View Full Version : Vision issues

09-03-19, 14:23
I'm noticing a small circle in my vision. I can see it when I blink. Also can sometimes notice it when I'm looking at things. Its like what happens when you look at a camera flash and that image stays with you for a little while. Except this dot I'm seeing is smaller.
I did notice this like a month ago. I figured I must have stared at a bright light. I didn't think anything else of it and didn't notice it again until 2 days ago. The thing is, I have had 3 eye exams in the last 2 months. All checked out fine, except for slightly high eye pressure. I also had a vision field test which checked out fine. They dilated my eyes and optic nerves look great.
2 days ago at work was the most stress I had ever been under. I had to fire 2 people. One of them I worked with for 18 years and was friends with him. It was awful. I noticed this vision issue later that work day. I'm wondering if this is something I've had in my vision for a while, but my stress and hypersensitivity at the time caused me to notice it. Now, I am always looking for it and testing my eyes. It's driving me nuts. But if I'm preoccupied and not thinking of it then I don't notice it.
Anyone had something similar? I was just at the eye Dr less than 2 weeks ago.

09-03-19, 15:49
I have noticed this on and off for years

I had my eyes tested on Wednesday night just gone, and as usual everything was "as it should be"

I wouldn't worry about this at all if I were you

Good luck