View Full Version : advice needed

06-09-07, 18:52
HI been on cocodomol for about 2 months doctor put it on repeat he dont want to see me was put on painkillers for back stiffness and back spams but now i getting pains in knees ankles wrists and elbows its a aching pain stiffness and feels like on fire i also been geting a lot of acid indigestion
i scared it artheritus :weep:

06-09-07, 19:01
Hi There

Well it does sound like Arthritis, i get it in my spine.
The burning pain sounds very much like imflamation which goes hand in hand with arthritis.

if those painkillers aren't doing you any good go back to your doctor and tell him. I would think he might suggest an imflamortory med but if he does do tell him about your chest pains.

Don't worry if you think he doesn't want to see you, maybe it was just that he thought they would be just what you need and didn't want you to waste your time when you can get em on repeat. I should think if they are not working he would expect you back.

keep us informed and i wish you well and hope you soon feel better. :flowers: :flowers:

06-09-07, 19:06
thanks they are working to a degree
they easing the spams but he said to take 3 to 4 times a day but if i take them that often i like a zombie which is no good as my job involves driving

07-09-07, 07:47
That would be the codine in them. why not ask at your chemist if there is a med you can take that doesn't make you feel this way.

good luck:flowers:

11-09-07, 04:47
HI been on cocodomol for about 2 months doctor put it on repeat he dont want to see me was put on painkillers for back stiffness and back spams but now i getting pains in knees ankles wrists and elbows its a aching pain stiffness and feels like on fire i also been geting a lot of acid indigestion
i scared it artheritus :weep:

Don't be afraid of arthritis. Most everyone I have ever known has had it and it never goes away.

It subsides with uses of products such as alieve and tylenol. Expect acid reflux or indigestion with almost any other pain killers.

Alieve has been highly recommended by so many with the same problem. A quite old fashion way of relief I know of helps me so very much.

Get a tub of water as hot as you can stand it and sit in it and relax and think of nice wonderful things.

Stay in it till it gets almost cold or sit in a shower with hot water flowing all over as long as you can .It too helps so much .

Then take an alieve every 12 hours and no more heavy duty pain medicine and relax.I think you will be more than ok.