View Full Version : Head cold with nosebleeds

13-03-19, 07:56
Disclaimer: I know I'm being completely ridiculous, I just have a lot going on right now and it's making my HA tweak more than normal no matter what I try.

Anyhow, I've had a fairly light cold for the past few days, nothing major at all. I took one day off work because I knew the commute would be particularly nasty, had a restful weekend and then launched myself back into work. Monday was fine (if a bit tiring), but Tuesday I had to attend a conference and got caught out in a torrential downpour on the way to the venue. I spent the next 9 hours soaking wet and uncomfortable, which didn't help with the tail end of the cold or my stress levels.

Since then, I've had a couple of bleeds when blowing my nose - one last night and one this morning. Nothing major, nothing lasting more than a couple of minutes. Normally this wouldn't faze me, but for whatever reason it has me a bit rattled this time. I genuinely don't believe it's anything more than a broken blood vessel, but I'm rabidly afraid of visiting the GP, and while I don't really think this is going to be necessary I could do with a little reassurance I'm being as daft as I think I am.

Thanks all!

13-03-19, 08:34
Disclaimer: I know I'm being completely ridiculous, I just have a lot going on right now and it's making my HA tweak more than normal no matter what I try.

Anyhow, I've had a fairly light cold for the past few days, nothing major at all. I took one day off work because I knew the commute would be particularly nasty, had a restful weekend and then launched myself back into work. Monday was fine (if a bit tiring), but Tuesday I had to attend a conference and got caught out in a torrential downpour on the way to the venue. I spent the next 9 hours soaking wet and uncomfortable, which didn't help with the tail end of the cold or my stress levels.

Since then, I've had a couple of bleeds when blowing my nose - one last night and one this morning. Nothing major, nothing lasting more than a couple of minutes. Normally this wouldn't faze me, but for whatever reason it has me a bit rattled this time. I genuinely don't believe it's anything more than a broken blood vessel, but I'm rabidly afraid of visiting the GP, and while I don't really think this is going to be necessary I could do with a little reassurance I'm being as daft as I think I am.

Thanks all!

I think you’re almost all the way there on reassuring yourself on this one which is great, you’ve answered your own questions.

You’ve had a cold and have presumably blowing your nose more frequently - this in itself can cause little nose bleeds like you’ve had. I also find that everything is a little more fragile as things start to dry back out after a cold and then things like nosebleeds occur.

I tend to get them with my allergies too.

Positive vibes,


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13-03-19, 08:39
Thanks, Mouse, you're an angel!

13-03-19, 20:19
I literally had this yesterday! Had a headcold woke up and thought my nose was running nope blood! Rang my mother in a frenzy only for her to say “are you serious? It’s your cold breaking” and then I crashed down to reality and realised how silly I was being. You know you’re overthinking it just like I did, totally normal when you blow your nose blood vessels burst. No worries.

13-03-19, 21:21
Thanks, Liddy! The bleeding seems to have stopped happening now, anyway.