View Full Version : Routine visit to dentist

07-03-19, 12:38
Hi ,yesterday I went to the dentist (routine),and he became concerned about something .He said I had a white patch on my gums(I think), as by this time was in full panic mode .He said come back in a week to review,and may have to be reffered on.He said he was 99% sure it was nothing,but wants to make sure.He did mention the cancer word when pushed.Please help.Pete

07-03-19, 12:51
I know it's tough, but try to focus on the part about him being 99% sure it's nothing. I'm sure FMP will be along soon with something helpful to say because this is his area, but in the meantime I'll be thinking of you.

07-03-19, 14:19
Thank you xx