View Full Version : New and sudden onset digestive issues

14-03-19, 14:45
Has anyone ever suffered from sudden onset digestive issues? These have come out of nowhere and have now been present for around 5 or 6 weeks. It seems that EVERYTHING I eat gives me terrible gas and bloating. I also have really bad acid indigestion. I have done a home test for h pylori and it was negative and I went to the Dr and she gave me omeprazole. That has helped only slightly with the acid reflux and not at all with the gas.
I am worried about ovarian cancer primarily, or other cancers of the stomach or digestive tract. I have a follow up appointment but not until April. I feel like eating is becoming a nightmare because there isn't one food that sets me off, it's anything and everything. I'm fine after breakfast but after lunch every day it starts and gets worse as the day goes on.

14-03-19, 15:35
IBS can definitely cause this. Its onset can be sudden, although usually pain and discomfort is helped by a bowel movement.

Were you on holiday, or had you been on holiday particularly outside of Europe, or had recent antibiotic treatment?

Generally ovarian cancer causes a bloated feeling without passing wind. I'm assuming from your post you're passing excess wind? Also the bloating from ovarian cancer is ALWAYS there. It doesn't come and go

What about family history - is there anything there?

IMHO I don't think you have anything to worry about but certainly it's worth following up with your doctor for the appropriate tests if it continues and worsens

15-03-19, 16:17
Thank you so much for your reply. I've not been away anywhere or been on antibiotics. I am passing a lot of wind and I am belching a lot too! Happens anywhere from half an hour to a couple of hours after eating. I also feel like there is burning at the back of my throat and lately I have a weird taste in my mouth. The degestive issues are there every day to varying degrees. The bloating is worse in the evenings. Of course I saw on the news today about a woman who had digestive problems then she got diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer. I wasn't even looking for this story, I just came across it.

15-03-19, 16:31
I am passing a lot of wind and I am belching a lot too! Happens anywhere from half an hour to a couple of hours after eating. I also feel like there is burning at the back of my throat and lately I have a weird taste in my mouth. The degestive issues are there every day to varying degrees. The bloating is worse in the evenings.

You do realize you're describing GERD and IBS to the letter? Before jumping to the worst case, why not look into an OTC PPI and the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet.

Positive thoughts

18-03-19, 18:42
This is exactly what I have been going through. About a month ago it hit me one day out of nowhere. I am the type of person that has always had regular normal bowel movements and rarely indigestion or heart burn.
Whe it happened to me last month I thought that it was a virus or something I ate.
However it has worsened so I have set up an appt with gyno to rule out ovarian problems and if that is all clear I will have my Dr refer me to gastro.

19-03-19, 06:21
I am going through this right now, no ovaries si all good there. The truth is digestive issues dont snd have never made me anxious. I have a sour stomach off and on in episodes that might last a couple days or they might last a few months. I can't say I like it, of course, but try not to worry about it. Millions of people have stomach problems, so many that there is a billion dollar industry in over the counter drugs to deal with it.