View Full Version : Zig zaggy and fuzzy lines/circle in eye. What is this?

12-03-19, 23:12
I have experienced these on and off for a few months. Up until now I haven't been suffering from much anxiety and was feeling much better, but lately I've been feeling a little more anxious. I haven't experienced the fuzzy/zig zag sight issue for almost 2 month, then BAM! today I get one and this time It's in the opposite eye to where it's occurred before (in the left eye) so I just waited for it to pass, which takes about 20 mins.

It is a little annoying but I am used to it now after dealing with the same symptom in the past. I am just curious, is there a name for this symtom? I think I saw it mentioned on this forum before and someone did have almost identical issues to this. They mentioned the name, but I cannot remember what it was.

What is this and does anybody else suffer with it at all?

12-03-19, 23:16
Go and see an optician

12-03-19, 23:31
Go and see an optician

I did go to an optician a couple months ago and they said my eyes were fine. I then went and saw the doctor at hospital around the same time I saw the optician, actually before I saw the optician and the doctor said they didn't believe it was anything serious. Not sure what else I could do tbh. I have been okay and not had it up until now, I've bene fine. It seems to be something that comes on more when I am anxious so I'm thinking it's related. The doctor at the hospital said similar too.

12-03-19, 23:32
so you have an answer then

13-03-19, 04:47
It sounds like a migraine aura. (Migraine without pain)
I get them off and on.
They freaked me out at first but once I found out what it was I just let it pass.
Ask your GP just to be sure.

13-03-19, 05:17
It sounds like the most common form of visual migraine aura, known as scintillating scotoma. I used to get these occasionally, but then I had a year of them occurring at least weekly, and sometimes multiple times in a day.

It's not a bad idea to let your GP know, but that's mainly so it can be on your records. These things are harmless, for all that they can be terrifying.

13-03-19, 11:27
It sounds like the most common form of visual migraine aura, known as scintillating scotoma. I used to get these occasionally, but then I had a year of them occurring at least weekly, and sometimes multiple times in a day.

It's not a bad idea to let your GP know, but that's mainly so it can be on your records. These things are harmless, for all that they can be terrifying.

Hi. Thanks BlueIris. I did read it could be something to do with a migraine. It's annoying as I haven't had any for almost 2 months then just out the blue I get one yesterday while sitting down looking at my phone. Takes about 15-20 mins before it goes entirely.

Have yours usually occurred when you are more anxious?

I didn't think I had been that anxious lately but thinking about it I do have some things on my mind bothering me. I also ran out of my propranolol medication so been a few days since I've taken any meds, probably doesn't help I imagine. I will go back to docs tomorrow to get more meds and ask about this anyway.

13-03-19, 11:31
Propranolol actually really helped with my auras, so that's probably a good idea.

I eventually tracked down the main trigger for my auras when I stopped drinking hot drinks during the warm summer months - as my coffee consumption decreased, so did they.

Leaving that aside as the main trigger, though, I found that while I was in a state to be primed for them, anger and anxiety would trip the switch. Sudden bright lights could also induce them.

13-03-19, 11:44
Propranolol actually really helped with my auras, so that's probably a good idea.

I eventually tracked down the main trigger for my auras when I stopped drinking hot drinks during the warm summer months - as my coffee consumption decreased, so did they.

Leaving that aside as the main trigger, though, I found that while I was in a state to be primed for them, anger and anxiety would trip the switch. Sudden bright lights could also induce them.

Interesting thanks. I have considered it could be cheese or coffee/tea. However, I have been drinking multiple coffees and teas over the past 6-8 weeks without the auras occurring. Then again I was also more relaxed.

I have been eating more sweets than usual, so I might cut back a lot on sugar see if that helps. Have you always had these with anxiety?

I remember when first getting anxiety and panic attacks these auras never happened, but then once my anxiety came back a few years later I found I had a myriad of symptoms which were different to the first bout years before.

It has been since last year I have had these auras symptoms on and off. Weird how anxiety works isn't it. You would expect to suffer the same symptoms you have always had, but doesn't seem the case.

13-03-19, 11:54
I've had headaches all my life, but I had my first aura age around 38 (I'm nearly 42 now). At first they were only every few months, then there were clusters of them every few months, and then I was getting them all the time.

They aren't actually my main anxiety system - the first thing that goes nuts when I'm suffering badly is my gastrointestinal system. However, I'm pretty sure they link in to my mental health, if only because anxiety raises my blood pressure.

The other thing you might want to do is ask around your family, as there's often a strong genetic component. I don't get on that well with my parents, but when I finally got around to asking I found both of them had suffered from auras in the past.

13-03-19, 21:51
I had my first one at about 40.
Long before I new I had anxiety though I may have had it without knowing.
I find flickering lights will sometimes bring it on.
Other times they seem to just happen for no reason?
My GP told me to take 2 Paracetamol when it starts but I've found that they go away in about 20 mins with or without it.
The most annoying thing is when I get one while driving.
Flickering sunlight off other cars or through roadside trees used to set it off so I always wear polarised sunnies while driving now.

15-03-19, 07:35
Ocular migraines in my case. Same thing basically isn’t it? They suck BUT there’s nothing to worry about.

I get them when I’m far too focussed, I think of it as my body saying “have a break”

17-03-19, 13:55
Ocular migraines in my case. Same thing basically isn’t it? They suck BUT there’s nothing to worry about.

I get them when I’m far too focussed, I think of it as my body saying “have a break”

Ocular migraines. I have heard that name yes. It sounds very well like that.