View Full Version : Wasting away, HA never been this bad and I'm not sure I can go on

07-03-19, 19:21
I am new here. I have nowhere else to turn. I have been diagnosed with extreme HA and this time I am in crisis mode. A little over two weeks ago I started having a sore throat and mild cough. Then diarrhea started. I went to urgent care and tested positive for influenza A. Even though they say the test is pretty accurate, I doubted it as I had only a very mild fever and diarrhea usually does not happen with the flu.

So the sore throat went way in a few days but then I started to get congestion. The diarrhea continued so I went to my GP. He talked me off the ledge that it was not Colon Cancer and put me on a diet of oatmeal, bananas and eggs as I had stopped eating due to being afraid I would get another diarrhea episode. The diarrhea did stop and I started to have more solid BM's. But I have continued to loose weight. I am down almost 10 pounds.

But what is driving me again to the brink is this lingering congestion. My nose is not plugged up and I am not coughing. But I do have the recurring urge to sniff the mucus from nose into the throat and then spit it out of mouth. What I do spit out is green/yellow colored. I also notice it when I get up after resting and blow my nose. It comes out in a colored blob. This morning I did see a little blood mixed in. I don't know if that is from messing with my nostril.

Is this normal to still have some colored mucus after two weeks? And now I am feeling fullness in my right ear. I am just a mess here folks. What the hell is going on? I have zero appetite. Could that be because of the anxiety? Please help.

07-03-19, 20:51
You have the flu, have you never looked at the symptoms? You have them. The cough can last for weeks.
Rest, drink lots of water as well as hot honey & lemon, use steam where possible (bath/shower) to help break up the mucus. Eat little and often.

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07-03-19, 20:55
What the hell is going on?

You have a cold

I have zero appetite. Could that be because of the anxiety? Please help.

Yes. Everything you have described can be because of anxiety, and because you have a cold.

Congestion can last for weeks on end, especially if you're hyper aware of every symptom and not giving your body a chance to rest and heal.

07-03-19, 20:56
You have the flu, have you never looked at the symptoms? You have them. The cough can last for weeks.
Rest, drink lots of water as well as hot honey & lemon, use steam where possible (bath/shower) to help break up the mucus. Eat little and often.

^^^Yep^^^ Common sense flu care. Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

07-03-19, 21:06
Your responses are beyond helpful to me right now. I mean it. Take the person who has the worst HA and then there is me x100. I am embarrassed and ashamed that it has gotten this bad to where I am non-functional. 47 years old and completely stricken down by this. I am a talent agent to needy actors and I have to pretend to exude confidence when in actuality I am a complete train wreck.

As for this "flu", the reason I am having such a hard time with this is that should I really be having this congestion with colored phlegm two weeks after the first symptoms? Everything online says it should be over within two weeks. And I don't have the lingering cough. It's only this sinus congestion and fullness in one ear. Isn't that a little unusual. And then there is the diarrhea. Yes it did transition to normal BM's. But today it was loose again. The thin kind. And you know straight where that sent my brain.

07-03-19, 21:09
You're fine. Stop checking 'facts' online. Flu/Cold/whatever can last weeks and weeks.

Next time you feel like checking your symptoms online, poke yourself in the eye. If nothing else it'll take your mind off snot.

07-03-19, 21:58
Thank you for all your continued thoughts. Should I be alarmed at the color of the mucus? It varies from clear with a little yellow in it to darker yellow/green. But I am color blind so it causes me even more anxiety that I cannot tell exactly what color it is. Are we allowed to attach photos in these forums? Maybe its good if we are not as I don't want to gross you folks out.

07-03-19, 22:07
When I had the flu it took me WEEKs to get back to normal and I am a healthy 35 year old. It exhausted me to even walk up the stairs. Last winter I had a cold and coughed for 4 weeks. Went to doctor who checked my lungs and said I could have a residual cough for many weeks.

07-03-19, 22:15
Thank you for all your continued thoughts. Should I be alarmed at the color of the mucus? It varies from clear with a little yellow in it to darker yellow/green. But I am color blind so it causes me even more anxiety that I cannot tell exactly what color it is. Are we allowed to attach photos in these forums? Maybe its good if we are not as I don't want to gross you folks out.

No, we don't need to see your snot! :scared15: Hang around long enough and you'll see things you just can't unsee! What you describe is normal. Perhaps take an OTC cold/flu daytime med to help dry things up. Does wonders for me when I get the crud.

Positive thoughts

07-03-19, 22:26
Understood. Can I ask you all, what kind of symptoms would a person in my situation need to be having where you would feel there is actually some room for concern?

With all your feedback, maybe I can try and get past my drama and get back to my clients drama.

07-03-19, 22:40
Your responses are beyond helpful to me right now. I mean it. Take the person who has the worst HA and then there is me x100. I am embarrassed and ashamed that it has gotten this bad to where I am non-functional. 47 years old and completely stricken down by this. I am a talent agent to needy actors and I have to pretend to exude confidence when in actuality I am a complete train wreck.

As for this "flu", the reason I am having such a hard time with this is that should I really be having this congestion with colored phlegm two weeks after the first symptoms? Everything online says it should be over within two weeks. And I don't have the lingering cough. It's only this sinus congestion and fullness in one ear. Isn't that a little unusual. And then there is the diarrhea. Yes it did transition to normal BM's. But today it was loose again. The thin kind. And you know straight where that sent my brain.

it sounds to me like because you're stressing out so much, your body isn't able to let itself heal cause it's in "fight or flight" mode constantly :hugs:

07-03-19, 22:40
Understood. Can I ask you all, what kind of symptoms would a person in my situation need to be having where you would feel there is actually some room for concern?

This is exactly the kind of behaviour you need to stop doing.

If i tell you that your ears turning yellow is a sign of doom, you'll see yellow.

07-03-19, 23:40
I totally understand why it is toxic for me to hear the "concerning" symptoms. I know that information is not conducive to getting past the demons in my head. I just wanted to know the kinds of things that would be concerning enough to warrant a doctor's visit. If you look online, there are tons of basic symptoms that are connected to the worst diseases. It helps to know which ones really are the red flags, so one can breath a little easier knowing they are not dealing with that stuff.

07-03-19, 23:46
I agree with AJoe here. Let's put it this way. If you were feeling THAT bad, regardless, you wouldn't be posting here asking about how bad you have to feel ;)

Positive thoughts

07-03-19, 23:55
As others have alluded to, you’re actively trying to get yourself freaked out right now. Hopefully you’re doing something to treat that underlying anxiety/depression. In the meantime, keep yourself occupied. You’d be amazed how quickly “symptoms” disappear when you’re not focused on them.

08-03-19, 00:14
We're unfortunately living in a society which is actively encouraging us to look for symptoms. This is bad enough even for those without an anxiety disorder to boot. In those with an underlying anxiety/panic disorder, this is creating an army of hypochondriacs/HA sufferers.

So, as others here say, trust your body to tell you if there is something seriously wrong. Then you wouldn't be asking about x, y, z symptoms to "look out for".

08-03-19, 00:15
I know you guys are being very patient with me. Thank you. I can't stress enough the hell I am going through right now. I am a very sick person and I know this. Everything you all are saying is totally logical and clearly the proper way to look at this. But what I am having the hardest time with is the continual doubt that I have been diagnosed correctly. I keep going over and over in my head that that flu test could easily have been a false positive. The evidence supporting that is that congestion is not common with flu, it is usually with a cold. And with a cold, it should have cleared up by now. And then the diarrhea, which is very rare with the flu. So those things are eating away at me, haunting me that what's really going on is something else, something bad.

What I just typed is where my head is right now and I can't turn it off.

08-03-19, 02:16
I just re-read my post above and I don't know if I sound like a nutcase or if that's a logical way to think about what might be wrong with me.

What do you guys do to stop panic attacks? I have had several today as I think deeper about the issues in this thread. Every time it happens I start shaking all over.

08-03-19, 02:25
What do you guys do to stop panic attacks?

There are some great resources (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/panicattack) here.

Positive thoughts

08-03-19, 07:56
What do you guys do to stop panic attacks?

First of all, you can't stop them. Once your body has fired you full of adrenaline, it's done.


The first thing to do is to stop reading things that fuel your fears. You will have noticed from this thread that no matter how much reassurance you get, you're still looking for a reason to find the worst case scenario. You must, 100% stop reading about symptoms. You're asking for symptoms to look out for, why? Any symptom of a serious illness can also be a symptom of a cold, or a hangover etc etc. People telling you symptoms to look out for will mean (and this is 100% certain) that you will start experiencing that symptom within 48 hours.

Secondly, if and when a panic attack does happen, just let it. Don't react to it, don't monitor or measure it, just let it happen. Breathe deeply and slowly and tell yourself (out loud) that it will pass. It's this behaviour of indifference that will eventually force your mind/body that 'it's cool'.

Even down to the language you used in this post...'I'm wasting away'. Well, you're not. You've lost a bit of weight. The language you use to yourself actually matters. You're incredibly wired and anxious right now, and you're telling yourself things are far, far worse than they actually are.

08-03-19, 11:04
Heres a helpful recent thread about panic attacks (I'm not just saying that as I posted on it ! LOL) with some really good advice on how to deal with them. It was started by another sufferer, and whilst not all the posts are relevant to you I think some definitely would be.


08-03-19, 11:09
Flu affects everyone differently, some have fever, some don't, some have a running nose and cough, some don't, some ache, some don't.....it depends on your resistance level and how quickly you fight it ...you have a virus that's all and yes it can take weeks to get over.

I had flu, with my family two winters ago (only the second time in my life of getting it), and although we all had the same illness we all reacted in slightly different ways. My daughter had a very high fever for days, my husband low grade fever for a couple, I had no fever but all other symptoms. We ALL had running noses and yucky stuff coughing up for weeks. We all were exhausted for weeks, infact it was two months before I felt right again. These viruses can knock you mentally too, make you feel a bit low and anxious, so give it time for yourself to heal!

08-03-19, 12:26
you had the flu. It’s kust lingering and yes congestion is part of the flu. My husband has that every time he has the flu. If you don’t have a fever then you are fine. If you develop a fever then go to the dr. It would not be anything serious, just secondary to the flu which antibiotics would take care of easily. No need to worry about this.

The diarrhea and weight loss are part of what I call the anxiety diet!! The worry will cause diarrhea. I’ve proven it to myself over and over again.

Try some mucinex to help move the congestion along.

08-03-19, 13:12
Next time you feel like checking your symptoms online, poke yourself in the eye.

LOLOL!!! Can I tell you how much I love this??!!

09-03-19, 17:08
I am listening to everything you guys are saying. Through this struggle your words are very, very helpful. But I am having another really bad day here. I took a shower this morning and out came a large green sticky phlegm from a nostril with a little blood on it. Sorry to be gross. I am not trying to think irrationally here, but you have to admit something is going on here. I am going on almost three weeks since first flu symptoms and I am still blowing out this sticky green phlegm this long after?

Something has to be happening. Could it be a bacterial infection? My nose in general does not feel plugged. When I blow out of each nostril, the air seems to come out unobstructed. And when stuff comes out, it is not always colored. But there is this constant feeling that there is stuff in my throat and then if I blow hard enough out one nostril, something green will come out.

Please help me. I know much of this can be written off as anxiety created. But I cannot create green phlegm in my mind. I understand people can still be congested weeks after the flu, but the phelgm should not be colored.

09-03-19, 17:12
Nasal discharge can be discolored for weeks after a bad cold or flu. There's nothing that can be said here that's going to alleviate your worry I'm afraid. Anxiety doesn't listen to common sense nor reality. I'm not one for paid reassurance but see a doctor if you're that concerned.

Positive thoughts

09-03-19, 18:21
Honestly, absolute worst case scenario is you have a sinus infection. That’s way out from left field, rock bottom, worst thing....and it’s an easy 10 day antibiotic course. It’s nothing.

yet you’re spending hours and hours, days and days in a panic.

09-03-19, 18:36
Yep, what was said above ^ :yesyes:

09-03-19, 21:48
I appreciate the info on the worst case scenario. Something I was thinking about that I hoped one of you might be familiar with. A year ago I had a root canal on my upper front tooth as it had developed a dental cyst (seen on x ray as dark spot at the tooth’s root).

We now have to wait to see if cyst will heal. Could all these sinus/congestion issues be related to that cyst giving me an infection. Something called odontogenic sinusitis. If this was happening wouldn’t it be more likely I would have a fever?

09-03-19, 22:34
I appreciate the info on the worst case scenario. Something I was thinking about that I hoped one of you might be familiar with. A year ago I had a root canal on my upper front tooth as it had developed a dental cyst (seen on x ray as dark spot at the tooth’s root).

We now have to wait to see if cyst will heal. Could all these sinus/congestion issues be related to that cyst giving me an infection. Something called odontogenic sinusitis. If this was happening wouldn’t it be more likely I would have a fever?

Ok... I want you to read your thread, note the pattern, then browse the forum reading other posts and looking at post histories (especially with long time members). Come back with what you find consistent in all the threads and how it's similar to yours :winks:

Positive thoughts

09-03-19, 22:40
I just re-read my posts. Main thing I take from them is that it’s someone who’s hurting. Please tell me the point you were trying to make by comparing my posts to posts from other long term members. As always, I appreciate all the information.

09-03-19, 22:58
I just re-read my posts. Main thing I take from them is that it’s someone who’s hurting. Please tell me the point you were trying to make by comparing my posts to posts from other long term members. As always, I appreciate all the information.

Ok... HA sufferers have a pattern to their thought process. Some fixate on one or a few fears. Some are all over the place. What I'm observing is common in both cases. Your dragon is creating 'what ifs' and 'yeah buts' and/or shifting the train of thought to another illness to keep the fear alive.

I know you're new here and I take that into account but as a non- HA sufferer (I've had my share of GAD related issues and depression due to real life illnesses), and having been a member for over 5 years, I've seen my share of anxiety threads. I'm seeing a very familiar behavioral pattern and your words echo thousands of other posts in the pattern exhibited. You've gone from some green phlegm and leftover flu symptoms to something sinister. When that was reasoned away in replies, you shifted to root canal, a cyst that will soon become cancerous in your mind (I'm right aren't I? ;)).

Hope that helps you see what many here see and help you be more rational in your thinking :)

Positive thoughts

09-03-19, 23:41
Your patience with me Fishmanpa is appreciated. I hear everything your saying and it would seem logical that odds are, I am another person who has cried wolf one too many times. I know outwardly it must look like I am that guy. But I consider myself an intelligent person. I have done alright in my 47 years. I work with some big players. What I am trying to say, is that I am normally a logical, smart guy. To be stricken down by this, there has to be something more than just loosing the battle to HA. I just know something is going on here. I feel it. And that is what is tearing me apart.

Constant runny nose and congestion, green mucus, feeling lethargic and on/off diarrhea. All this three weeks after I supposedly had the flu. I am really not sure I ever had the flu. The only noticeable thing was that I had a sore throat that went away. It just doesn't add up is all I am saying.

10-03-19, 00:26
There are people from all walks of life here. From children to those that have Doctorates. Anxiety puts them all on the same playing field.

Positive thoughts

10-03-19, 00:40
I’ll echo what Fishman says. You will NEVER be satisfied with any amount of reassurance, because your anxiety will always find an outlet. Today’s fear, tomorrow’s fear, next months fear isn’t your problem.....your anxiety is the problem. Treat that and everything else takes care of itself.

Thats not a knock on you, it’s just the reality of anxiety.

10-03-19, 01:37
There are people from all walks of life here. From children to those that have Doctorates. Anxiety puts them all on the same playing field.

Positive thoughts

I hope I didn't offend anyone. I was not trying to say I was elitist in anyway. That's not who I am. I'm just struggling badly and I am trying to process things in the most logical way I can. I know the general consensus is that by continuing to discuss symptoms, that does not help the problem. But I can tell you, that is what I need to hear right now for better or worse.

I can't go back to my doctor again right now as I feel he will think I am nutso. It has gotten to the point that I have been emailing him pictures of my snot. Yes it is that bad. And he says that the color is what he would expect it to be as I get over whatever I have and he seems not overly concerned . And of course my brain immediately registers that as an incorrect assessment due to how long this has been going on.

I am again truly thankful that you all are being patient with me. If I had not found this forum, I would be at a new low point. Can I just ask, based on what I have described, would you guys tell me if there was the even the possibility of something more sinister like the thing that starts with a C.

10-03-19, 01:44
Can I just ask, based on what I have described, would you guys tell me if there was the even the possibility of something more sinister like the thing that starts with a C.

And just to affirm my point, you got an answer from your doctor that matches novice people on an internet forum, have jumped to cancer and are seeking yet more reassurance :whistles:

Positive thoughts

10-03-19, 02:25
I get your point but the truth is, the answer I got from my Doctor was made without running a single test. He made his assessment from a single visit I made to him when this started and then from the pictures I sent him. How many times have we heard the stories where people with symptoms were dismissed at the beginning and written off as having something obvious. Only to find out later it was much worse. I know you're going to say that that notion is part of my mental disease. But we all know that Doctors are only human and make mistakes. Only we know our bodies.

10-03-19, 02:39
I get your point but the truth is, the answer I got from my Doctor was made without running a single test. He made his assessment from a single visit I made to him when this started and then from the pictures I sent him. How many times have we heard the stories where people with symptoms were dismissed at the beginning and written off as having something obvious. Only to find out later it was much worse. I know you're going to say that that notion is part of my mental disease. But we all know that Doctors are only human and make mistakes. Only we know our bodies.

You're right... Good luck! Let us know how you make out! :)

Positive thoughts

10-03-19, 02:44
You're right... Good luck! Let us know how you make out! :)

Positive thoughts

Your loosing patience with me. I get it. I am just not in a good place right now to hear negative things from anyone.

10-03-19, 08:41
Only we know our bodies.

The vast majority of posts in this forum actually negates this as fact. I would estimate that for every 1000 posts about symptoms here, maybe 1 of them turns out to be a medical issue. Even then, nothing serious.

You actually don't know your body, and neither do I. Not in the sense that you have accurate awareness of what a particular sensation means.

Your statement here merely feeds the anxiety more, because it allows your fear to out-rank trained, medical advice. It also allows your fear to out-rank every single piece of experiential advice you're receiving here too.

Nobody is losing patience with you, what you are doing is exactly the same as hundreds of other people here (myself included). It's part of the anxiety. Second guessing good news, part of the anxiety.

14-03-19, 03:41
So I took a few days to see where this issue with the congestion and colored mucus was going to go. I am now three weeks since I had the flu and 10 days since I started having the congestion with colored discharge. I do not have thick colored snot coming out of nose. Just a few yellow/green (sometimes with a little blood) pieces daily that I force out by blowing out one nostril. I do not have a cough or fever. Congestion is most noticeable when waking up.

I went into urgent care on Sunday and they told me point blank it was not something more sinister like nasal cancer. I showed pictures of my discharge. They wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic but told me to wait at least 10 days before taking it. Clearly they are unsure if this is bacterial or not.

So I just wanted to ask you all, do you think I should hold off on the antibiotic? And are there people out there who have had a colored nasal discharge that lasts over 10 days? Thank you.

14-03-19, 11:39
So I took a few days to see where this issue with the congestion and colored mucus was going to go. I am now three weeks since I had the flu and 10 days since I started having the congestion with colored discharge. I do not have thick colored snot coming out of nose. Just a few yellow/green (sometimes with a little blood) pieces daily that I force out by blowing out one nostril. I do not have a cough or fever. Congestion is most noticeable when waking up.

I went into urgent care on Sunday and they told me point blank it was not something more sinister like nasal cancer. I showed pictures of my discharge. They wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic but told me to wait at least 10 days before taking it. Clearly they are unsure if this is bacterial or not.

So I just wanted to ask you all, do you think I should hold off on the antibiotic? And are there people out there who have had a colored nasal discharge that lasts over 10 days? Thank you.

It's obviously clearing on it's own so please listen to what they said. You asked for more reassurance but that question has been answered. Glad you're feeling better.

Positive thoughts

15-03-19, 00:56
So I took a few days to see where this issue with the congestion and colored mucus was going to go. I am now three weeks since I had the flu and 10 days since I started having the congestion with colored discharge. I do not have thick colored snot coming out of nose. Just a few yellow/green (sometimes with a little blood) pieces daily that I force out by blowing out one nostril. I do not have a cough or fever. Congestion is most noticeable when waking up.

I went into urgent care on Sunday and they told me point blank it was not something more sinister like nasal cancer. I showed pictures of my discharge. They wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic but told me to wait at least 10 days before taking it. Clearly they are unsure if this is bacterial or not.

So I just wanted to ask you all, do you think I should hold off on the antibiotic? And are there people out there who have had a colored nasal discharge that lasts over 10 days? Thank you.

Listen to what they said. They told you exactly what I was about to say when I came to the end of this thread. You had the flu or a bad cold that's running it's course. The last time I had a bad cold I was blowing disgusting snot out of my nose for weeks. Every virus hits us differently and every body's anatomy is different. I, for example, get fullness in my left ear for WEEKS every time I get a cold. It's just how my body is designed. Fluid drains in there and for whatever reason it takes ages to clear. If you had a bacterial infection it would be getting worse over time, not better. They were right at urgent care to tell you to wait. You don't want to take antibiotics unnecessarily because it can actually weaken your immune system by messing up your gut flora and also could cause more diarrhea, which would just trigger you.

Trust your body to heal itself. That's exactly what it's doing. Our bodies are very strong and resilient. It's a tough time of year. I'm not sure where you live, but in the Mid-Atlantic where I am I've already started with spring allergies this week as it's gotten a bit warmer. I've been stuffy and had a 24-hour long migraine this week and finally realized it's because of the pollen. Last week it was snowing and everyone had colds or the flu and now it's already allergy season! This is my least favorite part of the year health wise even though I love these early warm days.

I'm sorry you're in such a bad place. I've been here and it's hell. I hope you can find some comfort and some support. Therapy was a life changer for me.