View Full Version : Lump on hamstring

12-03-19, 23:01
Two days ago I find big swollen part (it looks like lump) on my hamstring muscle, about 3 inches big. It's not painful, itchy, red, bruised, nothing (because I thought it's allergy or bug bite, but I doubt it now). Just swollen part and it looks and feel like pulled muscle when you touch it.

I'm not sure how long I have it because I accidentally find it but I doubt it's here for more than several days.

What it could be? There is possibility that I hit exactly that place on my leg and that my muscle become swollen but the thing is, I don't really feel any pain and I don't have any bruise on that place so I don't have any evidence.

I'm putting ice on it and it seems it's slighly smaller than two days ago but it's still visible.

Ofc I'm afraid that it might be something serious, because I don't like to see any lumps on my body. I'm trying to find something on google but I can't find any similar story.

13-03-19, 20:26
If it’s getting smaller it isn’t anything sinister. My guess is you’ve pulled a muscle in your hamstring and it’s inflammed now, keep icing it and I’m sure it’ll go down within a few days.

13-03-19, 21:17
I'm not sure anymore. Sometimes it looks like it's slightly smaller, sometimes that it's same size.
Anyway, it's not getting bigger, I guess it's good.

But when you pull you muscle, you feel pain. I don't have pain, I didn't feel it before and I don't feel it now, it's totally painless. And it's not bruised.

As I said, there is possibility that I hit exactly that part of muscle, when I was exercising in my home... but it worries me because it's painless and there is no visible bruise on it. I don't know if it's possible that muscle will become swollen after hitting it, even without pain and bruise.