View Full Version : Freaking out over kidneys

12-03-19, 18:23

I'm here with questions/concerns about my kidneys. I've been dealing with bladder issues for the last six years, my doctors feel it is IC coupled with perimenopause. I've been able to make great strides with my IC through lifestyle changes, acupuncture, and TCM herbs. I've had a difficult time with perimenopause, especially related to my health anxiety. I also work hard to keep that in a good place, CBT, therapy, deep breathing. In fact, this website, is part of my HA work. I rarely, if ever use Google anymore to try and diagnose myself. Instead, I come here to get perspective on things.

Which leads me to my kidneys. I've been having weird symptoms that I'm concerned are related to my kidneys. I have perpetually cold hands, often issues with pins and needles in my fingers, and since going into perimenopause, I've had weird bouts of myclonic jerks during certain parts of my cycle. For the last couple of years, those myclonic jerks are sometimes coupled weird cold sensations, kind of like excitement chills that seem to be centered near my kidneys. The jerks and the chills freak me out. Today I had acupuncture and had needles in my lower back (I wore heels yesterday and my back was strained). I was face down for the session and when I got up, I was super dizzy which lasted way longer than it normally would.

I've mentioned to my GP a while back that I was concerned about my kidneys but he didn't seem to be worried. I had my kidneys tested about 4 years ago with the 24 pee test and everything came back fine then. And, unlike others with IC, I have the burning kind, not the overactive bladder kind which means that I rarely if ever get up to pee at night. I do have microscopic blood in my urine, which is common with IC and no one has been particularly concerned with that either.

So, in spite of all of the gains I have made with my anxiety, these symptoms are concerning to me and I fear that they are kidney related. The jerks, chills, pins & needles, dizziness, etc. are associated with kidney disease. I am aware that they are associated with many other conditions but I was looking for some reassurance. I will mention my concerns to my doctor when I see him next month for my annual bloodwork but in the meantime, if anyone could help it would be much appreciated!!

12-03-19, 19:58
Well, most of those symptoms you mentioned I have had off an on for decades as a routine part of my anxiety. And no perimenopause for me, as I am a guy.

12-03-19, 22:18
Hah, thank you for your reply! I realize that most of these symptoms are tied into anxiety, which makes it really frustrating. I have the kind of HA that's triggered by symptoms as opposed to being afraid of getting something. Most people on NMP seem to have that kind of anxiety. My HA started at a very young age, four years old, after a really traumatic medical procedure. Because I've associated anxiety with illness for so long (going on 43 years), it's been really, really hard to separate the two and see the anxiety for what it is.

I very much appreciate your feedback. I guess I wanted to see if anyone who's on the board has dealt with kidney issues and to see if those issues (myclonic spasms, chills, back ache, etc.) are much more definitive than the general somatic anxiety complaints. Thank you again for taking the time to answer!

14-03-19, 17:17
So, I am still dealing with dull, left-sided flank pain that seems to be where both the spleen and the left kidney are located. It's not constant or acute, nor do I have any urinary issues, fever, or other things associated with common stuff like kidney stones or kidney infections. I'm going to call my dr today to see if I can see him tomorrow. I'm kind of freaking out. I'm wondering has anyone else had kidney pain that didn't turn out to be serious?

14-03-19, 18:07
"Kidney pain" is lower back pain, and often has nothing to do with your kidneys at all. It could well be muscular or skeletal. Also, I have known a few people to deal with kidney stones, my wife among them. Never heard of a fever being involved at all. My wife has kidney stones and zero symptoms besides some pain now and then.

14-03-19, 22:12
"Kidney pain" is lower back pain, and often has nothing to do with your kidneys at all. It could well be muscular or skeletal. Also, I have known a few people to deal with kidney stones, my wife among them. Never heard of a fever being involved at all. My wife has kidney stones and zero symptoms besides some pain now and then.

Hi Lofwyr,

Thanks again for your reply! Kidneys are close to the spine but located between the last rib and upper hip. I mentioned fever because you'd most likely have one with a kidney infection but not necessarily with kidney stones. The "pain" is super vague which is why it is frustrating. It could very easily be muscular but I'm just having a really bad period with HA right now, with all of the other vague symptoms I have going on. My mind is working overtime to convince me it is something worse. I reached out to my brother, who is a doctor (gastro) to see what he thinks. Hopefully I get a chance to speak with him tonight. I try not to take advantage of the fact that I have a dr in my family, which considering my level of HA has been no small feat. I think this might be the 3x I've reached out to him in 8 years with a medical question? I'm going to see if he recommends me setting up an appt with my Dr.

I really appreciate you taking the time to answer. I'm just feeling the need for a medical confirmation at this time. My overall anxiety is starting to calm down and I am making strides with it not taking over every aspect of my life. It's funny to contrast my health anxiety with my sister's complete and utter lack of health concerns (she also has anxiety but definitely not HA). She had appendicitis last Fall and my brother had to convince her to seek out medical help and then stay in the ER when she thought she was being silly and wanted to leave. Thankfully she did because they caught it just in time. Maybe someday I can be closer to that mindset.

16-03-19, 15:00
Update for anyone who is following. I wound up speaking with my brother (gastroenterologist) and he wasn't concerned with anything that I shared with him other than I was taking twice the amount of daily recommended magnesium (for anxiety, muscle cramps, etc). I made an appointment with my dr for Monday and will share with him my concerns. The kidney "pain" was gone by Friday but I have been struggling with severe panic attacks and insomnia all week. I'm starting to notice a pattern that when I have a bad panic attack coming on (can last hours or days, one time for months), I either have a huge blow out argument with my husband and/or start to have random pains which then triggers my health anxiety or have an exacerbation of my chronic inflammation condition.

My goal is to see what leads up to these periods of panic (is it work stress, time of year, not being balanced with mental vs physical work?) and get better with balancing those things out. I'm also starting to legitimately tackle the mental/emotional drivers of panic for me- my ptsd related to a medical trauma at a very young age, my personal safety fears, my financial fears, and relationship fears. I think that if I can chip away at these issues and be consistent with balance I might be able to move past these periods of extreme anxiety.

16-03-19, 15:52
Sounds like your logical brain is taking control and that's a good plan!

Positive thoughts

17-03-19, 22:16
Thanks! Now if I can get past this bout of insomnia, I think that I will be in a good place.