View Full Version : Extreme anxiety over my eyes! Please help

06-03-19, 18:49
Hi all,

I have had a hell of a time with my eyes lately that have caused me to have some high anxiety. 12 days ago, I started to find it hurt to blink with my right eye. I figured it was a stye developing. So, I put a hot compress over my eye for awhile. It seemed to help, but then the pain started to get worse. So, I began to see my eye doctor. He saw me a total of three times as the pain would not go away and I was plain miserable. He examined my eyes very thoroughly and told me my eyes were perfectly healthy. There was inflammation underneath my eyelid though according to him. He thought it was allergies and sent me on my way with recommendations on eye drops. The pain was just miserable though so I decided to get a second opinion and see another eye doctor that is also in my city.

She had looked at my eyes very thoroughly as well. I finally found out the cause of my pain. She saw a blocked gland along my lashes and had told me that there was a white head forming. So, it is definitely a stye and that has eased some of my anxiety. She also assured me too my eyes look healthy and normal. Since that appointment though, I have had this slight stinging/burning sensation that switches from my left to my right eye near my eyelids. It causes me discomfort to blink and I feel as if I am slightly sensitive to light. I also feel itchy near my tear ducts and like my eyes are plain tired/sore. This feeling will come and go throughout the day and start up randomly.

My mom keeps telling me to not worry and that I was already told my eyes are perfectly healthy. She says it could be the stye causing sensitivity to light and this feeling. She also suggested allergies or eye strain causing this feeling with both eyes. I cannot help, but worry though. I also have not had an eye exam in awhile. My last eye exam for my reading glasses was about two years ago. So, this is also another possibility maybe. I am not sure. I have felt just this pressure above my eyebrows too, like a headache is starting up along with pain in my neck and along my temples.

I cannot help, but worry though and have high anxiety that I am going to go blind! Should I be worried? I have never heard of a stye causing some sensitivity to light. Does this sound like eye strain?

06-03-19, 20:26
No I don’t think you should be worried. You’ve had your diagnosis and hopefully some treatment plan.
It’s very likely that the strain is what’s hurting your eyes, plus your hyper awareness of any feeling in them. I’m sure this will all be forgotten about soon.

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06-03-19, 23:26
Health anxiety is awful. Makes us worry about the slightest thing. Allergies and rubbing your eyes can cause this. I've had it happen to me where the duct got blocked from allergies and warm wash cloths unplugged it. The eye doctor looked at me eyes and said I did exactly what I should and all was fine. Eye docs know. They see all kinds of things all day. They're very competent and you can trust that all is well. There's a lot of nerves around the eye so if it becomes irritated you can get twinges of pain all around the eye. Leave your eye alone. Don't keep looking at it, or pulling your lid to examine it. That will irritate it , and fingers are dirty which can get bacteria in your eye. If your eye isn't red, or excessively tearing and your not getting cloudy vision etc, it is fine and may take a couple of days to calm and feel better. Infections come on very rapidly, they would know if it was. You would know too lol. It's not a maybe it is type of thing. Eyes infect quickly and you have been seen so you can rest assured your eye is going to be fine. Once it feels better make your eye appointment for further assurance and to make sure you're seeing as you should or if you need glasses etc.

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07-03-19, 04:24
No I don’t think you should be worried. You’ve had your diagnosis and hopefully some treatment plan.
It’s very likely that the strain is what’s hurting your eyes, plus your hyper awareness of any feeling in them. I’m sure this will all be forgotten about soon.

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I am hoping it's just that. My eyes randomly just keep twitching and hurting. It is freaking me out!

07-03-19, 04:26
Health anxiety is awful. Makes us worry about the slightest thing. Allergies and rubbing your eyes can cause this. I've had it happen to me where the duct got blocked from allergies and warm wash cloths unplugged it. The eye doctor looked at me eyes and said I did exactly what I should and all was fine. Eye docs know. They see all kinds of things all day. They're very competent and you can trust that all is well. There's a lot of nerves around the eye so if it becomes irritated you can get twinges of pain all around the eye. Leave your eye alone. Don't keep looking at it, or pulling your lid to examine it. That will irritate it , and fingers are dirty which can get bacteria in your eye. If your eye isn't red, or excessively tearing and your not getting cloudy vision etc, it is fine and may take a couple of days to calm and feel better. Infections come on very rapidly, they would know if it was. You would know too lol. It's not a maybe it is type of thing. Eyes infect quickly and you have been seen so you can rest assured your eye is going to be fine. Once it feels better make your eye appointment for further assurance and to make sure you're seeing as you should or if you need glasses etc.

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Thank you for the kind comment. My vision is fine. No cloudy vision, redness or excessive tearing. So, I am thankful for that. It just creeps me out as my eyes keep randomly twitching and hurting. It's like they don't want to focus. I am thinking I really do need some new glasses.

07-03-19, 17:11
Stress, tired eyes, allergies, strain, and irritation can cause all of the things you're feeling. I went through a lot of eye strain and pain when my anxiety issues began and spent a lot of time with eye docs . I thought all of my problems were my eyes, but now I know it was just full on anxiety in my case and all the symptoms. I wore my stress on my face so my forehead and eyes were always sore. I've moved past it, and you will too. Takes time and health anxiety just kicks our butts.

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07-03-19, 19:46
Stress, tired eyes, allergies, strain, and irritation can cause all of the things you're feeling. I went through a lot of eye strain and pain when my anxiety issues began and spent a lot of time with eye docs . I thought all of my problems were my eyes, but now I know it was just full on anxiety in my case and all the symptoms. I wore my stress on my face so my forehead and eyes were always sore. I've moved past it, and you will too. Takes time and health anxiety just kicks our butts.

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I needed to hear this badly today.

10-03-19, 23:27
You are right.. Yesterday, I barely noticed/thought about my eyes and it is funny how my symptoms were barely noticeable. Today, they are back as I am having a high anxiety day. For example, I looked at the mirror today and noticed that one pupil is larger than the other and started to give myself a full-blown anxiety attack. *sighs* I'm setting up an appointment for a routine eye exam with my optomerist tomorrow. I want to see if I need new eye glasses and I am hoping tomorrow she can ease some of my worries.

11-03-19, 03:32
Wishing you well. [emoji4]

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11-03-19, 03:32
I needed to hear this badly today.[emoji847]

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