View Full Version : Skin Cancer - Melanoma fears

11-03-19, 22:02
Hello everybody,

2-3 weeks ago I was checking my right foot’s sole (for an unrelated pain) and when doing so I noticed what appears to be a mole? Its small, dark and uneven...

That same day I booked an appointment with my GP who saw it and said that it was not a mole, since its under the skin, and that it should dissapear in a couple of weeks.

Its now been 3 weeks and it still there. Hasn’t really changed (if anything might be a bit smaller than when I first noticed it) but its still concerning me since I read.. (i know i know) that moles on the bottom of one’s foot tend to be malignant.

Anyways, I’m on the verge of booking a new appt with the doctor over this, but I was looking to get some opinions from you guys first, so I’d really appreciate that.



11-03-19, 22:40
Possibly a plantar's wart.

11-03-19, 22:48
Thank you for your response


11-03-19, 22:50
Possibly a plantar's wart.

It doesn’t look/feel like a wart. It is subcutaneous as I was told before... but thank you for reading (and replying)


11-03-19, 23:02
According to Dr. Stephen Hayes blog ("Dermoscopy") moles on the feet are no more likely to be melanoma than elsewhere on the body

He has highlighted the "best" way to catch a melanoma:
* Evolving
* Different than ANYTHING else on the skin - there is no mole even slightly like it ("the ugly duckling")

He uses the ABCDE acronym, but he has changed "E" to stand for erythema, which means "redness". According to Dr Hayes, red is never an acceptable colour in a mole He also says that a mole should never be more than one colour (variations of brown are OK, but brown and blue, brown and red, or variations thereof are NOT OK)

Have a look at some of the moles on his blog - you'll see yours is nothing like a melanoma.

I wouldn't think anything more about the mark on your foot. Your GP has assessed it to be ok

Good luck

11-03-19, 23:20
According to Dr. Stephen Hayes blog ("Dermoscopy") moles on the feet are no more likely to be melanoma than elsewhere on the body

He has highlighted the "best" way to catch a melanoma:
* Evolving
* Different than ANYTHING else on the skin - there is no mole even slightly like it ("the ugly duckling")

He uses the ABCDE acronym, but he has changed "E" to stand for erythema, which means "redness". According to Dr Hayes, red is never an acceptable colour in a mole He also says that a mole should never be more than one colour (variations of brown are OK, but brown and blue, brown and red, or variations thereof are NOT OK)

Have a look at some of the moles on his blog - you'll see yours is nothing like a melanoma.

I wouldn't think anything more about the mark on your foot. Your GP has assessed it to be ok

Good luck

Thank you very much for your thorough response.

I was doing quite well controlling my HA, I guess I had a relapse. I’ll continue to monitor it as well as my anxiety issues.


12-03-19, 00:26
Rey, plantars warts are not raised like other warts. They are dark and flat.

My son had one, and it eventually went away.

Your spot looks exactly like his did, but a doctor can confirm.

12-03-19, 00:31
I had something similar appear on the palm of my hand about 7 years ago and googled and it told me it’s a rare dangerous type of melanoma I of course freaked out and rushed to the doctors to be told it was nothing and unless it changed or got bigger to forget about it 7 years on it’s still here and hasn’t changed I wouldn’t worry if your doctor was worried he’d tell you if you’re still worried in a few weeks then go back but I don’t think it’s necessary x

12-03-19, 00:45
Rey, plantars warts are not raised like other warts. They are dark and flat.

My son had one, and it eventually went away.

Your spot looks exactly like his did, but a doctor can confirm.

yes he did see it, did not mention plantar wart, but if I go back to see him over this I’ll make sure to ask him


12-03-19, 00:46
I had something similar appear on the palm of my hand about 7 years ago and googled and it told me it’s a rare dangerous type of melanoma I of course freaked out and rushed to the doctors to be told it was nothing and unless it changed or got bigger to forget about it 7 years on it’s still here and hasn’t changed I wouldn’t worry if your doctor was worried he’d tell you if you’re still worried in a few weeks then go back but I don’t think it’s necessary x

Thanks! I’ll monitor it closely for any changes
