View Full Version : LONGLEAT

06-09-07, 23:44
Hi All

Was on chat tonight and Blondy made a comment about how I get around!!!

Made me realise how much better I am!!!

Going to Longleat tomm to see the lions and tigers!!!

Will happily drive in there but give me Tesco on a busy day and well......

A few years ago I stayed in for 18 months

too scared to leave the house!!!

Just wanted peeps to know you can and will beat anx panic and agraphobia!!

Luv Kaz x x x

06-09-07, 23:51
You've done so well and come so far Kaz, well done! :yesyes: This should be in success stories not here! :winks:

Enjoy longleat tomorrow http://www.salisburyminibuses.co.uk/images/longleat.jpg


Quirky x

06-09-07, 23:57
Awwww thanks Lis:hugs:

Not a success tho cos havent done it yet but I will be fine


Kaz x x x

07-09-07, 00:06

Have a brilliant time mate you are doing so well :yesyes:


Trac xxx

07-09-07, 04:40
Have a great day Kazzie.

P.S. it's 47 miles ;)

07-09-07, 05:55
Kazzie - you are doing absolutely fantastic.

Those small steps have turned into leaps and bounds. Forget Tescos, you don't get to watch the egg chasers ;)

Have a wonderful day and realise this last bound has just turned into jumping a hurdle. Its there for the taking, I hope your lot win too ! Even better grinning all the way home.


07-09-07, 20:55
Hi Kazzie

Hope you have had a lovely day today at Longleat, ya sure are doing so well getting out and about. WELL DONE !:hugs: :hugs:


07-09-07, 21:04
Thanks Everyone:D

And cheers Jaco you were spot on:yesyes:

Had a great day and no panic:yesyes:

Was sooooo funny tho, my partner hates snakes and this person had one of Longleats snakes out(a royal python) it was quite big (7lbs).

She asked me if I wanted to hold it so I said yes please cos I love snakes!!!

Hubby went white and dissapeared lol

Anyhow I held the snake and he came over, with that Mr Snake yawned and hubby nearly pooed himself cos he thought it was gonna bite me!!!!

All in all a lovely day:yesyes:

Thanks everyone for the kind words:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-09-07, 21:42
You stayed in Tescos' for 18 months? :ohmy: OK, It's just the funny way I read it at first :D

We all know you've done fantastic and despite your recent string of negative events, you are still pushing the boundaries.

I'm off to Cambridge tomorrow and staying overnight so we are both going for it!

Take care hun :hugs: :hugs:

07-09-07, 22:24

You will have a great time, just go careful in the monkey area - those little things rip bits off people's cars

I am going to longleat soon - my mum gave me some free tickets, reminds me of being young as we always used to go.

Have a great time

xxxxx Claire x xxxxxxxxxxx

07-09-07, 22:41
Glad you had such a good day Kaz :yesyes: Well done :hugs:

Quirky x

07-09-07, 23:09
Thanks all:hugs:

And best of luck Ray:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

09-09-07, 02:54
And theres me thinking its a rugby team ............................

*Quietly goes to corner and dons the "D" had which is well worn in to my head by now*
