View Full Version : How long have you had anxiety for - POLL

06-09-07, 21:54
Just curious to know how long we have all suffered from anxiety/panic attacks for?

Thanks for your time:yesyes:

06-09-07, 22:15
Since July 11th 1998, although i can pinpoint certain points prior to that where i had major anxiety/panicky moments. I know this NOW because i am aware of how it feels, but at the time, i didn't.

..still, almost 10 years is a 1/3 of my life. Way too long.


06-09-07, 22:59
4 months with panic attacks but all my life with OCD.

07-09-07, 05:24
Don't suffer PA's anymore - told myself one day enough was enough, and they went away. I can feel them creeping back up from time to time but use self talk to talk myself out of them.

GAD followed though, and that was a nightmare. Couldn't talk myself out of being anxious. After changing doctors and ditching the SSRI's and Tricyclics my anxiety has gone. Still got the pills I've got to take each day though. I've reduced myself from 50mg / day to 10mg / day but I'm really afraid to not take them at all.

I've been told its all in the mind often enough - just wish my mind would listen.

Having said that my CBT came 8 months too late (already adjusted my thinking) and my Alcohol and Drugs referal led the lead Physchiatrist to have to consult with others after our interview.

Its good to know I suppose that if I could have sorted it myself then the top guys wouldn't have to hold a meeting for the way ahead.

At the mo its all about attitude. I'm in the same doodoo I was 12 months ago, but this time what will be will be. 12 months ago I was trying to keep control over everything, and thats where I think I went wrong. Whats the worse that can happen ? Certainly not what I have contemplated in the past. The worst is I still have a loving family, only material things may have changed. My family comes above the control these days, so no matter what I'm on a winner.

Its amazing what perspective can do. No-one else has changed just me. I'd like to say try it, its easy - I'd be lying if I did. Nothings easy, but being introveted to the exclusion of all else could have cost me a hell of a lot more. And I'm still selfish and self absorbed. I think I'm about 20 meters in the 110 hurdles - but I can see the end. I certainly don't care about winning the race, I just want to cross the finishing line.


07-09-07, 09:03
P/A since 30th may 2007. but have probably had health anxiety since my early teens (since i started watching the news lol)

07-09-07, 09:13
On and off for about 17 years - although i've had long stretches of time where i've been anxiety and panic attack free.

07-09-07, 19:09
P/A since 30th may 2007. but have probably had health anxiety since my early teens (since i started watching the news lol)

And reading newspapers? I find The Times body and soul supplement on a Saturday particularly stressful!

07-09-07, 20:11
Had first panic attack at 18 and im now 50. I didn't know it was a PA till years later through reading some books on nerves.When i had the first one i had been drinking heavy so i dont know if the drinking caused it or if i was anxious enough to make me drink too much too often.The years that followed were a cycle of alcohol ,hangovers,Valium.work,anxiety,alcohol, etc etc.I had my last drink on 30 June 07 and what followed that was the most horrendous panic and anxiety that i hav ever had. I was hospitalised and now take ssri's.The panic has got better but i have constant anxiety.I was off work for 8 weeks but plucked up the strength to get back.Its a struggle evry morning as my sleep patern is upside down.I wake in the night 3 or 4 times sweating and shaking.I just wonder how long this will go on.

08-09-07, 02:29
Almost 19 Yrs But Alot Better Now Not Complety There Yet But Im Hoping To Do So Soon!!!!! Nice Post Kracker Good Attitude I Agree With You 100%.................

Keep going
08-09-07, 10:06
I've had anxiety all my life. Not good being a dude, mean't you were bullied a lot in school. But i had a lot of inner strenghth which got me through uni and a good few years of experience in a job. until 2 years, when it was robbed while working for a very stress inducing company.


08-09-07, 13:27
I have had Anxiety/Panic Attacks(Agoraphobia):wacko: on and off since April 2005

All Time Low
08-09-07, 14:36
I've always been an anxious, nervous person

I'd didn't turn into panic attacks and anxiety disorder until i got mixed up in drugs when i was 20, a year ago

09-09-07, 00:02
I suppose i have always had some degree of Anxiety in my life, i have had a severe phobia since the age of six!!
But i did not become ill with anxiety, panic and PTSD until November 2004, nearly three years now.xx

09-09-07, 00:09

I have suffered with agorophobia for the last 11 years, things have improved for me over the last 2 years though, im getting there:) its been a long hard road, ups and downs, but im getting more ups than i do downs now.:yesyes:


09-09-07, 04:20
i have had anxiety for 4 months also had it 13 years ago i fought it once going do it again glad to have found this sight elaine tc xxx

09-09-07, 05:55
I've been anxious since I was at school-school phobia at 7 and 13, being convinced I had some horrible disease at various times, thinking I was going to die that night, but no panic attacks until about a year ago, that's something new, but I do have long periods when I'm OK,till something sets it off again.

12-09-07, 17:18
i have been suffering with health anxiety and panic attacks just over 5 years

12-09-07, 17:38
Since 5th April 1997 - GAD and clinical depression - no anxiety free periods but Ive learned to control and accept it and now live a reasonably well functioning life.

Luv Darkangel x:flowers:

13-09-07, 14:53
I have been having them for just under 6months and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy :mad:

14-09-07, 17:27
have had anxiety my whole life, but only over the last 7 years has it become a problem, i have bouts of anxiety and panic, but in between these times i have had good times. one day i hope i will learn not to worry until then i will just keep plodding on.


15-09-07, 16:00
Since I met Manmoor

15-09-07, 19:21
I think I've been anxious to an extent all my life, but I always think of 15 for when it really started as that it when it began to interfere with my everyday life. So that makes it 37yrs for me. Yikes that is a long time :ohmy:

16-09-07, 00:07
32 years of panic attacks, but anxiety since I was a child - do I win?:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

17-09-07, 12:33
I started off with panic attacks out of the blue 17 years ago when I was 19, and since then have suffered on and off with anxiety, PA's and depression. I seemed to be ok until October last year then everything started to get on top of me and I couldn't face people so gave my job up back in June. I've totally lost all my confidence and simple trips into town or the supermarket are becoming more difficult without feeling anxious.:wacko:

19-09-07, 17:16
Over 20 yrs for me, I've had anxiety all my life.


21-09-07, 16:43
Had PA for 2 mths. Finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

30-09-07, 12:19
between 10 an 20..Im not 20 yet but i kjnow ive suffered it for as long as I can remember although I have never been officially diagnosed.

07-10-07, 11:02
I have had anxiety and p/a since 2001. Got better then last year they came back. So once again I am on my way back to the top. Hang on we all are going to make through this.

I Believe That IN Time We All Will Get Better.

07-10-07, 14:34
It was not called anxiety then.
It was "Pull your self together dear, you are making a fuss about nothing."
Take these tablets and you will be OK. (they make me drowsy)
The family say "you are totaly useless with those tablets throw them away"
Or " Millions of other women cope with far more problems than you have. You are rather silly."
The best ones were - well you are the oldest - so you have to cope.
Well you are a woman you should know what to do.
Who said life was / is easy?????????

07-10-07, 17:23
hi mine started after my dad died suddenly eleven days after i d just given birth to my 3rd child in jan 2001 had bad post natal depression and panic attacks. panic attacks stayed with me but depression went.

07-10-07, 18:37
about 45 years

10-10-07, 13:09
A Long Long Very Long 46 Years

19-10-07, 22:14
I've always been a very nervous person, but my anxiety has really exploded in the last three months


27-10-07, 19:13
Basically all my life - 41 years. I think I was born anxious.

30-10-07, 14:56
About 7yrs :D

01-11-07, 06:41
about 7 years

01-11-07, 06:45
"if you agrue with a fool people might not know the differance" Murphys Law

01-11-07, 08:58
8 years although I am well on the road to recovery......................at long last!!!!

18-11-07, 11:43
Since childhood worryingly, I used to get alot of the 'being detached' feelings as a child, I have always been very sensitive and very receptive of peoples feelings. My childhood was turbulent at times and I think I have got into the pattern of panic, anxiety, drama....... A counsellor once said to me it was where I felt I belonged, even though it is a terrible feeling, so its like a learned behaviour and a habit I need to break. Easier said than done but I am always open to trying (on a good day!!!!!!!)

21-11-07, 04:13
Hi all - was thinking of starting another poll. "How long are you going to have anxiety for?"

I know it sounds glib, and I've been up and down like a yo-yo this year, but give me 4 months. If I haven't shed it by then I'll be going over the 2 year mark so may have to revote here.

However, I believe I will get better - not magic pill better, but me coping with everything I currently find overwhelming. Its got to be a start me opening the post every day.

Small steps. I'll post back when I'm leaping and bounding.


25-11-07, 11:47
Just over 12 months for my severe anxiety but 20 years suffering from a lighter single symptom anxiety that did not affect my quality of life much. Now I still have anxiety physical symptoms and worry why I have them which keeps my anxiety at the forefront of my daily life. If someone tells me there ill and going for tests my anxiety rockets. I am living in dread of something catostrophic happening.

Love to all


27-11-07, 17:01
Had panic and depression for about 3 years, if i'd had therapy it would have nipped it in the bud ages ago. But been fighting this long to get anyone (NHS) to do something and take it seriously !
Strarted through post trauma
Interesting to see how long others have had anxiety attacks etc
Richie xxxxxxx

14-01-08, 21:09
I cannot believe the percentage of people that have been suffering from anxiety/panic for over 20 years. :weep:

14-01-08, 21:40
I agree Ann. For me, this year will make 25 years, which is all the way back to when I first really understood that I was struggling with severe anxiety and panic attacks.

14-01-08, 23:32
I had my first PA in 2006 but I did not know it at the time. Really surfaced last year along with GAD which I have constantly. I think I have traced it back to stress at work. I am really trying to do some positive things this year to turn my life around ie a new job.

I am trying to be really positive and have decided that quality of life is much better than material things

15-01-08, 10:47
Don't suffer PA's anymore - told myself one day enough was enough, and they went away. I can feel them creeping back up from time to time but use self talk to talk myself out of them.

GAD followed though, and that was a nightmare. Couldn't talk myself out of being anxious. After changing doctors and ditching the SSRI's and Tricyclics my anxiety has gone. Still got the pills I've got to take each day though. I've reduced myself from 50mg / day to 10mg / day but I'm really afraid to not take them at all.

I've been told its all in the mind often enough - just wish my mind would listen.

Having said that my CBT came 8 months too late (already adjusted my thinking) and my Alcohol and Drugs referal led the lead Physchiatrist to have to consult with others after our interview.

Its good to know I suppose that if I could have sorted it myself then the top guys wouldn't have to hold a meeting for the way ahead.

At the mo its all about attitude. I'm in the same doodoo I was 12 months ago, but this time what will be will be. 12 months ago I was trying to keep control over everything, and thats where I think I went wrong. Whats the worse that can happen ? Certainly not what I have contemplated in the past. The worst is I still have a loving family, only material things may have changed. My family comes above the control these days, so no matter what I'm on a winner.

Its amazing what perspective can do. No-one else has changed just me. I'd like to say try it, its easy - I'd be lying if I did. Nothings easy, but being introveted to the exclusion of all else could have cost me a hell of a lot more. And I'm still selfish and self absorbed. I think I'm about 20 meters in the 110 hurdles - but I can see the end. I certainly don't care about winning the race, I just want to cross the finishing line.

ive had anxiety panic and agoraphobia for nearly 30 years. Im trying to get a cpn or social worker to help me,they say they wont help me unless i start to withdraw from my valium and temezepam. The anxiety is there all the time,its so very horrible.
hugs linda

14-04-08, 20:55
When people say they have had anxiety for over 20 - do you mean constantly - or do you have a good time for quite a bit then relapse?

I have had it now for over 7 years now and not 1 day has gone by when I havent been anxious. My symptoms have changed over the years, and the severity goes up and down, but I havent had a break from them at all.

14-04-08, 21:31
I voted for over 20 years because I had my first PA when I was 17 and i'm 40 now. I was ok ish by 20 but still quite nervous and worried. I didnt have another PA til I was about 33, took 6 months to get rid of with meds then i was fab for another 7 yrs ......... 4 weeks ago they came back again with a vengence so i'm back on meds again. This is only my second big episode so when i'm over this bout i'm hoping i will spot the early signs next time and take action ........ heres hoping!

14-04-08, 21:42
I think a lot depends on what's happening in your life. If something really exciting happens to you, it seems to bury the anxiety/panic until things get bad again, well it worked that way for me. So I guess if you life is fairly uneventful, then all you have to focus on is your emotional problems.

14-04-08, 21:54
14 years way to long!:lac:

15-04-08, 14:37
Ive had anxiety for about 7 months,had a very bad break up and since then never felt 100% me..
I actually booked myself in with the doctor for later this week because Im finding it hard to deal with,some days Im great others Im not so good..
Reading everyones comments are very interesting and a great help for myself.

16-04-08, 18:22
First started when I was around 15 , been on and off throughout,almost 32 years :) back then things were handle differently ,for example at 15 I was put on an adult dose of valium! unheard of now(I hope) .The greatest thing for me was to learn what I had,as I spent most of 20's /30's thinking I was going crazy ..not good .

17-04-08, 00:22
Ive had it to long! lol 6 years now for Panic/anxity attacks but been deppresed for my years before

17-04-08, 17:15

I've had anxiety since i was 8 and put on prozac but really bad for 15 years since was at school... from being bullied but think peak came when i was in violent relationship from 16 toll i was strong enough to leave 4 years ago at the grand age of26...

But my saying is "ENJOY EVERYDAY AS IF ITS YOUR LAST" but bit difficult when your agraphobic...lol xx

20-04-08, 13:51
All my life and Im 40 this year

It all started with my mother when I was a little girl who just needed a mum but never did and never had.

20-04-08, 14:33
Since approx 2002/3.

24-04-08, 02:39
Panic attacks / anxiety started for me in college. Always been a quite/shy/thin person.

04-05-08, 05:37
Isn't it amazing how so many of us are able to name a specific date when out anxiety began? I've always been a nervous person, but I first started really suffering on August 11, 2007, at 21, the day I graduated from grad school and realized I was in the "real world":wacko:

05-05-08, 10:54
i had bad anx as a kid and teen but didnt know then what was going on with me. its only now that ive had it over a year again that i now know what is it. mine dissapeared for years when i left home but came back after the sudden deaths of 3 family members.

Hereford Al
23-10-08, 19:25
I've always been a nervous person, but I started getting panic attacks about this time last year.

Before then, I used to be quite able to cope with nerves and anxiety.

23-10-08, 23:18
Don't have the same kind of PA like i did when it first started for me, but from time to time i get anxiety that just completely over whelms me and might lead to a PA if i don't try and deal with it in my own way

24-10-08, 08:27
I've been suffering with anxiety since I was about 17, although I was a nervous child with little confidence. I am 64 now and through my life have had periods of bad anxiety the last one being 12 months ago when I lost my job which I had been in for 17 years. I loved that job and I always said it was my sanity, a reason to get up in the morning and dealing with the public made my day very interesting.

24-10-08, 08:58
I got my first PA in May 2005 while watching Eastenders. Had a load of PA's in my first few months, only a couple in the years after. Thankfully none of late (long may that last) but still have my anxious moments.

24-10-08, 11:27
i got my first PA in 2003 i was around 6-7 mths pregnant with my 3rd child and didnt have a clue what they where.i still get them now not as bad because the meds keep them at bay..im anxious all the time though

24-10-08, 18:32
Since I was about 8 and I'm 22 now so 14 years! Eeeeek :((

Gem Can't Switch Off
01-11-08, 08:09
Half my life, since I was 15, they came on after some harrowing experiences, which probably triggered anorexia, then came some major panic attacks. I've had ups and downs, but lately have major panic attacks accompanying my health anxiety.


01-11-08, 08:51
I put between 10 and 20 years. I had my first panic attack when I was 11 years old but I have had social anxiety for pretty much all my life. I'm 21 now so very long time :(.

01-11-08, 12:35
I've suffered really bad for 7yrs but anxiety has been with me since i was a child and panic attacks started when I was 21 and I became house bound at 30 for 2 1/2yrs

DJ Trace
08-11-08, 01:42
Hi Guys,

My Agoraphobia and Panic Attack Disorder Started May 1988.

Love Trace Xx

10-11-08, 11:40
I have probably felt this way nearly all my life but it has been an actual problem for up to ten years. Nearly half my life, seems way way too long xx

Miss Alissa
11-11-08, 13:54
Also think I fall into the ‘was always an anxious child’ category but had first serious bout of panic attacks when I was about 8 years old – I am now 27. I grew out of the actual attacks within a year or so once I started to realize that they couldn’t hurt me. But the anxiety has found ways of creeping back over the years – OCD, eating disorder, health anxiety. I think the problem is that I always saw it as a personality flaw, as a sign that I was a weak and incapable person so as I got older I just tried my best to ignore it and just ride out the tougher periods – with some degree of success I guess, you’d probably never know if you met me and it doesn’t really interfere with my day-to-day life – but I have realized how much I was torturing myself in private. It was only this year, and after visiting this site that I really realised didn’t have to do this alone and had the courage to try and do something about it. I am proud and stupid and stubborn so this has been a huge step for me - admitting it to my partner, admitting it to my doctor, and starting to unpick some of the years of difficult thoughts that have got me here. Realising that it isn’t your fault, that you can re-wire your thinking, and it isn’t my biological destiny to feel this way has been both comforting and terrifying – comforting because I know I can change, and terrifying to realize how much hurt you have inflicted on yourself over the years. But I know that isn’t my ‘fault’ either – that it was just a way I learned to cope with seemingly uncontrollable things that were happening around me – because I was a child and I didn’t know any other way. It sometimes amazes me that it has taken this long to get here, to a place where I can look this square in the eye and try to get to the root of the problem instead of trying to ignore it or just get on with things – but I am really happy that I am here. It takes effort and courage to do this and even though I’m only at the beginning I’m proud of taking the first step. This anxiety isn’t ‘just part of who I am’ –it has been, but it isn’t going to be anymore.

15-11-08, 01:58
Since April this year.

25-11-08, 15:34
since I can remember, so over 20 years now, though it has mellowed with age and experience

Natural Mystic
26-11-08, 02:24
Don't suffer PA's anymore - told myself one day enough was enough, and they went away. I can feel them creeping back up from time to time but use self talk to talk myself out of them.

GAD followed though, and that was a nightmare. Couldn't talk myself out of being anxious. After changing doctors and ditching the SSRI's and Tricyclics my anxiety has gone. Still got the pills I've got to take each day though. I've reduced myself from 50mg / day to 10mg / day but I'm really afraid to not take them at all.

I've been told its all in the mind often enough - just wish my mind would listen.

Having said that my CBT came 8 months too late (already adjusted my thinking) and my Alcohol and Drugs referal led the lead Physchiatrist to have to consult with others after our interview.

Its good to know I suppose that if I could have sorted it myself then the top guys wouldn't have to hold a meeting for the way ahead.

At the mo its all about attitude. I'm in the same doodoo I was 12 months ago, but this time what will be will be. 12 months ago I was trying to keep control over everything, and thats where I think I went wrong. Whats the worse that can happen ? Certainly not what I have contemplated in the past. The worst is I still have a loving family, only material things may have changed. My family comes above the control these days, so no matter what I'm on a winner.

Its amazing what perspective can do. No-one else has changed just me. I'd like to say try it, its easy - I'd be lying if I did. Nothings easy, but being introveted to the exclusion of all else could have cost me a hell of a lot more. And I'm still selfish and self absorbed. I think I'm about 20 meters in the 110 hurdles - but I can see the end. I certainly don't care about winning the race, I just want to cross the finishing line.

An excellent and well written post

Couldn't agree more, it's in our power to change this

26-11-08, 15:07
I've had anxiety now for just over ten years. I've always been a nervous person though the actual panic attacks didn't start until I was nearly eighteen. I'm twenty-eight now and they have been coming and going.

29-11-08, 10:11
For me it's been 8 months. Ans as a lot of you have said, I'm glad I found this site.
This site did 2 things for me, well 3 really.
1. Reading so many stories about the hell people go through with anxiety made me realise that I had to get help. My problem was a health related and being scared of what symptoms I was having. Something different all the time, and as one symptom dissapperared another would show. I was scared frustrated, angry becuse I didn't know what was happening. And there lies the clue. I didn't know! I was seeing a phycologist who was telling me how I can change my thought patterns and positive thinking etc but she wasn't telling my why I was having these symptoms. These REAL symptoms. I had been to the Dr's and had all the tests ppl talk about on here I even ended up at a psychiatrist that charged $330.00 an hour. That was all good and I did learn a few things from him but they werent telling me why I was getting the symptoms. Not one of them.!!!
2. Thing I did was by a book. Pretty simple really. One that is recommended in here I think. I was on holidays in Thailand where I think I reached my lowest point. I was in beautiful Koh Samui and I wanted to do was stay in the hotel room and be a recluse worrying about what dreadful disease I could be dying from. So I came in here to try and get some reassurance. I went into the chat area and some wonderful person, I forget who it was, recommended Claire Weekes " Complete self help for your nerves" This book, you could say, changed my life. Finally I was starting to find out why this was happening to me. While I was reading I could look back over the last 12 months and realise why I have ended up withthis condition. It was like a big blanket being lifted off of me.
3. Whilst reading a post in the health anxiety forum I read about a guy that had great benefit from another web site called anxiety centre dot com . Having joined this web site the take you on a course that is structured around CBT. And like Claire Weekes book it is big on the fact that understanding anxiety and how it effects you is one of the most important things to do before you can move forward into recovery.
For me I finally had the understanding. I have accepted the fact I have anxiety. I have tools to tackle PA's, and I know that I have to be patient and let time pass before I will be free of anxiety.
Now I can look forward to the future and know I'm goin gto be there with a smile on my face.
Thanks for reading

Cathy V
30-11-08, 20:51
Best part of 33 years for me im afraid to say, but with long gaps (meaning years) where ive been relatively anx and panic free.

02-12-08, 07:36
26 years on and off with panic attacks, anxiety has always been there for more than half my life.

29-12-08, 21:03
I was an anxious and very shy, child so I suppose I have had it for most of my life.

29-12-08, 21:30
I would be interested in how long people had Anxiety that had made everyday tasks hard ( effecting every day)?


30-12-08, 19:49
I have had anxiety on and off for about 5years most times its managable but I have noticed a pattern that its mostly around work issues
when the going gets tough keep going

05-01-09, 14:18
I'm new here. I remember obsessing and feeling afraid ever since I was a child in grade school. Sunday nights were the worst, because I had to go back to school.

Maybe someday I will conquer this.