View Full Version : Please help

14-03-19, 12:41
Hi thank you for reading this post.
I’m 39 yrs old and have had excruciating back and hip pain both sides for 6 months or more. Also on both or mostly my right side I get agonising pain.
I do check google and obviously am so fearful.
I sometime get tiny red or black dots randomly on my body. My HA is through the roof. I weigh myself religiously and am terrified of someone thinks I’ve lost a pound or two.
Sometimes paracetamol and ibuprofen take the pain away and sometimes when I’m relaxed I can go a few hours but that is it.

Please help. Terrified I have ovarian or stomach or bone cancer.

Thanks for reading.

14-03-19, 12:52
Honestly, ovarian cancer isn't especially common, and you'd probably have had more symptoms than just pain.

That said, and I say this as a huge wuss myself, only your GP can get to the bottom of this; wouldn't it be better to start thinking about getting it sorted out if it's impacting your life so strongly?

14-03-19, 13:07
The red dots sound like petechia, think that's how you spell it, not sure. Very common and turn black when they die off. I have them. Thousands of people have them. Completely harmless, just little spots of blood. Something you get as you get older.
A wellbeing physio therapist might be an option for the back pain, but as BlueIris has said, a trip to your GP would be the first port of call. Better than sitting and suffering.