View Full Version : Starting on citalopram today- scared

07-03-19, 15:47
I've been prescribed citalopram today and im terrified to take it. I have no choice tho as my anxiety and panic attacks have got so bad, particularly health anxiety. im going to start on 10mg for 2 weeks and then up to 20mg. anyone got any positive stories or simply want to share this journey with me?

07-03-19, 15:52
Citalopram has given me my life back; it's been wonderful.

Things I'd say to watch out for:

* Fatigue. This was definitely the big one, five months on I still sleep more than I did. In context, though, that means I'm getting seven hours a night rather than five and a half.
* Spacy, drunken feeling - only lasted a couple of days for me, then again when I upped my dosage from 10mg to 20mg
* Nausea - lasted around a week. Not pleasant but definitely manageable.
* Intolerance to spicy foods - only applicable because my normal diet is very, very heavy on the chilli front. Basically I got/get burning pains when I consume decent quantities of ultrahot peppers.
* Dreams - Very vivid, often involving senses other than sight and hearing. Occasionally disturbing, frequently thought provoking, tends to feel more like a perk than a side effect.

Everybody's journey is different, but I really think you'll be okay.

07-03-19, 16:11
Thank you so much for responding blue iris. I'm having a terrible day. called in sick to work and went to doc. had a panic attack and meltdown at doc. Felt really dizzy afterwards and been in bed ever since looking up citalopram on my phone! terrified how I'm going to cope with work and looking after my kids. feel like I'm in a right mess. I'm hoping the dizziness and cold water sensations I've been getting are part of my anxiety too and that citalopram will help. I feel at such a loss and so scared.

07-03-19, 16:16
I really hope it works for you like it did for me. I went from being crippled by anxiety and feeling utterly hopeless to loving my life. I still have the health anxiety, a little, but since I went up to 20mg I don't think I've had a single panic attack.

I had a really bad experience with paroxetine about 18 years ago and I never wanted to use another SSRI again, but in the end I got desperate and citalopram has genuinely been one of the best things to ever happen to me.

Feel free to PM me if you ever want to chat, okay?

07-03-19, 21:47
Do you have tranquilizers you can take to get you through the adjustment period of the citalopram? I'm not even sure what that is but I was terrified to start taking Prozac 25 years ago and yes, the side affects were pretty bad, and I was young, working, and raising two children. I managed, and you will, too. but my doc gave me Xanax to help get me through the first few weeks.

07-03-19, 22:45
Thank you for your reply. no they didn't offer valium or anything unfortunately. I also have a job and 2 very young children so I hope I'll be ok. but I have to try as I'm barely functioning now some days.

08-03-19, 21:30
Ok day 2 now. I take tablet at 7pm (10mg). I've been very tired today, headache, pressure in head and around sinuses and dizziness but a lot of this could be from anxiety. ive also had increased anxiety and panic but not too bad. I hope it makes me feel better soon. I think I'm hoping for a miracle cure but I know it's not that

10-03-19, 21:50
Day 4 now and I think things are improving :)

14-03-19, 07:14
Day 7 now. can't say I feel much different. wondering whether to increase to 20mg now or wait another week

14-03-19, 07:19
I'd say to give it another week, give the 10mg time to work.

14-03-19, 20:58
yes I think maybe I will. I have a week off work then too if I get any side effects. thanks.

17-03-19, 14:03
So on day 10 now and I think I feel worse. getting a lot of anxiety and feel kinda shaky on the inside. I dont think its necessarily the citalopram tho, I think its work stressing me out. I have a bully for a supervisor and this person really upset me on Thursday causing me to break down in front of colleagues. I'm thinking of giving in my notice without another job lined up so understandably it's all causing me a lot of stress. I'm very tired and getting a lot of head and sinus pressure. hope it starts working soon

19-03-19, 18:53
I had debilitating Anxiety/Depression ever since I was 19 years old, I am now 46 years old.
I started taking 20mg Citalopram around ten years ago - it's been the best ten years of my life, it has given me a platform to go out more, travel, meet my girlfriend and buy a home together. We also have a three year old son, who is the light of my life.

Give the Citalopram a chance, it is bad at the beginning as your mind and body adjusts to the medication, but after two to six weeks you should level out and start feeling much better.

Good luck and keep going.

20-03-19, 23:17
thank you urban mark in so pleased to hear it had worked so well for you. I have been on citalopram before twice and it did really help I'm really looking forward to (hopefully) feeling better and living my life fully again. it's been so debilitating it really has. I've suffered with it for a long time too, 24 years in fact. I'm going to up dose from 10mg to 20mg on Friday (day 15) wish me luck.

30-03-19, 19:51
thank you urban mark in so pleased to hear it had worked so well for you. I have been on citalopram before twice and it did really help I'm really looking forward to (hopefully) feeling better and living my life fully again. it's been so debilitating it really has. I've suffered with it for a long time too, 24 years in fact. I'm going to up dose from 10mg to 20mg on Friday (day 15) wish me luck.

How have you been getting on suemarieee?

02-04-19, 22:16
so it's been nearly 4 weeks now (last 10days on 20mg). im not sure ive noticed any change yet. I'm so exhausted all the time, I'm really hoping that improves soon. I still get anxiety but actually it maybe helping cos I havent had a panic attack for some time and I've stopped thinking about my health quite so much and I've stopped the constant googling, so maybe its working slowly....

13-04-19, 22:10
5 weeks now. still waiting for a miracle........

22-04-19, 23:12
6.5 weeks. I'm really not feeling much different. I hope they're going to work for me this time.

09-05-19, 02:51
6.5 weeks. I'm really not feeling much different. I hope they're going to work for me this time.

Hi Sue

How are you feeling, any better?

All the best


13-05-19, 10:44
Hi Rich
So 9.5 weeks in now. Well actually I think maybe I am starting to feel better. it's a gradual process but I def dont feel as bad as I did. It's funny you dont really notice it happening you just feel more normal and then realise how many more good days you are actually having even though you still have bad moments. I still dont feel 100% but when I think k back to how I was a couple of months ago I realise how much better I am. Its definitely a process, not an instant fix. I'm hoping things continue to improve. I've heard that 3 months is when they really make a difference and I remember 3 months was when I felt a lot better last time I was on them. of course it's different for everyone.

13-05-19, 10:47
Glad to hear you're feeling a little better now - sorry it took so long.

16-05-19, 19:39
Thanks Blueiris. Its def a slow process but then not really that long to wait in the grand scheme of things. I mean I'd been struggling badly with my anxiety for the past 18months and struggling for years really before that so 2-3 months is def worth the wait! x

08-07-19, 11:34
ps I'm on 20mg. I'm not sure 10mg is a high enough dose. I took 10mg for first couple of weeks tho to reduce any side effects. I'm starting a job in mental health next month to help others as I feel so strongly about helping to end the stigma and reduce the burden of mental health issues on our wellbeing and ability to live fulfilled lives.

09-07-19, 17:52
My post deleted, so here it is again:
Hey. If anyone is reading my thread I just want to post an update to give hope. Citalopram has changed my life. I'm 4 months in now. I noticed the real change round about 3 months in. Please persevere with this, it is not a quick fix but so worth it in the end. The changes are slow and subtle and when you feel better you question whether it is the citalopram or something else as it's not an obvious change straight away. You just realise that you are feeling so much better, you're not getting those panic attacks every day, you're not feeling that constant anxiety anymore, you not worrying about that niggling health issue so much, work doesnt seem as stressful/ challenging/ scary anymore. you can actually cope! Dont get me wrong I still get anxiety and panic but less frequently. I'm getting my life back. I'm so much happier. I have more energy the world seems a more beautiful place. I have started driving a bit on motorways again and even drove abroad in France.
The side effects of citalopram weren't really anything much at the beginning and a lot of it is anxiety about taking the tablets. A few days of side effects is def worth it! I dont haveany side effects now. the most notable effect was loss of libido and inability to climax. Sorry if tmi but I know this is a concern for a lot of people on ssris.
But that lasted maybe 2 months and now libido has increased so much! probably cos I have more energy and I'm happy. no issues at all in that department, better than ever.
Please just give this medication a go. give it 3 months, it takes longer than you think to feel the full benefits. Everyone is different of course and different meds work for different people, but as someone who has struggled with anxiety and panic for most of my life I think I do have a natural serotonin imbalance and this works for me.

15-07-19, 08:11
Just wanted to say thank you for recording your journey as it has given me some hope that this initial period of pain is worth it to free myself of the anxiety I have suffered with for years off and on and when it is at its worst it is crippling. Only day 4 for me and the side effects have been 'interesting' to say the least. Worst bit is the increased anxiety - I knew it was likely, but the irony of it isn't funny!

16-07-19, 23:00
Hi dragonsblonde. I know the increased anxiety at the beginning is horrible but stick with it, it's so worth it. maybe half your dose for a week or 2 x

30-10-19, 12:04
Hi dragonsblonde. I know the increased anxiety at the beginning is horrible but stick with it, it's so worth it. maybe half your dose for a week or 2 x

How are you getting on now, suemarieee?