View Full Version : Freaking out. Accidentally ate moldy bread!! What will happen?

07-03-19, 14:23
After I ate a piece of toast (which didn’t have mold) I noticed other slices of bread in the loaf were growing mold. What will happen to me?? I’m so scared

07-03-19, 14:24
Nothing will happen!

07-03-19, 14:25
Nothing will happen!

Seconding this, you'll be totally fine.

07-03-19, 14:35
food poisoning?

07-03-19, 14:38
Really, no, this is incredibly unlikely. Remember, penicillin was discovered on mouldy bread.

07-03-19, 14:39
food poisoning?

In case you don't know the meaning of the word ;)


not anything; no single thing.


having no prospect of progress; of no value.
"he had a series of nothing jobs"


not at all.
"he looks nothing like the others"

Positive thoughts

07-03-19, 14:39
Nope, nothing will happen. Your stomach acid will blast the mold, dead.....and that'll be it. We have honestly all eaten moldy bread more often than we know it ! I saw a quote a few years ago about this....along the lines of......'the worst thing about eating moldy bread, is that you know you ate moldy bread'. LOL

In ye olden days, if we saw mold on bread and cheese, we cut that bit off and carried on regardless.

07-03-19, 14:44
Errrm, I've just re-read your post....... you ate a piece of toast that had NO mold on it !!! Even if a teency weency bit of mold was on your bread, you toasted it anyway, and even if you hadn't there would have been no issue. Now......

Repeat all the things you've been told here to yourself. Reassure yourself.

08-03-19, 03:45
Absolutely nothing. I've eaten mold accidentally several times and never even had a stomach ache from it.

12-03-19, 02:02
Absolutely nothing.

12-03-19, 02:12
Nothing. I read an article once about how you can grow your own penicillin at home with moldy bread! (For science experiment purposes, not treatment, but that's how they make it.) You will be fine.

13-03-19, 18:10
Seems like scaredpt must have survived the whole 'will I die from mouldy bread' fear....as despite no update here has been posting on another thread with a different fear.

13-03-19, 18:17
The dragon got fed. Simple as that.

Positive thoughts