View Full Version : Head pressure

12-03-19, 16:23
Someone please tell me this is normal the pressure above my eyes and nose it comes and goes and is scaring me

12-03-19, 16:26
Sinuses. It's normal.

Positive thoughts

12-03-19, 17:19
It’s normal with sinuses. And it stinks. I’m on the couch miserable right now. Feel better.

12-03-19, 17:33
I don’t have a cold though :( is that normal ? I thought sinuses ment you had to have a cold

12-03-19, 19:11
Last time... NORMAL!!

Positive thoughts

12-03-19, 20:41
Thanks sorry don’t make it any nicer :(

12-03-19, 21:12
Sorry, but seriously, do you know how many people get sinus pain and headaches? Look at the shelves in the pharmacy in the pain relief/allergy relief/cough and cold section. It's so common there's an entire selection of medicines to take to alleviate that very symptom/pain. I get that some symptoms are dodgier and you would seek reassurance but sinus pressure/pain? And after two straight up replies that there are no "what ifs" or "yeah buts" about, you asked again and this is the 4th thread in a week about this. My reply was a :doh: reaction.

Some of those remedies have a decongestant. That's all you probably need. Just something to help clear your sinuses is all. So seriously, taking into account what I wrote, does that really sound like something to worry about? :shades:

Positive thoughts

13-03-19, 10:00
Why I appreciate your blunt reply it is very difficult with someone who has severe health anxiety to jump to the worst conclusion, im
not seeking reassurance just interested to see if others get this symptoms without a cold present

13-03-19, 10:07
Natalie, a lot of us here suffer from severe health anxiety. That's why we know that the occasional kick up the rear is necessary to nudge us back towards rationality.

13-03-19, 11:35
Try to relax Natalie. Headaches will continue if you don't relax. Do you take meds?

A few months ago I've suffered from pain behind the eyes, inbetween the eyes, head pressure, congestion, ear pressure etc.

At the end of it all, as soon as I relaxed (with help of meds too) and realised it was anxiety and got on with life, it did subside a lot.

I do not often get headaches, but I generally drink a lot of water and try to avoid junk food. How is your diet?

13-03-19, 13:16
Headaches will continue if you don't relax. Do you take meds?.....I generally drink a lot of water and try to avoid junk food. How is your diet?

Good questions. Natalie, you've been here longer than I have and have posted about head pains/pressure at least a dozen times over the years. I saw you were taking meds back in 2012. How has your anxiety treatment been? Still on meds? Therapy? Diet is really important especially since you've had IBS and GERD like symptoms. As asked, how is your diet?

I guess when I see something that's so blatantly obvious (sinus pressure/pain), to see you jump to the worst case is just :huh: It's just after all these years, to see you essentially going back to square one on something you've had dozens of times through the years is sad :(

Positive thoughts

13-03-19, 13:50
Thanks yes I guess it is sad my diet is fairly good , no meds anymore and had cbt hasn’t worked unfortunately

13-03-19, 16:17
I hear ya... Perhaps speaking with your doctor about meds and some one on one therapy that encompasses some of the newer techniques might be in order.

Positive thoughts

13-03-19, 18:21
Thank you

13-03-19, 20:09
I suffer with my sinuses mainly all through the winter and I have no cold and I do suffer with health anxiety, but I know it's sinuses and nothing suspicious. In fact 1 in 3 people I know suffer with their sinuses.

08-04-19, 16:22
Back again with this horrible head pressure along my forehead nose . I had a funny turn at work Saturday just went dizzy for no reason lasted few seconds but has frightened me and now this head pressure is back I’m so scared. Can’t take much more I just want a day where I feel myself

08-04-19, 16:54
My Health Anxiety actually started with dizziness that lasted about two months. Thought it was MS and ended up having an MRI scan. Nothing turned up. You're fine :)

08-04-19, 17:20
Could it be a tension headache or migraine?

08-04-19, 17:22
I’m thinking tension headache it comes and goes can this cause dizzyness though. I’m scared to go doctors

08-04-19, 17:28
I’ve suffered with tension headaches for years and used to think the worst (brain tumour etc) but I only get them when my HA is acting up or I’m anxious in general. As soon as you find the root of your stress they’ll start to ease off I promise but the more you focus and obsess over them the more you’ll get them I’ve been there.

08-04-19, 17:30

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

08-04-19, 17:45
Thank you for replying I just hate feeling like this

08-04-19, 17:48
I know it’s awful but I’m not just saying this to make you feel better I’ve had this before too. To answer your question you can get dizzy spells when you have them also.

08-04-19, 17:50
I’ve had them before when my son was born it’s nice to no your not alone . As horrible as it is . I’m waiting cbt but my appointment isn’t until May I’m trying distraction then I notice it’s there again and I obsess and go round and round

09-04-19, 09:11
You’ve had them this long and nothing bad has happened keep telling yourself that. You’re not dying. You haven’t got something terrible going on. You will be fine your cbt is in a couple of weeks and it’ll help so much. I try to think of it like this, I’ve had so many other obsessions and worries and none have ever come to light so this will pass and it’ll be something different this time. I’m in the same situation so I know how it feels, you stress yourself out thinking this could be it but you are honestly fine it’s just tension.

09-04-19, 16:41
Thanks I went doctor he says it’s tension looked in eyes did the finger test , but has sent me for bloods so have to get them done tomorrow and then deal with the anxiety of that !! I feel so silly but I’m so worried

10-04-19, 06:51
With all due respect Natalie I think you WERE seeking reassurance. Fishmanpa gave you a reasonable explanation for your symptoms and you persisted. Part of having HA is to force yourself to accept reasonable explanations for how you feel and resist the need to pursue additional lines of inquiry.