View Full Version : Large hard Lump left after bruise, normal?

11-03-19, 00:18
I know it's probably nothing to get freaked over, but a week or two ago I bruised the inside of my thigh really badly. It was a huge purple bruise the size of a melon. The colour of the bruise has gone but has left a large, hard lump under the skin which has got bigger. It's about the size of half a plum. Is this normal? Should I go to the doctors or should it fade off? Any advice appreciated! Just realised I used two comparisons to fruit to explain the bruise.
Thanks for any help x

11-03-19, 00:23
I would see if lump goes over next couple of days, which I think it will. If it doesn't, perhaps you could see practice nurse.

11-03-19, 02:06
I had a friend who was hit by a baseball at a major league game. It was a foul ball and got her right in the thigh. She ended up with a huge bruise and when she went to the doctor he told her that she might always have a lump there due to calcium deposits. So it can definitely take the time for the lump from a deep bruise to go away.

11-03-19, 02:58

Positive thoughts

11-03-19, 05:23
Normal. Had it on my abdomen in the bruise, it gone away in 3 weeks.

11-03-19, 09:14
Thank you all!
I'll leave it alone and hope its gone in a few weeks.
Thanks again x

11-03-19, 19:44
Normal. I had a bad bruise in my right breast of all places that caused a lump and it took about 6 months to go away.

11-03-19, 20:21
I got badly bruised the other night (was out, drank too much, no idea how I got the bruises) but the one on my arm is big and there's a big lump right in the centre of it!


12-03-19, 00:13
Thank you guys! Feel a lot better about it. Mine was also after a night out, not 100% how I did it :/ hopefully it'll be gone soon.
Thanks again for replies :) xx

12-03-19, 00:33
Completely normal whenever I bruise I alwyas get a lump/swelling underneath give it a bit of time and it will go 😊

12-03-19, 00:38
Thanks, I hope so. So tempted to keep prodding it but I'm keeping off it x

12-03-19, 01:00
Definitely don’t keep prodding as you could make it swell even more. Tell yourself you can only check it once a week and i guarantee you it’ll be gone within the next week or so. Don’t stress it. X

12-03-19, 10:15
Thanks Liddy, I'll try that, just checking once a week. X

12-03-19, 20:26

My lump is still there and that must be...?10 days now...?11
They can take a while to completely subside

12-03-19, 20:35
My partner has had a huge lump on the outside of his thigh for about 4 weeks now after an accident at work. Bruising all gone but lump still there, he’s not bothered & it doesn’t hurt him so I’m ok with that.

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12-03-19, 23:58
Thanks for the reassurance. It's such a weird thing though isn't it? I don't get how it forms a solid lump. Wonder what it looks like X