View Full Version : chest and back pains!

05-03-19, 21:17
For a while now ive been getting abit of pain on the left side of my chest, doesnt happen that often and doesnt feel like a deep pain, more a surface annoying type pain. Tried to shove it to the back of my mind and get over it thinking im being stupid. I got it earlier today and then got back pains on the left upper side, as if its in the same place as the chest pain but in my back. Was like a painful throbbing and went away within 10 mins. now im sat in bed with the chest pains, which only came on when i started thinking about it. I had a gym session yesterday and i thought that might be the reason but at the time i got the pain i wasnt doing anything i was sat still and had been moving about all day. terrified something is wrong with my heart and that im going to die in my sleep! help!

05-03-19, 22:35
Although its a brave person that says 100% categorically over the internet on a forum that someone is NOT describing cardiac chest pain, I'd feel very confident giving you that reassurance.

It's a common anxiety symptom, and if you're a gym goer, you've probably caused irritation to your chest wall (mild costochondritis maybe?)

Having suffered from an episode of alcohol-induced atrial fibrillation, which obviously isn't a heart attack, but when I did experience something truly wrong with my heart, I knew right away. And I'm sure if you really thought this was of cardiac origin, you wouldn't be posting on NMP.

Good luck and if it becomes severe, like an elephant on your chest/pressure/clenching sensation, you become sweaty/grey/pain in arms, abdomen, neck, jaw etc, you know the drill. But somehow, I think that information is superfluous in your case.