View Full Version : Back into obsessively checking

01-03-19, 13:47
So I had bubble feeling under left rib yesterday, no pain just like when a baby moves when pregnant. I looked at my ribs in mirror and the left one is more prominent that the right one. Does this sound like enlarged spleen?

01-03-19, 14:43
How did you come up with this conclusion?

Are you following your CBT techniques?

01-03-19, 15:32
Does this sound like enlarged spleen?

Sounds like you are making up symptoms again :lac:

01-03-19, 15:49
So I had bubble feeling under left rib yesterday, no pain just like when a baby moves when pregnant. I looked at my ribs in mirror and the left one is more prominent that the right one. Does this sound like enlarged spleen?

Being frank, no. A spleen that has enlarged enough to displace a rib (btw, which "rib", as more than one would be displaced) would be so painful that you would not be able to use the computer to type a question to us (and likely would have ruptured at that size).

01-03-19, 15:52
Just the part under my breast. No pain just bubble feelings.

01-03-19, 16:25
Just the part under my breast. No pain just bubble feelings.

That sounds exactly like trapped gas (and conveniently, just under the ribs is where the colon bends downward, and where gas can get trapped...... )

01-03-19, 16:33
How did you come up with this conclusion?

Are you following your CBT techniques?


02-03-19, 15:57
It's been happening again today very lightly.

02-03-19, 16:06

What about your CBT as Elen asked twice?

02-03-19, 17:03
Haven't been using them, jumped straight into Google and checking.

02-03-19, 17:24
Well there lies the problem. Scrap google and go back to your CBT methods

03-03-19, 10:55

I have notice it more when laying down. I have attached image of where I feel these bubbles. I have passed gas and had bowel movements since this began so not sure. No pain just bubble feeling located mid-bottom ribs

03-03-19, 13:08
As we keep saying go back to your CBT coping methods.

03-03-19, 14:53
What if it's linked to the black specks when wipe?

03-03-19, 14:59
What if your HA has you catastrophising again?

Helen, CBT only works if you keep on using the strategies you're taught.

03-03-19, 15:07
What if your HA has you catastrophising again?

Helen, CBT only works if you keep on using the strategies you're taught.

Absolutely, Iris. Otherwise it's through one ear and out the other :lac:

03-03-19, 15:14
Helen, have you ever heard the expression if it doesn't make sense, it probably is not true? What you are complaining about and connecting it to, makes no sense.

03-03-19, 22:38
I've tried feeling both rinsbto see if there's a difference and there isn't but if I press one area on the left I feel the bubbles. I am slightly constipated and bit gassy today but I have been since this started three days ago.

Describe like a fluttering

Could it be my spleen? I have no pain or bloating or fullness just this sensation when laying down at front upper left ribcage.

03-03-19, 22:50
You are not listening to us as usual.

04-03-19, 10:13
Doesn't sound anything like my spleen? If so I will go walk in clinic. It's more noticeable when I lay on my front. Feels like fart bubbles going across and either side.

I am slightly constipated the last few days too. I'm worried about cancers of organs in that area or spleen exploding.

04-03-19, 10:14
Helen, people are giving you good advice here. You need to realise that your real problem isn't physical, it's health anxiety. Nobody lives a life free of bodily sensations.

04-03-19, 15:11
I've not been for a poo in a few days. I had diarrhea yesterday but believe this was from dodgy kebab meat. Yesterday evening I did a little tiny rabbit poo.

I've been gassy too.

I'm now frightened this is all bowel cancer related.

04-03-19, 15:24
I've not been for a poo in a few days. I had diarrhea yesterday but believe this was from dodgy kebab meat. Yesterday evening I did a little tiny rabbit poo.

I've been gassy too.

I'm now frightened this is all bowel cancer related.

If you know cause for state of your crap and being "gassy", why are you making link with BC?

Remember "logic", Helen?

04-03-19, 18:09
I went to the loo and had a normal BM.

04-03-19, 18:10
I'm not sure anybody needs to know this.

04-03-19, 20:55
Are lymph nodes symmetrical? I've been prodding my ribs and abs today and feel small moving lumps either side but not identical. I wish I didn't do this as I know from past prodding makes things bigger. I'm just trying to see if I can feel my spleen.

04-03-19, 21:32
we`re not doctors on here as you well know by now, if you`re concerned either ring nhs direct, book in to your gp, or better still apply yourself fully to your CBT modules and work on the root cause - your anxiety

you`ve been asking for medical advice and diagnoses on here for years, ignoring well meaning people, admin, public opinion, and pretty much everyone who foolishly tries to get involved to any degree

hope you feel better soon whatever it actually is that`s troubling you

04-03-19, 23:49

Nothing all day until I bend body certain way and then felt gassy bubbles, more central and under left boob now like a fart. It's been 4 days. Is it anything that would concern you? Emergency? I tried calling for drs appt today but none were available.

05-03-19, 11:07
I'm worrying about bowel, colon and stomach cancers now. I have no bloating but I do burp and flatulance and sometimes I feel like I need to but can't. My BM are normal I think but just those black pepper specks occasionally. The sensation under ribs is occasional and mostly when laying on front or my baby laying on me. Feels like trapped gas.

05-03-19, 11:08
I understand your concerns but this sensation has me worried.

05-03-19, 11:11
I understand your concerns but this sensation has me worried.

It has you worried because you're in the grip of severe health anxiety that you seem unable to acknowledge. Your physical sensations aren't the problem, your anxiety is.

05-03-19, 12:29
Not sure if my BMS are ideal 4 soft sausage or thin. How thin is thin? Last one was 3 pieces one was partially soft and hard

05-03-19, 12:41
"Ideal"? Pffft :lac:

05-03-19, 12:59
Well if you had this bubble sensation what you think it is? My HA jumps to worst case so help me rationalise. 5th Day and mostly when I'm on my cz pmfrobt

05-03-19, 13:02
I think most people probably wouldn't think about it. Bodies do stuff, that's all - if you're not experiencing some sort of physical sensation, you must be dead.

05-03-19, 13:21
What is cz pmfrobt?

05-03-19, 13:23
Posted before I finished haha

Mostly when laying on my front. Almost like I'm pressing gas uowards or something. What if a tumor has trapped it? What if my stools are thin? I'm thinking about cancers in all this region and lymphoma.

Help me rationalise it. What could it be. It's same location over five days - if it was one off I wouldn't be worried.

05-03-19, 13:36
Probably trapped wind - we have no way of knowing but not cancer.

Don't lay on your stomach for a few days and see how it goes

05-03-19, 14:10
Thank you. It's also if I twist to the side aswell k notice it too. Can you still have trapped wind if you have burped and pooped?

05-03-19, 15:02
Thank you. It's also if I twist to the side aswell k notice it too. Can you still have trapped wind if you have burped and pooped?

Yes you can...

05-03-19, 20:22
Now worrying about an abdominal aneurysm that maybe that's what I can feel pulsing?

05-03-19, 20:39
I felt the sensation when sat at angle in bath so it's when my body is hunched or i have pressure (laying on front). Other signs I have little belches, sometimes don't poop daily, sometimes feel might fart but don't, just noticed gurgles. Possible thin poo or possible Bristol Number 4.

*Enlarged spleen
*Bowel cancer
*Stomach Cancer
*colon cancer
*Abdominal anerysm

05-03-19, 21:12
I felt the sensation when sat at angle in bath so it's when my body is hunched or i have pressure (laying on front). Other signs I have little belches, sometimes don't poop daily, sometimes feel might fart but don't, just noticed gurgles. Possible thin poo or possible Bristol Number 4.

*Enlarged spleen
*Bowel cancer
*Stomach Cancer
*colon cancer
*Abdominal anerysm

Or...a more logical answer...wait for it...gas.

05-03-19, 21:46
You don't have any of them.

Go back to your CBT coping methods and work through them?

Have you finished therapy now?

05-03-19, 22:23
I'm sure the bubble feeling is moving further down now?

I have been upgraded to higher intensity so waiting for that. Was told today she believes I need the higher course which I hope help. I've considered hypnotherapy too but quite cynical.

Why am I noticing all the bowel and stomach issues now I have cancer fears ?

05-03-19, 22:29
You have HA so you are making issues out of something that is normal.

You have always had cancer fears and brain tumours and everything since you joined here and not one thing has come true has it?

Look back over your posts and tell me which ones came true

06-03-19, 01:50
Yep, they really should have put you straight into high intensity CBT but the waiting lists are longer due to less therapists as it's much quicker to train the PWP's that do the Level 2 services.

I had the same experience. But keep practicing the things you have learnt and keep trying, there is nothing to lose from this whilst you wait for more appropriate therapy.

Sadly some services seem to operate in a bureacratic manner advancing people between levels without consideration for severity. I had that experience, they told me from day one Level 2 woulnd't addres my issues but said they couldn't put anyone straight into high intensity. I know that's BS these days as plenty on here have skipped Level 2. :lac:

06-03-19, 08:18
I'm sure I requested higher when I self referred just a shame it's wasted three/four months.

I know I'm spiralling but I also know I'm having this bubble sensation. I rang up docs and only urgents left and I felt bad for taking it incase it IS just gas but then worry if it is an ulcer or cancer then technically it would be an emergency.

Is it medically possible to feel a cancer? What if a tumor blocking my bowels so gas is trapped?

06-03-19, 11:22
Tmi poop mentioned

My last two BM have been partially cracked, partially smooth on same piece. Is this normal? I thought I saw blood but we're tomato skins.

I've noticed many diet hasn't been the best, can't remember last time I are veg which is embarrassing and I don't get enough fluids. I have two coffees in a.m then maybe one fizzy drink on evening. Would all this be playing a part?

06-03-19, 12:59
Sort the diet out and see how it goes.

06-03-19, 15:39
It's when I lay on it, if I twist certain way or if yawn and stretch. Do we all think trapped gas. It'd be a week tomorrow. . .

06-03-19, 15:39
I think you think far too much about your body.

06-03-19, 15:48
I've always been burping too but not sure how long for. Often when I haven't eaten or drank. It's two weeks from docs appointment. Should I go out of hours surgery?

06-03-19, 16:03
Should I go out of hours surgery?

No - there is no need to

06-03-19, 17:53
You sound bored again. Use your CBT techniques. Log off here. Spend time with your baby.

06-03-19, 22:16
So why would my poop be partially cracked and partially sausage like in same piece?

I was sure I saw blood on top of one piece and I moved it with the loo scrubber and it wasn't there. No blood when wiped either but my haemorroid is still there.

What if there's a cancer and that's why my left rib sticks out more?

06-03-19, 22:54
So why would my poop be partially cracked and partially sausage like in same piece?

I was sure I saw blood on top of one piece and I moved it with the loo scrubber and it wasn't there. No blood when wiped either but my haemorroid is still there.

What if there's a cancer and that's why my left rib sticks out more?

It's called constipation Helen, that everyone gets. No quit checking and digging at your stool.

Go spend sometime with your family.

06-03-19, 23:11
You don't have cancer this time or any other time you think you did.

Log off NMP - don't come back for a while and enjoy being a mum - oh and go to the therapy.

07-03-19, 10:15
I think sometimes I need to fart and don't or aren't sure if I need to poop and I go to check and I don't. Not with urgency.

I'm very sure these are all classic bowel cancer signs. I now have ache on right side too.

I read about a girl my age who had BC.

07-03-19, 10:15
Should I make a doctor's anyway it go walk in? Next appointment with GP is 2.5 weeks away.

07-03-19, 10:22
Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:

A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool, that lasts longer than four weeks - no
Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool - yes
Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain - yes, not persistent
A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely - not sure
Weakness or fatigue - no
Unexplained weight loss - no

Like I'm sat here now feeling like I may need to poop soon. I normally go around 11/12. I have a mild ache above my belly button on right side now.

07-03-19, 10:40
Signs Health Anxiety
constantly scanning your body for something wrong
jumping to the wrong conclusion
googling frantically for "proof"
ignoring everyone who suggest more likely reasons for your symptoms
refusing to use your CBT techniques to challenge your fears.

07-03-19, 10:57
I've noticed I still have the haemorroid and I'm 6 months post partum. It's soft and comes out when I strain. What if this links to bowel cancer? Can you have haemorroids this long? I haven't done anything to try and treat it for months and left it.

I've made appointment for out of hours doc tomorrow.

07-03-19, 10:59
Helen, this doesn't need an out of hours appointment - you're taking that slot away from somebody who may really need it.

07-03-19, 11:12

I have the soft lump outside my anus when I strain. That is there 6 months post partum (is it normal to still be there?)

it occasionally bleeds and itches. I feel anus pressure too today. I'm wondering if all this is related to piles or BC. I don't think I'd be worrying about BC if I hadn't noticed this rib feeling so has the constipation come on due to anxiety? I mean I'm going once daily but sometimes I feel pressure in my anus. Right now as I sit on it for example.

Any dietary changes I can try to help relieve gas/constipation?

07-03-19, 18:15

I have the soft lump outside my anus when I strain. That is there 6 months post partum (is it normal to still be there?)

it occasionally bleeds and itches. I feel anus pressure too today. I'm wondering if all this is related to piles or BC. I don't think I'd be worrying about BC if I hadn't noticed this rib feeling so has the constipation come on due to anxiety? I mean I'm going once daily but sometimes I feel pressure in my anus. Right now as I sit on it for example.

Any dietary changes I can try to help relieve gas/constipation?

Helen with as much time as you spend on here worrying about an imaginary cancer, you could be spending it with your baby. There are little once.

Drink more water and eat more fiber and call it a day.

07-03-19, 18:42
maybe I shouldn't have read this thread while eating...................

07-03-19, 18:53
maybe I shouldn't have read this thread while eating...................

Oh dear :emot-puke:

07-03-19, 21:15
All day I've felt like I need to poo but I haven't been able to go. Can anxiety bring on symptoms of what you're worried about?

Not sure if I can't go or if I'm stopping self because I'm scared I'll see blood IN poo. Or if my poo will look weird. I'm sure I saw blood ON last poo but closer inspection wasn't there.

08-03-19, 00:21
So I just checked my poop. Literally with a earbud and cut it in half. There was red and orange bits possible food as I eat chilli flakes in my food and had tomatoes two days ago. There was also tiniest bit of white over top end. It was sausage like in two pieces.

08-03-19, 00:24
So I just checked my poop. Literally with a earbud and cut it in half. There was red and orange bits possible food as I eat chilli flakes in my food and had tomatoes two days ago. There was also tiniest bit of white over top end. It was sausage like in two pieces.

And what did you achieve by this crappage dissection? :lac:

08-03-19, 01:52
Sounds like undigested food to me which can happen to anyone and reduced transit time can mean you see it. White can also be the normal mucus we have up the pipe :blush:

Roids can make you feel like there is somethere there and that you want to go but think there is still more to come out.

Long before my anxiety I had roids and had all this with them. And they can stick around for years which I suspect happens more once they get over a certain size and conventional treatments only reduce inflammation as more invasive methods are needed to remove them fully.

The women on here can probably tell you just how normal this is after giving birth. I suspect it just comes with the territory for women like so many things.

08-03-19, 10:01
Poop looking didn't achieve anything to be honest. Just shame as I dug through. Nothing untoward found.

I wake up feeling hungry, is this normal?

And should I go to out of hours or wait few weeks to see own GP for the gas feeling STILL there a week later on upper left side? Only in certain angles

08-03-19, 10:02
And thanks Terry my lovely roid is size of small grape. Never really bothersome accept occasional bleed and itch

08-03-19, 20:10
I can't quite work out where but it's on the left under my breast/rib. If I sit in certain ways and particularly if I lie in my front I feel a twitch/spasm in this area. No pain. I've gone from TERRIFIED it's a spleen or an ulcer ready to explode to bowel cancer but I'm trying to calm self down. I can't much online good or bad. If I Google colon or bowel I find stories of girls my age dying and it scares me. They don't necessarily have this symptom. More I think it's like a muscle spasm. Anybody had this before?

08-03-19, 20:31

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

08-03-19, 20:59
So I just checked my poop. Literally with a earbud and cut it in half. There was red and orange bits possible food as I eat chilli flakes in my food and had tomatoes two days ago. There was also tiniest bit of white over top end. It was sausage like in two pieces.

Why would you ever choose to do that??? of course you would find different colours and textures in it, that is normal...... to me that is just digusting sorry

08-03-19, 21:12
Please someone suggest what this sensation COULD be? I cancelled the out of hours GP but may go tomorrow. I worry it's a cyst or tumor or something. It feels like a spasm/twitch

08-03-19, 21:14
It's been a week now. I've tried feeling and can't feel anything. My left rib cage is slightly bigger.

What if its a tumor blocking my colon pipe?

08-03-19, 21:19
We were watching back film when a character mention bowel cancer so I've had to leave the room.

08-03-19, 23:21
Please someone suggest what this sensation COULD be? I cancelled the out of hours GP but may go tomorrow. I worry it's a cyst or tumor or something. It feels like a spasm/twitch

Sometimes muscles twitch around in people's bodies a little bit just because it happens.

08-03-19, 23:58
Please someone suggest what this sensation COULD be? I cancelled the out of hours GP but may go tomorrow. I worry it's a cyst or tumor or something. It feels like a spasm/twitch

Everyone already has, but you don't listen to what they say.

09-03-19, 09:40
Think what you will of me,don’t care.9 pages of BS,when some poor person with a legit post doesn’t get one reply?
What is it?I know the poor woman has problems,I just don’t understand what it is that posters are so infatuated with her.
I feel for her poor neglected child.

09-03-19, 10:49
Truth bomb right there👍

09-03-19, 11:40
So having a child is suppsoed to have cured me of my health anxiety?

I'm now worried I have acistes or PPC cancer. My stomach is still biggish from birth but not necessarily bloating.

09-03-19, 11:49
In an ideal world, your child would be dominating your life right now, rather than your fear.

I also really worry about the hygienic implications of digging through your own feces.

I think that what upsets people on here, though, is that there seems to be little to no evidence of you trying to manage your anxiety.

Violet Blue
09-03-19, 12:01
Think what you will of me,don’t care.9 pages of BS,when some poor person with a legit post doesn’t get one reply?
What is it?I know the poor woman has problems,I just don’t understand what it is that posters are so infatuated with her.
I feel for her poor neglected child.

Yey! Actual common sense and it hasn't been deleted!

I'll say it again - to those kind-hearted people trying to help this woman, you are only encouraging her. Excellent point, Lola-Lee and I echo it - please everyone focus your attention on someone who appreciates it and is more obviously genuine.

09-03-19, 12:02
So having a child is suppsoed to have cured me of my health anxiety?

I'm now worried I have acistes or PPC cancer. My stomach is still biggish from birth but not necessarily bloating.

Not sure what those two things mean and am not about to google them to find out (I know what cancer is)

Dr Google is not reliable, helen. The best one to tell you for sure if you have anything to be worried about is your real life doctor.

09-03-19, 15:08
I dont know if it's swollen fluid abdomen or just my post partum tum. I never used to have a belly. It goes slightly diagonally from chest. It feels squishy but upper abs bit more firm than the belly I've gotten. Acistes is caused by liver diseases or cancer.

09-03-19, 15:52
Forgive me for being so direct, but why are you not seeking help for your serious health anxiety?

You've been posting on here for a very long time with the most vague, unremarkable and at times, "stupid" symptoms.

This is an extremely unhealthy situation for you to be in. Both for you and your child (and partner, if you have one)

You seriously need to get off the computer and seek professional help because this will only get worse and worse.

09-03-19, 15:57
I dont know if it's swollen fluid abdomen or just my post partum tum. I never used to have a belly. It goes slightly diagonally from chest. It feels squishy but upper abs bit more firm than the belly I've gotten. Acistes is caused by liver diseases or cancer.

Many women have a belly after having children. It means nothing.

You also are incorrect about ascites. Many times it is caused by liver scarring. But it can also be caused by heart failure. Which I am sure you have neither. If you belly was swollen you would know it.

09-03-19, 16:31
Ahhh so you have ascites do you?? So I take it your stomach looks something similar to those in these pictures of people with ascites??




Yeah didn't think so..................

Seriously Helen there are people actually suffering from these things and it causes so much pain and anguish to them and you would know if you were actually suffering with it too........ Have some respect for those people who are actually suffering from these things and get some help with your HA.... and do it now!

09-03-19, 23:12
My husband had ascites when he was actually dying of liver cancer. ...

10-03-19, 02:51
:hugs:For you Phuzella.

10-03-19, 06:55
Thank you Lola-Lee :)

10-03-19, 07:03
I'm so very sorry for your loss, Phuzella.

10-03-19, 11:28
Very sorry about your husband Phuzella big hug on it's way

10-03-19, 11:31
My uncle has just got out of hospital suffering with this as well and his stomach was huge like the pictures. He is waiting on further tests on his liver.

Sorry for your loss Phuzella

I think it is safe to say you don't have that Helen.

10-03-19, 23:57
Sorry for your loss phuzella, truly.

I'm not sure if I feel and upper left side. It feels on when lay down just slightly different when standing and checking.

11-03-19, 00:19
I'm not sure if I feel and upper left side. It feels on when lay down just slightly different when standing and checking.

Do we need to decipher what you're trying to say? :wacko:

11-03-19, 00:21
Sorry for your loss phuzella, truly.

I'm not sure if I feel and upper left side. It feels on when lay down just slightly different when standing and checking.

I'm sorry for your loss Phuzella.. I truly am :( I'm even sorrier that you would get a response like the above. As long as you know it's the dragon and he's a SOB and turns those that have him inside do and say things that are insensitive. I'm sure it's him and not the real heart of the person saying it.

Positive thoughts

11-03-19, 07:35
Do we need to decipher what you're trying to say? :wacko:

I'm not sure if I feel a lump on upper left side. Can't feel difference when lay down only when I stand

11-03-19, 07:41
Helen, may I ask what the point is in documenting your symptoms here when you don't seem to want to engage with people or address the questions you're being asked?

We're trying to help you here, but you're giving every impression of your health anxiety being your safe space. It's sad, because it clearly takes up a huge part of your life, and your family must really want and need you back from this.

11-03-19, 20:48
Thank you all for the above messages xx. It will be 8 years this month. Time flies and I really wish some folks on here would take that on board and get help to sort their heads out.

12-03-19, 11:45
Since this sensation of gas or whatever it is I have become obsessed with checking my body for lumps. My left ribs stick out more than my right which I've found is slightly common but it's the 'is that a lump' feeling of fear I get. My left abdoment feels different to the right side. Bit further up or bit further down. I'm starting to feeling the prods now like I've been winded and I know in the long run this will only cause more harm than good. I don't know how to stop. I haven't been this bad which checking in ages and having the compulsion to do so.

12-03-19, 12:04

I have merged your threads as they are basically about the same thing.

Time to start using your CBT techniques.

13-03-19, 11:47
I've made an out of hours appointment for this evening. Do I mention that I think I feel a lump? I'm not sure if it's my rib or a lymph node? My BM are regular pretty much same time every morning and are now more 'normal' since ivr stopped checking. Grim but I always look in but have stopped digging them (I know it's gross and unhygienic, some were concerned about my baby but he wasn't at home when I did this).

Those saying get help for anxiety I have had low intensity CBT but now referred to high intensity and waiting on a call for that.

13-03-19, 15:11
I'm scared to go to the docs this evening incase they suggest it could be cancer or an aneurysm. Or if they say they feel the lump. I feel it more if I move positions. I sort of want to get checked for price of mind but don't incase it bad news

13-03-19, 16:54
They are not even going to mention cancer or aneurysms to be fair !

13-03-19, 18:48
She said the 'lump' is my rib and it does feel inflame could be from acid or baby and to take anti inflammatory. She said if still here in 2 weeks to go for abdomen ultrasound for piece of mind. I asked about BC and she said it presents differently. I asked about anersum and she noted j was worried and said it's more common in older people and she wouldn't have thought unless I mentioned it but now all I think about is whether this is an aneurysm.

13-03-19, 20:46
It isn't an aneurysm though

14-03-19, 17:19
If I apply light pressure right under my diapraghm I can feel a pulse is this normal?

and when my baby lays on my front while I'm on back (sleeps this way sometimes) I feel a twitch in various areas on abdomen.

14-03-19, 17:24
helen everything's fine, I'm sure there's nothing wrong that you need to worry about, particularly if you've seen the doctor recently (can't remember when you said you saw the doctor) but if the doctor's found nothing wrong with you then you're fine.

If you haven't seen the doctor about this then the doctor can put your mind at rest.

14-03-19, 17:52
Thank you - doctor said the rib is little inflamed but could be number of reasons. She wasn't concerned and said she'd do ultrasound if I wanted in 2 weeks in symptoms persist. It's ONLY SINCE I started reading about anersum I'm worried about them.

Is the diaphragm pulse normal? Felt when pressed.

14-03-19, 18:20
You're either feeling the pulse from your abdominal aorta, or you're palpating with your thumb and feeling it from that.

Stop worrying about such nonsense.

14-03-19, 19:40
Isn't it dangerous to feel your atora? I'm worried it means it's an aneurysm

14-03-19, 19:48
Why are you sitting on here asking questions if you're seriously worried about AAA?

14-03-19, 20:17
I'm posting this against my better judgement.

I think this forum is a fantastic place for people with health anxiety, OCD, panic attacks etc. It really does seem to provide people, who are maybe anxious over a mole, worried about a headache - you name it - relax and get back on track with their lives. Usually, this seems to follow a pattern: a user will post, one or more other users will reply, there might be a follow up question (or two) but then it's pretty much put to bed.

There are also posts from people (particularly young males, I've noticed) who are worried about a heart attack, cva or some other potentially "fatal at the click of your fingers" circulatory condition. They have almost always sought A&E advice for their symptoms, before posting on here. I want to ask: you're sitting there claiming to be fretting about an AAA, which as we all know can turn lethal at the blink of an eye. We also know you've recently had a child. If you thought you had an AAA, why would you not be off to A&E, like the vast majority of posters with these concerns are? Or phone an ambulance? You may claim to not want to "waste NHS time", but even if this were so, it's not like you're a frequent visitor to either your doctors surgery or A&E. Surely, the thought of leaving your child behind would almost compel you to seek urgent care?

I'm not entirely convinced you're genuine in your pursuit of "reassurance" over what are, for the most part, silly and imagined symptoms. If I had to guess, I'd assume you have some sort of issue where you perhaps feel the need to be centre of attention, rather than health anxiety.

The sheer mental stress you must be under - you thought smelling smoke when there was a clear source nearby was a brain tumour - how can someone triggered so easily cope? You don't even take medications for your anxiety? When people on here, who are triggered far less easily (going by their posting) are on vast amounts of medication (in some cases). Yes, everyone is unique, but I'd find it very difficult to believe someone with your attested health anxiety could actually function on a day-to-day basis without some form of inpatient treatment.

That's my opinion and yes, I could be wrong, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I see your threads on here, and I rarely comment on them. Members on here (I know, I'm contradicting myself this point forward) comment, get rather annoyed at you and argue amongst themselves. This leads to nowhere, before you're back on posting another new "symptom". I think we should all avoid "feeding the dragon" from now on.

Helenhoo, you need to get off the computer and get professional help for something. Whether that's health anxiety is anyone's guess, but you most definitely need psychiatric input for something.

If I'm wrong, I'm sorry - but, can you blame me? I won't be commenting on your threads again.

14-03-19, 20:25
I'm asking if it's normal to feel your pulse in that location, if it's not then I will need to worry. If it's normal, then I don't.

14-03-19, 20:31
For once can you actually read a reply and answer it rather than "Thanks but"?

14-03-19, 20:31
Only a qualified medical doctor can say that, Helen. And nobody on here fits that bill.


14-03-19, 21:22
As RadioGaga says, please get professional help as soon as possible. I struggled with my anxiety for the first 14 months of my daughter's life, at times likely as debilitated as you are, before finally seeking help. My daughter is 4 now and looking back makes me so sad because I missed so much of the joy I could have been experiencing. Instead of feeling happiness and enjoying motherhood I would burst into tears every time I looked at my daughter because I was certain I would die of some yet-unknown disease and not be around to see her grow up. I spent house of my life and hundreds of dollars seeing doctors. I would literally just sit on the floor and cry, sometimes for hours, every day until I finally started seeing a therapist regularly. Don't miss out on your son's early life. There's nothing wrong with you beyond anxiety.

14-03-19, 21:50
Well you'd know yourself if you could feel your pulse under your chest/breast.

14-03-19, 22:04
So why not ask your partner/friends/family/someone in real life? Instead of resorting to strangers on the internet? For all you know, we could lie and say "yes we can feel it". When, if you did this in real life, you could feel for yourself?

14-03-19, 23:17
So why not ask your partner/friends/family/someone in real life? Instead of resorting to strangers on the internet? For all you know, we could lie and say "yes we can feel it". When, if you did this in real life, you could feel for yourself?

I just got slated on another post for suggesting talking to real life people :whistles:

14-03-19, 23:24
Well you'd know yourself if you could feel your pulse under your chest/breast.

Did you read Erin's comment?

I shouldn't be but I am floored this is where your head is immediately after what she wrote.

14-03-19, 23:30
Helen doesn't read our replies or act on them or acknowledge them - that is how she is so it is best people don't reply if it frustrates them like it does most people.

15-03-19, 02:26
I just got slated on another post for suggesting talking to real life people :whistles:

That's not true. Your comment was questioned because it was at odds with one of the strengths of peer support networks which you explained later as being personal preference.

Violet Blue
15-03-19, 06:58
That's not true. Your comment was questioned because it was at odds with one of the strengths of peer support networks which you explained later as being personal preference.

Nomorepanic, I imagine you were only joking, even though PC Terry has waded in as if you needed telling you were wrong.

But this is why speaking to actual people is always preferable to interacting with anonymous strangers.

Unless you want to make friends on here to share stories with or ask people about medications or medical procedures, it's got to be always better getting out there and talking to actual people.

Quite clearly the health anxiety page is actively detrimental, certainly to the sufferer/attention seeker, but also to the well meaning people trying to offer help.

You do an excellent job Nomorepanic, patience of a saint!

15-03-19, 07:03
Without wishing to stir the pot...

I understand what people are saying, and I agree wholeheartedly that it's better to talk to people you know. However, not everybody has a sympathetic ear for their worries, and therapists aren't always immediately accessible.

Violet Blue
15-03-19, 07:44
Without wishing to stir the pot...

I understand what people are saying, and I agree wholeheartedly that it's better to talk to people you know. However, not everybody has a sympathetic ear for their worries, and therapists aren't always immediately accessible.

I wish I had a therapist!

But there will always be neighbours, libraries, people waiting at bus stops, churches (unfortunately with the religion), etc. Some of us remember a time before the internet, and they say we were less lonely then!

Of course some people don't have anyone to talk to though, obviously no one is saying that.

15-03-19, 11:57
Nomorepanic, I imagine you were only joking, even though PC Terry has waded in as if you needed telling you were wrong.But this is why speaking to actual people is always preferable to interacting with anonymous strangers.Unless you want to make friends on here to share stories with or ask people about medications or medical procedures, it's got to be always better getting out there and talking to actual people.Quite clearly the health anxiety page is actively detrimental, certainly to the sufferer/attention seeker, but also to the well meaning people trying to offer help.You do an excellent job Nomorepanic, patience of a saint!I was one of the people who commented in the thread Nic mentioned so perhaps it's best you get your facts straight.

15-03-19, 12:40
Woah calm down please.

15-03-19, 16:43
Notice the OP is nowhere to be seen? It's like clockwork.

It's always the same pattern.

Step 1: Post a thread with a silly symptom and claim to be scared

Step 2: ignore responders, but either comment with a ''new symptom'' or ignore their points and keep on rambling about said original worry

Step 3: Fellow forumites get (understandably) angry and ask OP questions.

Step 4: OP suddenly goes quiet, then offline.

Step 5: forumites continue to argue, whilst the OP probably sits at home on her computer logged out, Reading said thread and laughing.

Step 6: OP returns days later, just to start the process again

Anyone who can't see the clear behavioural pattern above, and recognise how UNIQUE it is (there isn't a single poster like her on here, and this is a busy forum)

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It's a duck.

No psychology degree is needed to see that!

15-03-19, 16:53
spot on, I also had concerns recently that someone with a newborn in the house should be publicly posting that she happily pokes through her own poo, I hope she washes her hands afterwards but as a parent myself I`d be slightly troubled if dissecting my latest effort took precedence over looking after junior

Mind you, I`m medication free and living a happy life, not posting on here endlessly and chopping up my own tods

Happy friday one and all, at some point some actual sense will descend on all of this hopefully but I wouldn`t bank on it

15-03-19, 17:02
No Troll calling please

15-03-19, 17:28
censoring posts and restricting freedom of speech for some people, while allowing others to do whatever pleases them possibly isn`t the best way to go on a forum.

one final question before I log out for good - what is NMPs success rate from its tried and trusted M.O. of enabling, censorship and slapping wrists? do you get many people coming back on here to say how much it all helped? You currently have a small handful of people who derive satisfaction from upsetting a lot of others. when challenged they are absolutely encouraged to continue in their ways

truth, whether it`s unpalatable or unpleasant is often what`s needed in messy situations.

But what would I know?

Good luck one and all

Ad nauseam. Ad infinitum. Ad enough.

Violet Blue
15-03-19, 18:22
censoring posts and restricting freedom of speech for some people, while allowing others to do whatever pleases them possibly isn`t the best way to go on a forum.

one final question before I log out for good - what is NMPs success rate from its tried and trusted M.O. of enabling, censorship and slapping wrists? do you get many people coming back on here to say how much it all helped? You currently have a small handful of people who derive satisfaction from upsetting a lot of others. when challenged they are absolutely encouraged to continue in their ways

truth, whether it`s unpalatable or unpleasant is often what`s needed in messy situations.

But what would I know?

Good luck one and all

Ad nauseam. Ad infinitum. Ad enough.

Great post Bruce.

15-03-19, 18:29
You all know the rules of the forum, it is up to you whether you get involved in threads or not

15-03-19, 20:28
If you see a 14-pages thread, you can bet that Helenhoo started it! I wish my threads were getting 1/10 of that attention! :roflmao:

15-03-19, 22:47
You all know the rules of the forum, it is up to you whether you get involved in threads or not

Sometimes, what's truly best for the member and the forum has nothing to do with "rules".

Positive thoughts

15-03-19, 23:08
We are not going to close threads FMP just because members think we should

15-03-19, 23:24
We are not going to close threads FMP just because members think we should

It's been done many (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?201896-almenotic-melanoma) times (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?187169-Phantom-smells&p=1581597#post1581597) previously (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?188625-Why-do-I-worry-about-brain-Tumor&p=1767842#post1767842) :shrug: Anyway..............


16-03-19, 11:16
We are not going to close threads FMP just because members think we should

^^^^^^ just because members think we should are the words here not the no thread is closed part.

Step 5: forumites continue to argue

Here lies the problem..... it is the people posting on the threads which keep them going... if they don't respond and argue then threads will not continue as they do.. as we have saod many many times before... there is even a thread about it!!

Now heres a novel idea :winks: .... why not instead of actually posting on a thread that annoys/frustrate you, you click the following and answer a thread which goes unnoticed and ignored while threads such as these dominate the forum...

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/54405734_1477221565741764_2278054798441840640_n.pn g?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr3-1.xx&oh=4b7c67d05da6551ab7acca97bf3e1486&oe=5D22E27D

Go on...... you know you want to :) .... people will be much more appreciative to get answers where they don't normally.

16-03-19, 14:57
I really feel for you Helen. I also understand the frustrations from the people who are commenting and getting no where. You are right in the middle of a massive health anxiety episode. I know because I've been there. I was also the person dissecting my poo and collecting my pee in a glass and holding it up to light to check for changes. Ive been the person so consumed with bowel changes that ive sat rocking in a corner begging to be sectioned. You need to start taking everones advice and get help for the anxiety. Im heavily medicated because i can go from one extreme to the next. If you aren't breastfeeding get an appointment at emergency Dr on Monday and get medication. Ask for them to have a feel at your tummy whilst you are there and get the number for the cbt place. I know the waiting lists are long as i was 11months wait in Scotland, what i done though was called every few weeks and asked if i had moved any further up the list. This showed them that i was serious about getting help and the squeezed me in with a trainee.

Now with regards to the bowel cancer you need to try break the habits. So as soon as youve finished your business, wipe and any signs of blood on paper require investigation. If theres no blood on paper you can safetly flush without even looking in the bowl. The key to any changes is persistent change. So if you have diarrhea for 3 weeks or more it needs checked out. If its been less than 3 weeks you need to try calm your mind and watch what your eating. If it stops then great if it doesnt get checked after 3 weeks.

Please listen to this advice. People are getting frustrated because you've posted about every disease there could ever be and you have never had it. You dont seem to listen and thats why people get snippy with you. I have been in your shoes and wore your tshirt. Im on 200mg sertraline, 45mg mirtazipine and 30mg propanalol. Im still anxious about health bit the majority of the time its contained. Get to Drs for meds before you become any worse

17-03-19, 11:40
I know and I have been flushing and not checking the last few days however this morning I had a slightly painful poop and saw blood on tissue. I do have an external heamoroid BUT I'm worrying this is again pointing to BC. I went again half hour later and rewiped and still little bits of blood there. Is this common with heamoroids?

17-03-19, 11:53
I have a family meal today and I feel so dizzy with nerves! What if the rib is a lump? Doctor felt it and said it was my rib but what it's actually a lump? This area also feel tender and across whole area. Then the sharp pain while poo and blood on tissue (not on poo that I could see) I feel sick with nerves.

17-03-19, 13:16
What about when the baby's old enough to pick up on your anxieties? Surely it's better to get a grip on it now?

17-03-19, 14:42

OK what if it is a lump? And it is the disease you fear? Panicking about it isn't going to change anything. You'll just have to get it treated.

There - is that the answer you want?

17-03-19, 21:29
If the doctor says it's your' rib then it's your rib, helen, i promise.

18-03-19, 08:50
I understand your frustrations. I just thought I needed to poop but went and didn't go. Wasn't an urgent feeling but a need to go. I had a dream I was vomiting blood because of my worry of BC and then in another dream I was wiping more blood. What if these are signs or prementions? Surely upper 'lump' would cause dark blood if anything?

18-03-19, 08:55
Dreams aren't premonitions, they just reflect your preoccupations. When my HA has been out of control I've often had scary dreams about whatever symptom/potential disease was worrying me the most.

I promise, it doesn't mean a thing other than that you're having problems with health anxiety.

18-03-19, 14:24
It feels like a stitch around the rib particularly when breathe in or stretch. I had a BM this morning and it hurt sharp pain again. Thought saw blood but think it was pepper as I ate them night before. I may have prodded and it was a piece of something so probably was pepper.

Why does it hurt when poo and blood yesterday?

18-03-19, 14:32
Because you have piles - we have told you this before.

18-03-19, 17:34
I just wiped bottom (went for a wee) and there was very very tiny red dot on the tissue. Darker than the bright red yesterday.

18-03-19, 17:39
Chances are you're injuring yourself with excessive wiping.

18-03-19, 17:43
Because you have piles - we have told you this before.

20-03-19, 10:12
So the sensation is sort of easing but still there. Been taking the antiacid for a week tomorrow.

My BM yesterday was looseish yesterday and this morning was formed well but only a little piece (half a normal BM). It had tiny tiny white specks too. I feel I'm obsessing over things nobody else would give two boots about.

I'm now paranoid my Chinese horoscope is trying to kill me off because any of them for Horse this year says health will be poor anything from heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, blood, accidents (I slipped in kitchen yesterday) so I worry it's right about all the above.

You'd be pleased (some of you) to know I have my high intensity call today and said I'd be high priority because I have a child younger than one.

20-03-19, 10:24
It's great that you've got your call today - hopefully the healing process will begin.

I wouldn't place any stock whatsoever in Chinese horoscopes (or any sort of horoscopes). It's all so much magical thinking.

20-03-19, 11:47
helen, horoscopes are a load of garbage. I'm glad you had your call.

21-03-19, 02:55
It feels almost muscular because it's when I turn a certain way. Ive not been prodding my body as much. I did yesterday out of compulsion and it felt ok, did it again and felt difference.When should I go back for the abdomen scan? She said after two weeks if I wanted. Still concerned this feeling is a cyst bleeding that I can feel or a tumor. Logic is trying to think it's muscles.

(I missed my telephone assessment call so they're calling me at 10 today)

21-03-19, 03:04
Please don't miss any further appointments. After so many they just cancel you and return you to your GP.

21-03-19, 10:33
I think the pain might a fissure because it's sore to touch. The hanerroid is still there. Is it definitely a roid? It is soft and goes in when not pooping.

My BM today was formed and cracked. I had a look and saw some food pieces and I bled a little presumably from this fissure/roid.

21-03-19, 10:35
They've not rang yet either and had phone in hand ready. Should I call them?

21-03-19, 11:03
Why did you miss it yesterday?

21-03-19, 11:50
Call went straight to voicemail but don't know why. Today they hadn't booked me in so outs tomorrow now. I'm lying down and feel it stretches in the rib area.

21-03-19, 12:23
Why couldn't you call back?

21-03-19, 12:24
Was there even a call at all I wonder :shrug:

21-03-19, 13:09
A few times I've left tap running as I've started to do something then gone to do something else in another room (I tend to try and do few things at once now I've got a baby) or I've not turned oven (electric) off after dishing food up. I'm worrying these are signs of early Alzheimer's or brain tumor.

21-03-19, 13:19
Did you also forget about your other thread with unanswered replies? :lac:


21-03-19, 13:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

21-03-19, 13:31
I did call back hence why it was arranged for today but they hadn't booked it in their diary. I rang them and they have rearranged for tomorrow. If I need to screenshot the call log then so be it.

21-03-19, 13:43
I did call back hence why it was arranged for today but they hadn't booked it in their diary. I rang them and they have rearranged for tomorrow. If I need to screenshot the call log then so be it.

But if you'd called back immediately (as you were expecting call) surely you wouldn't have needed to rearrange it?

21-03-19, 13:50
That's what I thought! It was within 5 minutes

21-03-19, 14:03
I did call back hence why it was arranged for today but they hadn't booked it in their diary. I rang them and they have rearranged for tomorrow. If I need to screenshot the call log then so be it.

There is no need to prove anything to anyone here.

These services make mistakes, don't call people, run over with other patients and ring you even the next day, etc. As long as it's being sorted, that's all that matters.

21-03-19, 14:23
So I was prodding about again and now notice a pulse both side upper abdomen opposite each other. In beat to heartbeat. Normal or cause for concern

21-03-19, 14:31
Your heart is definitely beating. Sounds like a positive sign to me!

21-03-19, 14:43
Is this not a sign of AAA? I Z ould make out if hours appointment for tonight. It says that if you press in and are slim(ish) it's normal to feel it.

21-03-19, 14:47
Is this not a sign of AAA?

I don't know whether or not it is. I don't feel the need to know, because after years with HA all I've ever got from the (incomplete, inaccurate) knowledge I've gained is more half-remembered crap to haunt me when my anxiety is acting up.

I really wish it was possible to un-google information as easily as I googled it in the first place.

21-03-19, 17:39
I really wish it was possible to un-google information as easily as I googled it in the first place.

How true!

21-03-19, 17:52
Helen.... how many of these disorders/illness that you have worried about and posted about since 2015 have you actually been proven to suffer from? (apart from HA)

21-03-19, 18:56
Just turned my bottom with tissue nothing, then again and bright red blood. I hadn't been BM just wiped with tissue. Quite a bit of red blood after rubbing the anus where the roid stick out.

21-03-19, 18:59
piles bleed - what else do you expect?

Helen you need to start being a bit more sensible about things here and work it out for yourself

21-03-19, 19:03
It's bleeding because you're rubbing at tight, damaged skin. Cause and effect, Helen.

21-03-19, 19:13
It's literally the anus hole, on the outside of the hole. (biology isn't my forte so sorry for using childish terms) it feels full now too.

21-03-19, 19:15
I repeat, you've been stimulating it, so of course the skin will be irritated and feel weird.

21-03-19, 19:27
Helen.... how many of these disorders/illness that you have worried about and posted about since 2015 have you actually been proven to suffer from? (apart from HA)

Thank you for your Q, Miss V. I entered your query into the HA Database and came up with ONE answer.


21-03-19, 19:40
Leave it alone for goodness sake Helen. Poke and prod and you will make it worse and it will bleed.

21-03-19, 19:46
I repeat, you've been stimulating it, so of course the skin will be irritated and feel weird.That sounds like an entirely different thread :blush:

21-03-19, 19:47
Leave it alone for goodness sake Helen. Poke and prod and you will make it worse and it will bleed.A line straight out of sex ed. :biggrin:

21-03-19, 21:08
Helen.... how many of these disorders/illness that you have worried about and posted about since 2015 have you actually been proven to suffer from? (apart from HA)

Thank you for your Q, Miss V. I entered your query into the HA Database and came up with ONE answer.


Zilch? ..... I guess that is the joy of HA that no matter what the replies that their just HAS to be something wrong with them.

Helen/Reb... you need to listen to the above ^^^^^^ that you have been on NMP for 4 years now and of all the many many illnesses you have thought you have had you have actually been diagnosed and treated for NONE of them...

What does that tell you about what you are suffering from Helen/Reb?

Violet Blue
22-03-19, 06:28
Zilch? ..... I guess that is the joy of HA that no matter what the replies that their just HAS to be something wrong with them.

Helen/Reb... you need to listen to the above ^^^^^^ that you have been on NMP for 4 years now and of all the many many illnesses you have thought you have had you have actually been diagnosed and treated for NONE of them...

What does that tell you about what you are suffering from Helen/Reb?

I think you should enlarge, embolden and put in red more comments, to really get Helen/Reb to read it and to change her ways...

22-03-19, 08:08
I did have cervical cell changes

I weren't for a BM last night and I bled again. Seemingly no poop to wipe though BM in toilet. Just little blood.

22-03-19, 10:18
Had telephone assessment, she'll speak with supervisor next week then call me back to discuss plan.

22-03-19, 11:15
Had telephone assessment, she'll speak with supervisor next week then call me back to discuss plan.

Well done, fingers crossed they come back with something quickly for you.

22-03-19, 11:25
Had telephone assessment, she'll speak with supervisor next week then call me back to discuss plan.

hope they can come up with a suitable plan, helen :hugs:

23-03-19, 19:06
I can't stop prodding my ribs and if it feels different one side, it scared me. I'll check again and it's the same, again and there's a difference. Not sure if rib or lump. Plus this fissure hurts when I BM and bled a little.

23-03-19, 19:09
Well, mine has been totally different all my life, my ribs that is on one side - two of them are fused together in like a strange boney lump. NO idea why, just 'one of those things' and clearly NOT life-threatening. lol