View Full Version : Non-stop dizziness/lightheadedness please help

Keeping hope
09-03-19, 16:15
For the past month I have been feeling lightheaded with this weird pressure at the top of my nose between my eyes. It has gotten worse and for the past week I have been feeling lightheaded/dizzy all the time. I've been to the dr teice this weeek and she has been unable to determine a cause. Its not a spinning sensation its more a faint/woozy sensation. I can no longer drive as it scares me that it will get worse.

Has any one else experienced this and what did you do for it?

Thank you+

09-03-19, 16:27
I have that almost all the time, and in my case I believe it's sinuses. I just complained to my doctor about it again a few days ago (I've struggled with it for decades) and she says the dry air/weather is making it worse right now, and she also wants me to see an allergist if we can determine what keeps my sinuses swollen and enlarged all the time. Yes, it fires up my anxiety, too, but now that I've accepted it's my sinuses I worry about it less. If you use Afrin for 2 or 3 days you may find it will disappear, and then you'll know for sure it's your sinuses.

10-03-19, 02:11
My sinuses and allergies cause this. It’s awful.

14-03-19, 04:39
I have had this as well since December 2018. Mine occurred after a doozy of a panic attack. It has still been rearing its ugly head even during times when I do not feel anxiety. My doctor suggested I go to a neurologist. Had an MRI and he said my brain is good ( yeah, right lol). He did say that it could be ear related. I have been to ENT's in the past who I did not feel were too thorough. He also said that anxiety can cause lightheadedness which I was aware of.
Keeping hope, I too get the pressure at the top of my nose between my eyes. I also do not have a spinning merry go around sensation but more of a woozy, head rush swimmy head. In fact, this evening I was crocheting and got a beaut of the lightheadedness. Unfortunately, I react strongly as in panic to it. I grabbed the arm of the couch and became frightened. I then get a feeling of heat primarily in my face and ears and then chills. That I attribute to the adrenaline as a result of my fear response.
I had lightheadedness many years ago when my anxiety first came into the picture.
I have a dear retired doctor friend who believes it is ear related thus my next stop will be to an ENT. One ENT in the past stated that it could be eustachian tube dysfunction. I do have feelings of fullness in the ears and sometimes pain though the last ENT I went to said there was no infection but that does not mean that the eustachian tubes are not "off."
Of all the symptoms I have had regarding anxiety over many years, this is the most frightening to me. I think the unpredictability of when it occurs scares me the most.
Please let us know how you are doing and when I get an answer I will surely post here again.

14-03-19, 09:15
I have had this. I had this a couple months ago. I had the lightheadedness for about 3 weeks or so, but it went away with the help of medication ( doctor increased my dose from 40mg to 60mg) and less focus on my anxiety. I was working out and generally trying to relax. It is tough though, but it eventually went away. I would try workout and lead a healthy lifestyle. Maybe increase your medication dosage too?

14-03-19, 19:57
I had labyrinthitis (inflammation of the inner ear?) which had me literally falling down when I tried to walk, and the room was spinning all the time.   It had me out of work on short term disability for 4 weeks and was the most horrible thing I ever lived through.    Therefore, whenever I feel any sort of dizzy sensation, I panic, thinking "Oh God, please, no, not that again!"    Of course that panic causes dizziness, and ..... well, you know the rest. Sue