety does suck! X

16-01-19, 08:37
Yes! I get it in upper abdomen/lower chest and it’s the most unpleasant feeling. Feels like my insides are doing somersaults and quivering. I notice it more when I’m resting and definetly when I’m more anxious, although sometimes I don’t know what I’m actually anxious about!

16-01-19, 18:19
Yeah, when I'm really bad I can get this. It does disappear gradually. I think a couple of weeks or so.

18-01-19, 00:30
Thought I was doing well had a good day today not tremors at all and now that I’m home and In bed my whole body is shaking! Terrified I have Parkinson’s At 28 :(

18-01-19, 01:26
Yes, completely normal. It is probably the most common anxiety symptom, actually. I have been a nervous wreck for the past 3 weeks and I have had severe shakes for probably the majority of that time. Mine are so bad, that I cant even hold a knife securely. Like, my hand shakes that bad. It is all a part of anxiety, and as soon as you realize that, it will slowly fade away.

18-01-19, 02:32
Hi Meriland 30 thanks so much for replying I’m the same as you going on 3 weeks of constant vibrations it’s driving me nuts! I hope it fades quickly for us both as it’s taking over my life

18-01-19, 21:18
Hi had this last year on and off for about 4 month. I had buzzing in hands and feet. Internal shaking feeling mainly at night, where I felt like I was actually kinda vibrating but I wasnt, I even asked my husband if I was. Sometimes I physically started shivering like I was cold when I wasnt. it really scared me but I thought it might have been hormones after having baby and me getting anxious about the symptoms. I went to doc.and had blood tests and ecg and all was fine. I stopped worrying about it and it just disappeared. anyway last 5 weeks (I've just started another thread) I've been getting these weird sensations across my body like cold water dropping on me or cold pin pricks. its everyday and intermittent, some days worse than others. I'm so scared I have something serious wrong but hoping its anxiety. weird thing is I get it all the time whether relaxed or anxious.

20-01-19, 21:32
I know exactly how you feel - my tremors seem to have subsided this weekend with virtually none but now they have returned slightly tonight - I keep telling myself it’s got to be anxiety and my subconscious mind

I think when anxiety hits us so hard we seem to get symptoms even though we don’t feel anxious I feel that’s definitely happened with me

I hope you feel better soon

22-01-19, 22:23
Hi all

Hoping you can help me - I thought I was getting better but I’m right back to square one

For the past 3 weeks I have been twitching/tremor all over - I can’t get it to go away, it settled at the weekend there but now it’s back and worse than ever

Now both my hands and feet are feeling numb and tingling

Trying to stop my self going into a full blown panic attack regarding MS/ALS but I can’t help it !

I just wish there symptoms would go away

22-01-19, 22:38
Sounds like you are not breathing correctly which can cause this.

If you are shallow breathing it can cause numbness and tingling so try and sort the breathing out and see how it goes.

24-01-19, 22:00
Hi everybody

Just looking for a bit of comfort tonight,

My anxiety seems to be out of control at the moment and I am fixated on having some sort of neurological disease at the moment.

For the past month I have had internal tremors which have came out the blue and don’t seem to be going away - I have barely slept due to them and they seem to get worse when im trying to sleep

Doc has prescribed me beta blockers but they barley take the edge off

Now I have numbness in hands and feet and tingling my mind is just automatically thinking MS or something - im 28 years old and ruining my life with this.

I had this numbness back in October and actually went to a&e but after the basic neurology tests they said it was nothing

I feel like I’m going crazy is this really just all in my head and just another disease to tick off on my list of anxiety ?

Any comfort would be appreciated I live alone and I am feeling very broken

24-01-19, 22:23
You are never alone on here, there's always someone to offload to.
Internal tremors are very common with anxiety, I think there are other threads about them somewhere too. Also tingling and numbness are anxiety symptoms. I get it badly in my upper lip of all places. It's hyperventilating, and you can be doing it without even noticing. They mean nothing, although persuading yourself of the facts is very hard.
Please don't google symptoms, it will make you worse. You really don't have MS you have anxiety. Concentrate on getting help for that and you'll be on the right track. Take care.

24-01-19, 22:33
Thank you for the reply DarkSky it’s alwags nice to talk to people who understand how I am feeling.

I know you are right and deep down I know I am being irrational I just wish I could get a decent nights sleep . I feel like I have anxiety around this time of night due to my insomnia
If that makes any sense
Thanks for taking time to reply to me

24-01-19, 22:41
I think if they've carried out the necessary tests they feel are best then I would put it down to anxiety. It's easy to give advice and not take your own advice (i do that a lot) but I would imagine it's just your anxiety causing this. Has the numbness come on since you started taking the beta blockers? If so, could be side affects to that.

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

Thank you for the reply DarkSky it’s alwags nice to talk to people who understand how I am feeling.

I know you are right and deep down I know I am being irrational I just wish I could get a decent nights sleep . I feel like I have anxiety around this time of night due to my insomnia
If that makes any sense
Thanks for taking time to reply to me

I get how you feel about lack of sleep. I have been getting broken sleep for a couple weeks now and it's irritating. The lack of sleep could be causing issues for you.

Lack of sleep can definitely make things worse with the human body. I've had many issues lately, so I understand where you are coming from. Being health anxious all the time doesn't help the situation at all, believe me I know haha.

Thank god for the NHS otherwise my health anxiety would cost me a fortune most likely.

24-01-19, 23:04
I think if they've carried out the necessary tests they feel are best then I would put it down to anxiety. It's easy to give advice and not take your own advice (i do that a lot) but I would imagine it's just your anxiety causing this. Has the numbness come on since you started taking the beta blockers? If so, could be side affects to that.

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

I get how you feel about lack of sleep. I have been getting broken sleep for a couple weeks now and it's irritating. The lack of sleep could be causing issues for you.

Lack of sleep can definitely make things worse with the human body. I've had many issues lately, so I understand where you are coming from. Being health anxious all the time doesn't help the situation at all, believe me I know haha.

Thank god for the NHS otherwise my health anxiety would cost me a fortune most likely.

The tingling has came on once before in October where I got myself in a panic and went to hospital - they done the basics the neurology exams like finger to nose etc and I was fine , it seems to have come back again but I do think it’s anxiety

The lack of sleep is so debilitating isn’t it ! I hope we can both recover soon

24-01-19, 23:12
I can suffer with insomnia, it's never permanent. The trouble with anxiety is that we tend to think everything is permanent, lack of sleep, panic, random pains. But in reality everything has an end. So will your lack of sleep. The body will just give up and force you to sleep. You cannot override something that has been happening to all creatures since the beginning of time.

27-01-19, 11:58
Hi everyone

Back again! These MS worries are crippling me - I have spent most of the weekend googling and researching and getting myself in a panic

Currently I have tingling in my hands and feet and burning sensations

It’s now on my back with numbness

I’m still having some tremors but they have subsided a little

I had this numbness and tingling in October and now I’m worried that it’s came back 4 months later this is some sort of relapse from ms ? Is this possible

I’m in such a frenzy and don’t Know how to cope

27-01-19, 19:13
Step 1:. Don't google. Remove yourself from all sources of scary information that make you think about this more (i.e. symptom trackers, ask a doc apps, etc)

Until you get that down you won't be able to make much progress.

If you must google, search for anxiety related tingling, numbness, tremors, etc, and you'll find it's quite common. Look at similar threads on here (there are a lot) and notice the similarities in their thought patterns and yours.

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27-01-19, 23:32
Im fed up too, if that helps? Ofc it doesnt but ugh it does feel ****, I get it. Just know the low moments aren't forever.

30-01-19, 18:37
Hi all

I am utterly convinced i have Ms but just cant seem to get anywhere with my GP

This has been going on since Oct where i had numbing and tingling in my hands and feet, went to the hospital and they done the basic neuro tests like finger to nose etc reflexes everything was good

That went away, but from then on i have been having symptoms which describe MS

First one is i am having tremors, internal and external,

my numbness and tingling is back and this time it is on my face it is horrible!

I am feeling tired and weak particularly in my left side,

I feel like my anxiety is just so out of control but the more i read about MS the more i think yep thats me

I am now currently panicking as i just dont know what to do :weep:

I also have cold/numb parts all over my body, and was having some GERD when swallowing food

03-02-19, 21:10
Anyone else In the same boat as me ? I’m having such an awful time going to see my GP tomorrow but I just sense that I have MS

Just went for a bath there and now I’m having pain in my right arm quite severely another sign I think :( my left leg has been feeling numb and weak all day - I would give anything for this to end

04-02-19, 20:10
Hi all

So yep I’ve fell down the massive rabbit hole that is ALS and I just feel like giving up

I’ve spent nothing but the last 6 weeks worrying about symptoms - internal tremors random fascinations and some tingling

Still on board with the MS idea but for the past week I have noticed weakness in my right arm and hand it went away then came back last night it was quite painful wasn’t here all day and had now came on around 5pm

My nerves are shot to pieces I’m constantly balancing on one leg holding a pint of milk in my hands turning jars

I’m A 28 year old young girl I shouldn’t be living like this ! I was at the doctors today and have just been diagnosed with a vitamin d deficiency also

I’m feeling so lonely and down about this with no one to talk to

05-02-19, 00:06
I can't begin to tell you how many times I've done this in the last 10 months alone.

I'm a 25-year-old guy and, for the most part, I live a normal life. In April of 2018 I was under immense stress in all areas of my life. Eventually, the stress and anxiety got so bad that my body stopped working how it should. I would have twitches all over, shaking, sore/crampy muscles, wobbly legs, and many more.

As long as you have this fear, you'll continue to test your body to see if it is functioning how it should be. Some days it will and some days it won't. I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE FEELING AND YOU'RE NOT ALONE. I'll also tell you what you want to hear: you have the same chance of having ALS right now as I do. I'm always thinking I could be the one-in-a-million case, but it's so incredibly unlikely that I barely entertain the thought anymore.

I'm here now because, like you, I'm still so nervous and anxious about having ALS. I just ran 3 miles on a treadmill to try and feel better and ended up having a panic attack afterwards. My muscles hurt - my eyes have been twitching the last two weeks - I don't feel right. But I don't have ALS. I've been to my doctor countless times in the last year. You aren't alone - if you ever need to talk, please PM me.

05-02-19, 15:40
I have been down this rabbit hole too. I've experienced health anxiety my whole life and I can honestly say the worst fear has been the ALS one. I started twitching last Feb. at a friend's funeral. It hasn't stopped bothering me and it's been a year! Here is what you should know: ALS does not come and go. Numbness and tinging are not part of it. Your chances of getting it in your 20's is laughable. I'm in my 40's and even my chances are extremely remote. Here is what helped me: THERAPY. I'm still going. Find a CBT therapist. Preferably a psychologist. Yest it will cost you but isn't it worth it for sanity?? What you will hopefully find is that the symptoms represent a false belief about yourself. Usually its that you are dying. I found that my symptoms trigger a false belief but also work as a way to not worry about death. What I mean by that is that it's easier to worry about a twitch then it is to worry about your uncertain future and one day death. Maybe that doesn't make sense to you but it's helped me a lot to realize that. All of the symptoms I read in this post are ANXIETY RELATED. That's the b*tch about anxiety. It produces symptoms that make you worry more, then you get more symptoms. It's a snowball effect. Believe that what you have is not an illness that is nearly impossible for you to get in your 20s, but believe that what you have is a REAL mental health issue that is VERY common to get in your 20s. Seek help for that and you will find healing.

05-02-19, 21:21
Hi all thank you so much for the replies !! It’s comforting to know you have been in my boat

Honestly it really has been the most awful 6 weeks of my life I just wish I could shake it off!
My brain just won’t allow me to think I’m going to be okay

It’s so irrational but I keep thinking I’m definitely the one in a million which will get this illness it really is an awful way to live my life

07-02-19, 17:45
Hi Murphy93,

I am in the same boat here so you are not alone. Twitches started 6 weeks ago and not stopped. I have been trying to stop the anxious thinking but it is impossible!

My calves twitch all day! Sometimes they are like quick pop of an area, flutters, taps or even more alarming are the times it looks like worms.
Doctor wasn't concerned and did strength tests etc and didn't even look at calves so fingers crossed that is a good sign.

There are some great posts on the forum that show we are not alone in this emotional rollercoaster. However, I keep self testing strength. I even read that if you can tap a muscle and it twitches/ fasciculation then it is a bad sign. Well of course I am continually doing this and my husband thinks I've gone crazy. Sometimes I can make them twitch and often when I tense and release a muscle it twitches for a second.

Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone as I know that feeling like this can feel quite isolating.

Epson salt baths seem to help me and muscles are more relaxed after these. You could give that a try.

Positive thoughts x

12-02-19, 20:24
Hi Ajack sorry for the late reply on this one

Thank you for the kind words it’s nice to know I’m not alone it’s such a horrible experience to go through today has been two months exactly - just trying to take it one day at a time at the moment and hopefully snap out of this

14-02-19, 23:28
Hi all

That’s me 2 months down the line still battling with these internal tremors ?

Is anyone still feeling the same ? The tend to get worse at night when I’m trying to sleep

Can they last this long with anxiety !

Just wondering if someone has any positive news that they do eventually subside

21-02-19, 00:39
Hey everyone

i thought I was finally over coming this ALS fear but tonight it’s back with a vengeance.

Now over 2 months now and I am still twitching all over - internal tremors are still there but now I feel stiff all over and my arms are particularly weak and achy

I’m so mad at myself because to be honest up until this year I had never ever thought about this disease

im lying awake terrified - any way just seeing if anyone was up who could offer me some wise words and support

thank you

21-02-19, 10:48
READ THIS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?196071-ALS-and-why-you-DON-T-have-it!) as often as you need to. ALS is about failing, not feeling.

Positive thoughts

21-02-19, 17:08
I’m on my 5th week of them now�� driving me nuts. It has sent my anxiety through the roof.

I notice more when resting or trying to sleep. I’m off work this week and I’ve has too much time on my hands and anxiety is at the worst it’s been on years. I’ve got some pills from the doctor, so hopefully they will help me.

hope yours have improved or gone.

22-02-19, 01:56
Thanks fish manpa ! That’s helped me :)

im still having another sleepless night with the achy weakness in my arm oh the joys of anxiety.

22-02-19, 07:09

Ive also replied to another one of your threads.

Like you, I’m experiencing those awful internal tremors, I’m in my 5th week. I’m also experiencing weakness and aching In my legs. (Of course I’m putting it down to something serious rather than the 10 mile walking (including steep hills), I’ve been doing)

funnily enough I also have a vitamin D deficiency and was put on a 7 week course of pills. My doctor said it was possible that the vitamin D deficiency was causing the tremors. I’ve noticed that the day I take the pills my shaking appears worse, so I’m hoping when my vitamin D level stabilises, my tremors leave. (That’s my thoughts on a good day)

28-02-19, 23:25
Hi all , I’m having such a difficult time at the moment I feel like crying

For the past 2 months I have been having muscle twitching and all over body vibrations

Now my legs feel like jelly and both my arms are aching and weak

I honestly feel sick that I have that disease

I’m 28 years old and literally living in misery

Can anyone offer me any advise

28-02-19, 23:27
We have loads of posts about this so take some time to read the similar thread which is down the bottom of the page.

Have you read the sticky thread on this as well?

So far we have hundreds of posts and not one person has been diagnosed with ALS.

28-02-19, 23:51
Thank you Nicola - currently trying to calm myself think I had a bit of a panic attack . Yes I’ve been reading the sticky over and over for a while

02-03-19, 00:31
Another sleepless night worried about this awful disease I can’t believe I have succumbed to this. anyone awake ? Needing some comfort

02-03-19, 00:35
What help are you getting for the anxiety - that is the priority to treat

02-03-19, 00:45
Just beta blockers for my symptoms I have been prescribed citalopram but I am too scared of the side effects .

02-03-19, 00:47
So you won't take them? I don't blame you but there are loads of self-help things to do that we recommend on here

02-03-19, 01:03
I know I’m not helping myself am I :( 28 years old and ruining my life with this

02-03-19, 05:56
Different people react differently to different drugs, obviously.

However, I was dead set against SSRIs after a truly terrifying experience on paroxetine 20 years ago. Late last year my health anxiety went nova, and I was so desperate I agreed to give citalopram a try.

It's given me my life back. I still get anxious, but it no longer stops me functioning; I get far fewer panic attacks and the ones I do get don't floor me for days. I have so much more time now to do the stuff I want to because I'm not constantly worrying about my body!

It might be worth at least giving it a shot - you can always taper off if it doesn't work for you.

03-03-19, 16:46
Thanks for the replies everyone

I am still struggling with this I have had a terrible weekend

I am twitching non stop all over my arms are aching and my right hand definitely feels weak

I just don’t know what to do anymore or how to cope I feel so lost and helpless

03-03-19, 21:34
Hi all anyone in the same boat ? I hate feeling this alone

03-03-19, 21:48
Look at the similar threads as I said before

05-03-19, 18:49
I honestly feel like I’m at my limit I have been constantly worrying about als for just short of 3 months now

I’m living with internal tremors which I can’t shake and have such painful arms and neck they feel weak I genuinely worry i have this

Anyone have any ideas on how to get over this fear is it really just a passes with time thing ?

I’m 28 and literally ruining my life - for a few things coming up this month which I cant even look forward to :(

I’ve looked at all the posts on here to try and help I’m so miserable

05-03-19, 19:01
Other than state reality, I wish I knew. You're seeing the sky as green when the rest of the world sees it as blue. In your mind, you believe this when reality points 180* in the opposite direction :shrug:

There are no magic words here. I would seriously look into real life professional help.

Positive thoughts

05-03-19, 19:08

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


05-03-19, 19:56
I know starting tomorrow going to see my GP definitely need to work on this anxiety

05-03-19, 23:27
Anyone got any experience on beating als fear ?? I really feel like I have hit rock bottom

07-03-19, 00:33
Finally plucked up the courage and went back to my doctor today

Explained the internal vibrations and the muscle pain in my arms I got some muscle blood testing done ? No idea what that means but I’m hoping it’s good news

Still twitching like mad and extremely convinced of als but I am trying my hardest

She also prescribed me citrapolum against which I’ve started tonight - hoping for a positive few weeks

10-03-19, 19:47
My anxiety seems to be horrendous on Sunday nights

ALS fear still as strong as ever I have all over body muscle pain it’s debilitating I’m taken ibuprofen every 4 hours to help the pain

My arms feel weak with it and my legs

Still shaking internally also

I’m convinced there’s definitely something neurological going literally feel sick that I have Als. No idea how to move on from this

Almost three months now I have felt like this and worried myself sick

10-03-19, 22:08
There are about 15 new cases a day in the US. That is out of 330 million people. To put that into perspective, each day 28 people are killed by drunk drivers. There are over 8,000 fall related emergency room visits every day in the US. An American dies in an accident every 4 minutes.

The point of all this, is you have to pick your worried in the end. ALS is so rare in comparison to almost everything else that is dangerous. Try and pick your poison if you have to have anxiety, and mitigate the things you can actually do something about. That's how I avoid HA these days (more or less, I have ups and downs, but mostly ups).

11-03-19, 23:14
There are about 15 new cases a day in the US. That is out of 330 million people. To put that into perspective, each day 28 people are killed by drunk drivers. There are over 8,000 fall related emergency room visits every day in the US. An American dies in an accident every 4 minutes.

The point of all this, is you have to pick your worried in the end. ALS is so rare in comparison to almost everything else that is dangerous. Try and pick your poison if you have to have anxiety, and mitigate the things you can actually do something about. That's how I avoid HA these days (more or less, I have ups and downs, but mostly ups).

Thank you so much for the advice and good statistics my anxiety is sky high tonight with this fear I’m convinced I have it I honestly feel like I’m going to have a break down

12-03-19, 00:00
We have never had one single case of ALS diagnosed on here in the past 18 years.

13-03-19, 00:41
Hi all

For the past few days I have had horrible muscle pain/cramps all over. They had went away today but now tonight they are back

My body is in agony and the cramps don’t seem to be letting up

I am terrified this is MND as I have been suffering from twitches everywhere too

Someone please help I am terrified

13-03-19, 08:00
Hi Your most recent thread has been merged with one of your previous threads as it is all related.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could stick to one thread.


13-03-19, 19:43
Hi Nicola your post has comforted me knowing no one has ever been diagnosed

I guess I’m just struggling at the moment and feeling quite lonely with no one to talk to

Does anyone think after 3 months I can safely put this behind me ?

13-03-19, 19:48
Does anyone think after 3 months I can safely put this behind me ?

More important question... What do you think the answer is? (**this is a 'yes' or 'no' question)

Positive thoughts

13-03-19, 20:04
Honestly Fish what’s left of my logical brain says no :) but I think you can see logic isn’t a trait of mine I was convinced I have lymphoma for 2 whole years so this is nothing lol !!

I do not know what to think anymore - apart from I’m bloody 28 years old and ruining my life

13-03-19, 20:20
Sorry meant to say logical part of my brain says yes I can put this behind me !

13-03-19, 20:43
Sorry meant to say logical part of my brain says yes I can put this behind me !

I knew what you meant. Here's a novel way of looking at it. Are you going to believe the real life logical part or some daytime soap opera playing in your brain?

Positive thoughts

13-03-19, 21:45
Lol I know your right :) I suppose I need to fight this with all I have !! Thank you :)

13-03-19, 21:52
Lol I know your right :) I suppose I need to fight this with all I have !! Thank you :)


Positive thoughts

25-03-19, 23:00
Hi all today marks 3 months exactly since I have been worrying about MND/ALS and I still can’t seem to shake it - I’m still twitching all over and shaking internally . I’m so down about it all now I’m fealing week and lethargic .

I think I’m past the google stage as I am far too terrified to look up anything anymore

Latest is I feel like I’m constantly swallowing like I have too much saliva

Does anyone think 3 months is long enough to know it’s not serious ? Any input would be amazing

25-03-19, 23:21

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

31-03-19, 21:34
Does anyone have any advice they can give me on twitching - I have been twitching now for 3months every day - all over my body .

I’m recently diagnosed vit d deficient but I honestly am terrified I have MND/ALS . I am 28 years old and barely functioning with the fear . The past 3 months have been hell and I can’t stop this damn twitching .

31-03-19, 21:38
Without looking at your post history, have you been taking Vit D supplements and are you on any meds for anxiety?

Have a read of similar threads below - twitching is a super common anxiety symptom.

31-03-19, 21:40
I’m a twitcher too. I’ve been told by a neurologist that twitching without clinical weakness is not a sign of ALS

31-03-19, 21:42
Without looking at your post history

It's extensive and ALS is the monster under the bed.

Murphy, I would look at all the reassurance and advice from your previous threads.

Positive thoughts

31-03-19, 22:11
Sorry guys I know I’m a pain ! Yes I am taking supplements for vit d prescribed by the doctor - also on citalopram I hope it helps me .

I thought my symptoms might have been a b12 deficiency as I am having some tingling numbness but that’s came up “ low end of normal “ so I’m at a loss.

Hi Fish your right it is a huge monster under the bed . I’m such a mess- need to try put this aside forever ! I hope

31-03-19, 23:13

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

28-04-19, 15:53
Hi guys a month later and I am back! Still twitching all over no clinical weakness - my body is aching all over too but I do have vitamin deficiencies so I am putting it down to that. 4 months of worry now regarding MND do you think I can let this go ? How long does ALS really take to set in I’m worried I need to wait another 3 months of hell to really be sure ??

28-04-19, 16:02
I’m worried I need to wait another 3 months of hell to really be sure ??

That's totally up to you I'm afraid :shrug:

Positive thoughts

28-04-19, 17:58
Twitching, aches and pains are probably the most common physical symptoms of anxiety. Just look around this forum. Everyone of us has something that aches, hurts, twinges or stings.

Take some multivitamins, join a gym and do some exercise to burn off your anxious energy. Prove to yourself you don't have ALS.

07-07-19, 22:47
Hello all I hope you are doing well,

I just wanted to come back to this thread as today it has been 6 months since I started worrying about ALS . Six whole months in which I have put my life on hold!

Yes I still get the occasional twitch and perceived weakness but today I lifted weights in my work out and am still able to go about my normal life - this has been by far the worst period of my life and I am so disappointed that I let myself get in such a state again .

I’m still having achy muscles tremors pins and needles but have realised that anxiety can do dangerous things to the brain .

I need to tell myself that 6 months and still feeling ok should hopefully tell it all that I am fine . ( well I really hope )

For now I am just taking it week by week and focusing on the positives in my life , this seems to keep me going and I reward myself for getting by another week feeling positive

For anyone out there who’s struggling I hope this helps , I was honestly close to breaking point with this fear and I’m hoping this is me finally digging my way out of this rabbit hole .

One thing that’s no secret though is that I could not have done it without the members on this forum and for that I am eternally grateful !

08-07-19, 08:58
Let's flag down a cab to real street here. ALS causes severe issues and potential death within months to a few years of diagnosis, with few exceptions. You've worried about this for half a year now. If it were ALS, you would DEFINITELY have developed other symptoms. You'd have been forced to visit a doctor by now. You'd know you had ALS.

You do not have ALS. Time to get your life on track again.

31-12-20, 02:42
Hi everyone,

I’m a mess tonight for some reason,

Twitching everywhere! And there’s horrible tremors are back I feel like I’m just sitting vibrating internally throughout my whole body and I’m paranoid people can notice it now . I get nervous when I’m cuddling my partner that he can feel my shakes.

No idea what’s triggered me but I feel mentally exhausted that’s it’s 2 years on now and I’m still lying here terrified of a neurological disease.

04-01-21, 02:58
Hi All

hope you are doing well and happy new year !

I have not been on this forum for quite some time now ( around 6 years ) but my health anxiety is back and worse than ever- I really thought I had a grip of it

I have now convinced myself that I have early symptoms of MS and I am just looking for some support

I’m 28 and at the start of October was experiencing numbness and tingling in my hands and feet - I went to hospital who done some checks and bloods and told me I was fine - that has subsided now but my recent symptoms are leg cramps and some trembling ( left hand ) and internal vibration feeling

I know my anxiety is out of control at the moment and logical me should put these symptoms to bed but I have spent the last hour googling convinced this is my fate! I am so miserable over this

Any advice would be so appreciated

Thank you in advance

I can’t believe I wrote this post 2 years ago today.

I remember breaking down writing it

I’m also still internally vibrating and it’s driving me nuts , I need to try and sort this out this year.

Just terrified I have a neurological disease

04-01-21, 03:01
I think it having started two years ago you would have had many more symptoms by now than what you’re experiencing. It’s more likely it’s just your body in a heightened state of anxiety that’s causing it. It happens to me too sometimes.

04-01-21, 03:17
I think it having started two years ago you would have had many more symptoms by now than what you’re experiencing. It’s more likely it’s just your body in a heightened state of anxiety that’s causing it. It happens to me too sometimes.

Hi Glassgirlw,

Thank you for the reply! Totally - sometimes I can rational and think wow 2 years is a long time you are fine,

Then there are days when I am just a mess,

No doubt about it my anxiety is horrendous and not helping my case!

I’m trying herbal remedies at the moment so hoping they work :)

Appreciate the response :)

10-01-21, 18:25
Hi Glassgirlw,

Thank you for the reply! Totally - sometimes I can rational and think wow 2 years is a long time you are fine,

Then there are days when I am just a mess,

No doubt about it my anxiety is horrendous and not helping my case!

I’m trying herbal remedies at the moment so hoping they work :)

Appreciate the response :)

Hey! Did you ever figure out your internal tremor? How long/how often do you feel it?

25-07-23, 07:19
Hi there sorry I’ve not been on this forum for a while and just noticed you had commented regarding the internal tremor . To be honest I still have it but it most definitely comes and goes when my anxiety is at an all time high .

It’s been almost 4 and a half years since I started this worry about MND and I must admit I’ve been doing really well and lived a pretty normal life for the past 2 years . For some reason my anxiety has creeped back up again this week and I’m back.

Still get my twitching all over on days and it sets me off but it’s been nearly 5 years I need to try and put this to bed in my mind .

I do believe the mind has extremely powerful ways and it’s no coincidence my body twitching has came after an intense panic attack last week

The joys of health anxiety ! I really thought by now I would be over my MND fear