View Full Version : Hoping it's just cubital tunnel.

06-03-19, 01:13
I finished drawing something for schoolwork about an hour or two ago, and I went to go wash my hands to make some food... And I really noticed that my ring and pinky finger felt super weird - it's a kind of tingling sensation, and it definitely feels similar to hitting your funny bone.

I felt a similar sensation a couple days ago after playing a game for a really long time... That didn't last nearly as long, and today's has been a lot worse and it doesn't feel like it's going away. When I press down on that side of my hand and the bottom of my palm, the tingling really ramps up, and I can especially feel it in the top joint and behind my fingernails. So I'm ultimately trying to convince myself it's just an nerve problem (and not a brain issue), but it's still causing me a bit of panic because I now feel like my eyes aren't concentrating properly (and I'm trying to tell myself that's just the anxiety acting up now). The sensation is quite unnerving.

I need to make a doctor appointment for something else anyway, so I'll add this to my list, but the appointments aren't available for another week or two...
Has anyone else ever actually had cubital tunnel and experienced the same thing?

I actually looked up carpal tunnel at first to check if it was that, and came across cubital without actually hearing about it before.

06-03-19, 01:32
Many years ago I banged my elbow really hard and damaged the ulner nerve. The pinky and ringer on my left hand were numb and tingly 24/7 for months until it healed. The difference with that, the condition you Googled and the reality are different in that you have an activity that happens to coincide with it and it's not constant.

Positive thoughts