View Full Version : Lymph node/ lump infront of ear??

12-03-19, 01:06
Sorry if I annoy anyone asking this again I thought I’d gotten over it but obviously not. Trying not to freak myself out and did so well not googling but last June/July I had jaw pain and went digging around for lumps (as you do) and couldn’t find anything until I dug really hard and found a movable not rock hard but not soft lump about pea sized directly infront of my earlobe. I made it so sore checking but once I left it alone it shrunk down I forgot about it until recently when I went looking for it and it took a minute or two but I found it now I know where exactly to look for I can feel it more easily. I know it hasn’t grown and I can flick it up and down it feels like gristle. When I check with my fingertips in circular motions I can’t feel anything but when I use one finger and go looking for it I can. Looked online and it reassured me saying you check with fingerpads and when I do I can’t feel it but then seen somewhere else it said fingertips and when I use one finger and push in I can feel it and move it about trying not to freak myself out. Also unsure of how big it is definitely not huge but can’t judge the size. Don’t feel like it has grown.

12-03-19, 01:44
Also whenever I’ve asked my mom or friends to feel it (I know reassurance) they can’t unless I really dig their fingers in but to me I can feel it so easily. I realise I’m going down the rabbit hole and looking for an answer that I already know but I can’t help myself.

12-03-19, 12:53

12-03-19, 13:03

You mention “not hard, movable, not grown” ... it doesn’t sound concerning. Remember you have nodes all down your neck and jaw so of course you’ll feel them. Also one side can feel different too.

I wouldn’t be worried but speak with your dr if you are.

Also, of course you can feel it if you dig deep, they’re called lymph nodes and we all have them. Also you’re looking for it, so you’re tuned into it too.

12-03-19, 13:06
Also whenever I’ve asked my mom or friends to feel it (I know reassurance) they can’t unless I really dig their fingers in but to me I can feel it so easily. I realise I’m going down the rabbit hole and looking for an answer that I already know but I can’t help myself.

So what do you want people to say? That post resolves the worry and if you can't help yourself, how is anyone here going to?

Positive thoughts

12-03-19, 13:08
Thanks so much for your reply JB I know all of this as I have had one the exact same behind my ear and one on my neck too and they’ve both been checked out and the doctor wasn’t concerned. I can’t feel it when I check normally but when I use one finger and dig in I can. It can move up and down isn’t rock hard and hasn’t grown and I couldn’t even feel it until I became aware of it again nobody else seems able to. Lymph nodes are my current worry just can’t seem to get over them at the moment but have been doing my best to stop checking as I can only feel them all on the same side (left) and not the right so used to check obsessively.

12-03-19, 13:10
I know fishmanpa I’m looking for reassurance and answers I already know. Lymph nodes are a huge worry for me lately and I don’t know why, I’ve stopping googling and checking for them though as I know I wouldn’t have to look if it were something sinister I just can’t knock this on the head.

12-03-19, 13:11
Thanks so much for your reply JB I know all of this as I have had one the exact same behind my ear and one on my neck too and they’ve both been checked out and the doctor wasn’t concerned. I can’t feel it when I check normally but when I use one finger and dig in I can. It can move up and down isn’t rock hard and hasn’t grown and I couldn’t even feel it until I became aware of it again nobody else seems able to. Lymph nodes are my current worry just can’t seem to get over them at the moment but have been doing my best to stop checking as I can only feel them all on the same side (left) and not the right so used to check obsessively.

I have the same thing at the moment but realised the more I prod the more worry I’m creating and if the dr isn’t worried then I shouldn’t be either. Ah, so you’ve already had an expert check them over? Then you’re fine, trust the professionals ... not us worriers here on the forum :-)
I think Fish’s response is excellent too and really resonates with me.

12-03-19, 13:14
Totally agree! The one I found on my neck last year I poked and prodded so much it got sore and swelled so much when I had it checked the doctor had to prescribe a steroid cream as I’d cut the skin and was looking at me like I was crazy as I told him he was checking it wrong as he wasn’t digging like I was! I know lymph nodes are a huge worry for people including myself and I should know better I don’t want to rush off to the doctors with this as I know he’ll just tell me I’m being ridiculous so I’m gonna leave it alone id never even have known it was there if I hadn’t looked LOGIC!!

12-03-19, 13:15
I know what you mean. I’ll go to the dr and get them checked and feel better for about an hour or so then start thinking “did they feel what I’m feeling though? Maybe they didn’t feel deep enough?”
Then the pain or sensation doesn’t go away and you check again and convince yourself that it needs another look .... that’s the problem with reassurance: your anxious mind will always find something to argue with it and doubt it and so the cycle continues. The real problem is the anxiety and reassurance checking.

12-03-19, 13:21
That’s it exactly I felt so relieved when I got home then I was like “but what if he didn’t feel the right spot” but they know how and where to check they are the professionals. I know reassurance is bad I always do it and it’s something I need to stop along with googling too much knowledge is dangerous. I’ve had the one behind my ear for over 10 years at least that’s when I discovered it ad this one and the one on my neck I noticed in June last year I know our bodies are full of lumps and bumps and I need to accept that. Wish there was an off button for HA feel like I’ve wasted so much of my life worrying and it’s never come to anything. Thank you so much for your reply I appreciate it so much and hope you’re doing okay.

12-03-19, 13:32
No problem, and believe me, I’m exactly the same, as I’m sure most of on here are. Reassurance doesn’t last very long so finding ways to stop that thought in it tracks in more effective in the long term. Remember that we can’t stop the “but what if” thoughts from happening, but we can control what happens next and how we will respond to those thoughts, it’s difficult to do, but nothing that useful was ever easy, right? :-).
I’m ok thanks, same position as you, sore throat and nose thing going on but need to accept the drs opinion on it and move on .... until my HA finds something else lol. remember, it’s all about trying to control that thought, acknowledge it when it happens and then try to stop it from getting you to seek reassurance. Don’t try to stop the thoughts coming in and see them as problems as they’re our emotions, and emotions aren’t dealt with in the same way a problem is, simply know they’re there and try to address them without freaking out :-).

12-03-19, 13:38
The bottom line is... if you have to dig to feel a node, it's not a concern. No "yeah buts" or "what ifs". (period) And for goodness sakes, stop poking and prodding!

Positive thoughts

12-03-19, 13:42
The bottom line is... if you have to dig to feel a node, it's not a concern. No "yeah buts" or "what ifs". (period) And for goodness sakes, stop poking and prodding!

Positive thoughts

I know fish I know. I can’t feel it when I check with my 3 fingers like the doctors do but when I use one finger and look for it I can. I’m not a professional I don’t know why I think I know more than they do. Have made a conscious decision to stop checking and looking because whenever I do I always find something. Gonna screenshot your reply and look whenever I get the urge. Thanks a million you’re a gem as alwyas.

12-03-19, 13:44
The bottom line is... if you have to dig to feel a node, it's not a concern. No "yeah buts" or "what ifs". (period) And for goodness sakes, stop poking and prodding!

Positive thoughts

I agree, however; it’s like telling an alcoholic “for goodness sake, stop drinking” it’s great advice but unlikely to help, I’ll probably still prod and poke sometimes but I think some advice on how tackling the thoughts that encourages the behaviour are sometimes more effective. The trade off is that it takes commitment and work ...... I myself struggle with this :-)

12-03-19, 13:46
No problem, and believe me, I’m exactly the same, as I’m sure most of on here are. Reassurance doesn’t last very long so finding ways to stop that thought in it tracks in more effective in the long term. Remember that we can’t stop the “but what if” thoughts from happening, but we can control what happens next and how we will respond to those thoughts, it’s difficult to do, but nothing that useful was ever easy, right? :-).
I’m ok thanks, same position as you, sore throat and nose thing going on but need to accept the drs opinion on it and move on .... until my HA finds something else lol. remember, it’s all about trying to control that thought, acknowledge it when it happens and then try to stop it from getting you to seek reassurance. Don’t try to stop the thoughts coming in and see them as problems as they’re our emotions, and emotions aren’t dealt with in the same way a problem is, simply know they’re there and try to address them without freaking out :-).

Most definitely I always feel a little reassured but then it comes back and I need reassurance all over again gonna have to try break the cycle. I’m gonna screenshot both yours and fish’s replies and re read whenever I feel the need to look for reassurance. Gotta help myself I’m doing myself no favours.

I’m the same right now it’s lymph nodes but it’ll be something else in a few weeks and I’m sure you can agree anything you’ve worried about hasn’t ever come to light so why would this be any different. I’ve suffered with throat pain on and off for years I’d get tonsillitis or strep on and off it’s been good for a few months now but I know how awful it is to have it. Sending you positive thoughts and thank you again for your help I appreciate it so much. Your worries will pass.