View Full Version : speculation about madelines parents what do you think?

07-09-07, 07:56
Funny question i know but how do you feel about all this speculation about that poor little girls parents?

I expect everyone in the world knows that they had her mum in yesterday for hours as a witness they said! but it just doesn't seem right to me! Now today the dad is back in, and this is after getting forensic evidence back from the UK.

I don't want to belive they had anything to do with it but how many times have we seen people sit in front of camaras crying and begging for help when they themselves did it.

I would have thought that if the parents has anything to do with it why keep all the publiicty going, they would shut up and let it die down wouldn't they?

Oh i really don't know what to think, but whoever done this i hope "they get theirs":mad:

07-09-07, 09:13
I reckon they did it but that's just me - always suspicious.:shades:

07-09-07, 10:01
I've thought from the start that Maddies father has something to do with it cos I've never seen him break down once since her disappearance. I never suspected her mother though. I hope Im wrong and more than anything I hope Maddie is found safe and well.
julie x

07-09-07, 10:22
The mother is about to be classified as a suspect. What a nightmare for everyone involved.

07-09-07, 10:28
They said on the news here tonight the parents may have given her an accidental overdose of tranquilisers :shades:

07-09-07, 10:31
The legal system in Portugal is very different from ours and Mrs M is being classed as an "arguido" (suspect) in order that they may ask her some more questions. That may seem odd to us but that is the way it is in Portugal.

Speculation helps no one, but it is something we are all drawn to, especially when we feel that we are "in the dark".

IMHO.....the thought that the McCanns are directly involved just doesn't bear thinking about!!!

Granny Primark
07-09-07, 11:32
Ive just heard on the news that kate mcCann is now a formal suspect.
To be honest ive suspected that the way she has behaved doesnt ring true.
Would you bother put make up on? Her eyes have never looked red and swollen from crying.Would you leave your babys to go jetting off to see the pope or travel around europe?
Making a formal statement and pleading for the return of your daughter is one thing but they seem to have welcomed the press they have had.
Its really sad and im truly gutted for all concerned.
I hope that my suspiciions are wrong and they get beautiful little madelaine back.

Take care

07-09-07, 12:25
I can't understand WHY on earth they'd put themselves SO much in the limelight if they were guilty. The women is totally devestated...i can't believe that she or her husband have done anything to Madelaine.


07-09-07, 12:30
I so have to agree with Lyn, when i first saw Madelines mother do the appeal for her daughter I said she didn't look as if she had been crying, she had put her make up on and didn't even break down, surely any mother that has a child missing the last thing on her mind would be how she looked.

Trac xxx

Ma Larkin
07-09-07, 14:18
Sky News have announced that Kate could be charged today with the accidental death of Madeleine as blood samples found in the hire car 25 days after Madelein'es death were definitely Madeleine's blood. The trouble with Portugal is that they have a different police structure to ours. Making Kate an "arguido" or suspect gives her the right to remain silent and represented by a lawyer whereas just as a witness she can represent herself and say what she wants and the Police can only ask certain questions relative to the inquiry. I also question the behaviour of the McCanns in their search. If my daughter had been abducted, the last thing I would do is go off jetting around the world and leave my other 2 children behind, they would be with me constantly, even in my bed!! Poor Madeleine, let's hope we get a happy outcome, even though the longer it takes the more unlikely this will be. Still, you hear of little children getting abducted and found years later. Miracles do happen sometimes. Fingers crossed.

Les xx

07-09-07, 14:26
I cannot see them being involved to be honest. They were on holiday with friends etc - seems hard to believe that they would have harmed her.

I had heard that there have been quite a number of child abductions in Portugal and Spain.

Do you not think that the Portugese police are just trying to blame anybody - seeing as they havent found her yet.

07-09-07, 14:33
Arn't the parents both doctors?? if they are i would have believed the accidental overdose but then even if that was the case, why was there blood??

I really don't know what to believe so i'll just wait. but its going to be a horrible outcome no matter what.

Ma Larkin
07-09-07, 14:33
I agree with your theory Panic 1971. The McCanns were dining yards away with friends. If Kate had harmed Madeleine in any way, she would have been extremely fraught when she went back to the table, perhaps blood stained and then there is the disposing of the body. Are the Police saying that Gerry helped her? And let's face it, they are hardly going to move her 25 days later in a hire car, they have never been out of the public eye since the day Madeleine went missing. Seems highly unlikely that Kate did it, but like you say, maybe the Portuguese Police are clutching at straws because they have no other suspects.

07-09-07, 15:05
Thanks for your opinions all:)

I agree with a lot of what you say. when i started the post i really thought there would be a much more mixed view but it seems lots of fingers are pointing at the parents. What an awful thought.

It wasn't until i read Lyns reply that i knew about the blood in the car etc. Also if it was an accidental overdose why hide the body, oh there are so many questions.

To be honest i have never understood the fact that they have left their other babies either, they wouldn't be out of my sight.
Even on holiday i wouldn't leave my kids for 5 minutes. if it was their holiday so too was it the kids and if i wanted to have dinner with friends then my kids would come too, lets face it they didn't even use the hotels baby sitting service.strange i thought. does it really matter what time they go to bed?? if they are tired then they'd fall alseep sitting on or near their mum and dad wouldn't they. :huh:

07-09-07, 15:28
I agree Nanny.

I have left my kids on holiday before though. I left them in the apartment - whilst the rest of us were at the bar. This was very late at night - after we had been out for a meal and a wander and had come back to the apartments. The kids were asleep and you could see the apartment and door from where we were sitting and 1 of us would go every 20 minutes to check up on them. The eldest was 10 at the time. I would never have done it if they had been really young and I wouldnt do it now. You just presume that they are going to be okay - you wouldnt think something like that would happen on holiday.

I really feel for the McCann family - they must be going through hell.

07-09-07, 15:51
If the mcanns are innocent then I hope they dont ever read the things people have been saying about them. Now Kate is a suspect it makes you wonder what more do the police know ? She seems to be coping amazingly ?
We will not know the full facts until later but it is a gripping case, and I bet they end up making a film about it in years to come.

The only thing i did think is, being a doctor or a surgeon they are used to DEATH so are quite hardy.

07-09-07, 15:53
that is true but you'd be distraught if it was your own child.

07-09-07, 17:43
yes, true. maddy is a lovely little innocent girl , who ever has done this needs to be caught .

08-09-07, 01:16
Ive just heard on the news that kate mcCann is now a formal suspect.
To be honest ive suspected that the way she has behaved doesnt ring true.
Would you bother put make up on? Her eyes have never looked red and swollen from crying.Would you leave your babys to go jetting off to see the pope or travel around europe?
Making a formal statement and pleading for the return of your daughter is one thing but they seem to have welcomed the press they have had.
Its really sad and im truly gutted for all concerned.
I hope that my suspiciions are wrong and they get beautiful little madelaine back.

Take care

In addition to the perfect make up and the posed pictures of Kate Mc Cann looking sadly out to sea, I notice that Gerry Mc Cann has found time to update his internet blog today despite his young daughter being missing (presumed dead) and his wife questioned as a suspect. This frankly strikes me as extremely bizarre.

I've always thought theres something very strange about this case - even though this was a minority opinion I understand a lot of people didn't accept the version of events presented in our British media. Don't believe all you hear from our media and read in the daily mail folks!


08-09-07, 07:32
I too found it very odd that he had time to update his blog yesterday.

He is now also an official suspect.


Granny Primark
08-09-07, 07:43
Im really curious now.Gerrys been declared a formal suspect.
What a really sad, frustrating, heartbreaking story this is.
Can someone give me the website for Gerry please?

Take care

08-09-07, 07:45

Is he a suspect because they THINK they may have something to do with it or because it gives em more rights.................... still none the wiser.

lets look at the so called facts:::::

Found blood in car 25 days after maddie disappeard........... very strange, Grandma says it's corrupt eveidence but if it's maddies blood then where did they get it?

Could be accidental................ if so why hide body???

If guilty............ why prolong publicity, even going to the pope!!!

Attitude of parents............. Kate looks so very cool about the whole thing, if i had been questioned for 11 hours and had the finger pointed at me for murdering my own child i would have come out of that police station absolutly distraught, he sits down and writes his b****y blogg, whats that all about.

well, doubt we'll know the true picture until all over and done with.

Please note i am not pointing the finger at the parents, just don't know what to think and trying to get my head around the whole damn thing.

At the end of the day there is a lovely little girl missing, lets hope they find her and quickly.

08-09-07, 08:04
I have to go with the basics of British justice

"Innocent until proven guilty."

I don't know what to think and I can't allow myself to as it gets inside me and eats me up.

All I know is there is a little girl, missing presumed dead. As a mother, too sad to contemplate.


08-09-07, 08:11
I watched your BBC news on Foxtel this morning and was very unimpressed by the coverage.:shades:

08-09-07, 08:13
Hi Phill
Its always the same over here :wacko:

08-09-07, 08:18
Hi Ann
This is from this mornings (Saturday) Brisbane Courier Mail newspaper

Kate McCann, the mother of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann, expects to be made a formal suspect by police, a family spokesman said today.
The British mother spent almost 11 hours being quizzed by police in Portugal yesterday, and only emerged from the session early today.

This morning a family spokesman said she expected to be made a formal suspect when she returns for more questioning today.

Madeline's father Gerry is also to be quizzed by police today.

Madeline disappeared on May 3 from a holiday apartment in Portugal while her parents said they were dining nearby.
Under Portuguese law, an "arguido" - or formal suspect - has certain legal protections that are not extended to a witness, including the right to remain silent during questioning and the right to legal representation.
It is not uncommon for people caught up in criminal investigations in Portugal to declare themselves arguidos in order to receive this protection.
The family spokesman said: "Just before the session ended last night, they made it clear they had some further questions to ask which would require her to be in arguido status rather than just witness status."
He could not confirm what the questions were, or whether Gerry McCann would also be made an arguido when he reports to police.
Kate McCann is said to be upset at the development, and she looked drawn and tired when she left the police station early this morning.
"She is shocked and surprised in several ways," the spokesman said.
"First of all that such an accusation could be made against her. And obviously she is concerned that such a line of investigation can become a distraction from further attempts to find Madeleine."
Kate McCann was interviewed as a witness yesterday, her lawyer Carlos Pinto de Abreu said.

Mrs McCann agreed to more questioning after investigators received forensic evidence recovered from Madeleine's bedroom in the Praia da Luz resort in the Algarve town of Portimao where the young girl vanished.

The breakthrough came as The Daily Mail newspaper in Britain reported that friends of Mrs McCann, 39, said she was nervous about being "set up" for Madeleine's disppearance on May 3.
The report said Mrs McCann's fears were "stoked" after a Portuguese newspaper reported there was a "scent of death" detected on her clothing.
"Kate is terrified that she is being set up," an unnamed family associate was quoted as saying.
"This has been the worst week since Madeleine vanished, and we're not through it yet.
"They have no idea why they have been called back. Police have refused to tell them. They fear that they might be suspects."
The newspaper said the new line of questioning had ruined the couple's plans to return home to Rothley, in Leicestershire, this weekend.
Madeleine vanished 127 days ago and the new evidence, which was found by sniffer dogs in the holiday apartment, could shed more light on the case.
"I can confirm that we have received part of the results and the team is satisfied (with the results)," said Portuguese police spokesman Olegario de Sousa.
The evidence was sent to the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham last month.
Newspapers reported it included a sample of a speck of blood found on the wall of the McCanns' holiday apartment.
A Briton living in Praia da Luz has been identified by police as the only suspect in the investigation and his house has been searched twice.

08-09-07, 08:51
well phill?

what do you think...........:shrug:

08-09-07, 10:16
I know we should not speculate or read into things but that is easier said than done, having an over active mind means we would of all made great detectives , lol.
Last night I actually thought to myself , whos to say that they actually put madeline to bed that night ? (overactive mind again).

I really hope they are innocent, why would they kill there own child ?
It just doesnt make sence does it .

08-09-07, 11:18
According to the 6pm news they've offered the mother a deal.
If she pleads guilty to accidentally killing maddie and disposing of the body she'll only have to serve 2 yrs.
Looks pretty obvious to me.

08-09-07, 11:19
Hi Mirry

I agree with you we shouldn't speculate. But like you said and the reason i started the post in the first place is because we can't help it:blush:

yes us having overactive minds doesn't help, and we'd all be playing detective if we could and no doubt the majority of us would get it wrong.:lac:

it's a very complex case and the sooner it's dealt with and little maddie's disappearance is resolved the better for all concerned i think.

08-09-07, 11:21
Hi Phill

Yes we heard about that last night and on the internet news this morning it's saying that kate went absolutley mad on hearing this.............

Are they just trying to pin it all on mum and dad coz they have no one else to blame:wacko:

08-09-07, 11:23
Do you really think they would have killed their daughter?

I dont think so. They look like a well respectable family.

I think the police are just clutching at straws as they havent been able to find her etc.

I hope I am right anyway - I would hate to think that they have had everyone fooled. They have got the whole world involved.

The whole story is sending my anxiety sky high.

08-09-07, 11:24
Apparently they've matched a blood spot to Maddy.
Remember the mother that drowned her kids in a dam in the US and then cried wolf?
Could be the same deal here.

08-09-07, 11:37

I just cant get my head around all of this, 50% of me says maybe she as been kidnapped as some local countries to Portugal make good money out of white blonde haired children, as they have been known to pass them on for adoption after kidnapping them.
But then the other half of me thinks that the Mcanns have never realy been distraught about the sittuation and i just cant get my head around why a kidnapper would take the larger child out of the three that was in the apartment that night, and hoping they wouldnt get seen, surely taking a smaller and lighter child would have been easier for them to kidnap.

Im gripped to the news as you can imagine like everyone else is.

i just hope madeline is safe and well.


08-09-07, 11:39
If the police really believed that they had killed her - wouldnt they have taken the other children off them in the meantime???

I dont think they have done it. Hope I am right.

08-09-07, 11:50
Where are the twins??

If they were my children they wouldn't leave my sight for a moment.

OOOHHH this is doing my head in too:wacko:

See!!!!! thats the trouble with speculating...........gives you headache.

my own fault for starting this post:shrug:

08-09-07, 12:04

This is the link to Gerry's blog. Do you think they would have gone to all this trouble if they had done it? I dont think so. She is such a sweet, gorgeous girl.

Granny Primark
08-09-07, 12:05
Yes, what is happening to those 2 babys?
They would never leave my sight either.
Surely those little ones need their mum and dad more than anyone.
And why visit the pope?
Why go those other countries?
Why dont they come home with the twins. Surely its better for their other 2 children to be at home with their mum and dad.
Its just a strange situation and has been since little madeleine went missing.
From the minute I saw kates face and how shes reacted it didnt seem normal.
But then again what is normal in a situation like this?
I suppose everyone deals with accute stress in different ways.

Take care

08-09-07, 12:11
Of course they'd go to all that trouble.
Makes people think they're innocent.
You need to be more suspicious.
Nanny, I've told you before thinking will only make your brain hurt now stop it !!!

08-09-07, 12:15
I guess so Phill.

Just finding it so hard to get me head round.

08-09-07, 12:18
Thats what i don't understand either Lynn. People do react differently to acute stress etc and we think we'll know how we'll act but would we when it came down to it.
I have often wondered why they haven't come home, but when is the right time to "give up" on your little one and give in so to speak and come home, it's a hard question that!

Whatever the truth is, i do believe they should be at home trying to make the twins life as normal as possible, bit late for that now i doubt they'll let em come out of the country for a while yet.

Phill, thats what us woman do lovey.......think:winks:

08-09-07, 12:19
I'm not saying I'm right and I hope I'm not. It just seems to me they've gone to a lot of trouble to look innocent.

08-09-07, 12:22
No wonder you've all got headaches Ann :sign20:

08-09-07, 17:15
Today i looked on the "find madeine webpage" everyday since her disappearance so many people have posted messages of support and everyone of them have been very positive and caring towards the parents, the last message was left @7am on the 7th no supportive messages since it does make you wonder eh. Is it that now people are changing their minds. For 2 days now since the mother was questioned no more nice messages, someone said to me that if she had held maddie so close to her like she does that cuddle cat then they wouldnt be in this mess.

Im not sure what has happened but i do know 100% that i couldnt be as composed etc as they have been but then im not this site and not paticularly strong?

Love Lilibet

08-09-07, 17:54
I know this sounds a daft question but ,

how do they know its maddies blood ?
what i mean is , surely they need samples of her blood first to know it her blood ? Hope Im making sence ? :wacko:

08-09-07, 18:59
Fraid not Mirry:weep:

All they need is her DNA which would have been everywhere in the apartment!!!

Then the blood matches her DNA cos a persons DNA is present in every cell in their bodies including blood!!!

I dont like to judge people but if her blood was in a hire car they hired 25 days after Maddie dissapeared then I see no other explanation other than they did it!!!

I hope to God Im proved wrong!!!!

Kaz x

09-09-07, 00:12
Personally I've always thought 'innocent until proven guilty' and even then 'WHO AM I TO JUDGE'? That's my Christian upbringing:D

Seems a lot of people are judging without even knowing what is going on? Did you think the same about Robert Murat when he was named a formal suspect?

All of this has taken away from the fact that a little girl is still missing. I am stil praying for her safe return, whoever took her.


09-09-07, 01:49
According to this mornings (Sunday) paper they've found Madelines blood and DNA in the car boot , the apartment and the mothers clothes.
Makes you wonder.
Phill :shades:

09-09-07, 09:37
Well thats interesting Phill, i haven't heard or seen any news this morning.

Elspeth, we're not going on things we know nothing about, we are going on the evidence that the police have put forward.
i like you hope they didn't do it..................BUT someone has haven't hey??

I also hope she is found as soon as possible and although a slim chance now...safe and well.:) :)

09-09-07, 10:03
nannys only expressing her freedom of speech , she hasnt said anything offensive. As she said we are discussing the evidence, I think you will find that everyone believes in innocent until proven guilty, and the fact that they come across as such a lovely couple makes it all the more difficult to believe . I too hope they are innocent, I watched kates mother on telly yesturday and she seems such a nice lady, she said Kate was desperate for a child when she fell with maddy.

My husband tells me the Mcanns are coming back to the uk because they are being hounded in portugal constantly, and people are booing them ( i think thats terrible).

09-09-07, 10:14
According to the news now that they are officially suspects they can't leave Portugal.

09-09-07, 10:49

09-09-07, 11:32
well, theyve left for home


09-09-07, 12:27
Im not one to judge but there are things that just dont seem right.

The cuddle cat - the one that Kate has never stopped holding, it amazes me that something so precious to her was left to dangle out of her backpack on the way to the police station the other day. Strange......you would have it tucked in the bottom of the bag to keep it safe in case it had fallen out. Too many questions surrounding this case.

In almost every photo of Kate, she has the lippy on and earrings in and seems able to stroll along and hold her head up high..................I know we all deal with stress and grief differently but god I'd be a complete mess!

In my heart I hope the parents do not have anything to hide, but Im keeping an open mind.

I am praying for her safe return and hope that whatever events happened on that awful night- the truth will be found

Darkangel :flowers:

09-09-07, 13:22
just watched gerry give a speach and he seems distraught, my heart goes out to them if they are innocent , they do appear innocent, its so hard to believe what the police are saying.

Granny Primark
09-09-07, 13:46
dark angel youve said what ive been thinking ever since the story of madeleine broke.
This story of this beautiful little girl has saddened and affected so many people.
I truly hope theyre innocent. And I feel terribly guilty even doubting their innocence.
Ive got a grandaughter that I dont see. The last time I saw her tears came to my eyes. Not just cus I love my grandaughter and miss her but the fact that she looked like little madeleine. So heaven knows how gerry and kate must feel.
I just hope we see a closure to this story. Hopefully a happy one.
I remember the story of little Ben Needam and how his parents reacted. Totally different from the McCanns. But we all react in different ways.
Lets all just hope and pray things work out the way we all want them to and give the McCanns the benefit of the doubt as difficult as it is at the moment.

Take care

10-09-07, 00:21
After yesterdays announcement I was very surprised to see them going home.
I know that when my son was killed 5 years ago I was in no way composed on the inside but I kept up appearances on the outside.
Phill :shades:

10-09-07, 10:22
Hi Phill

So So sorry to hear about your son , i can't even begin to imagine what you must have gone through :hugs: :hugs:

I did see the parents get off the plane on the news yesterday, and they did look distraught, perhaps being home will help them....lets hope so

10-09-07, 10:29
Thanks Nanny - Thats how I ended up here.
On the news here tonight they were speculating that it's easier to blame the parents than to investigate further outside the square.It was also compared to the Azaria Chamberlain case here.
Got me stuffed who did it.

10-09-07, 10:50
Me too Phill.

Oh well only time will tell. But me:shrug: i'm still confused:wacko:

10-09-07, 11:10
Phill I am so sorry you have been thru so much, life is so unfair xxx.

They just said on the news there is a major break thru on the case and they will announce it within days !!!
I know they are doing more dna tests , I dont think its looking good for the mcanns, to be saying this only days after they named them as suspects.

10-09-07, 11:15
Thanks Mirry
I'm getting there but prolly not getting over it as such

10-09-07, 11:21
phill , I dont think anyone should expect you to get over it , its more a case of tollerating it isnt it ? My auntie lost her son and went thru a huge range of emotions and ended up agrophobic, now shes doing alot better and she can talk about her son with a smile, I hope you find inner peace too.
Dont forget we are all here for you xxx

10-09-07, 11:26
Thanks Mirry
This site and all the people on here have been are a great source of understanding and solace for me.
Much better than Drs and counsellors.
I'm at the stage where I can put it behind me most of the time but Fathers Day last week was a hardie.
I find myself getting down around this time of year cause its getting close to the anniversary.
Thats all about me for now so let's get back to the topic eh?

10-09-07, 11:56
I want to know about this breaking news, cor this is worse then big brother. i hate big B though.

Damn impatience, isn't it weird how we all have to stick our noses in and get gossiping. not good.

this is a very sad month especiall with 9/11 tomorrow or today wherever you are in the world.

10-09-07, 12:08
Wonder what this break through news is?

Also wonder if now they are back in this country things will go along a lot faster??:shrug:

10-09-07, 12:39
I can never understand how the law works.
We have a man over here serving life imprisonment for the murder of Peter Falconio but there's never been a body found so how does anyone even know he's dead?
Meanwhile every time I see his girl friend on TV she looks as guilty as all get out.
Go figure.

10-09-07, 15:41
Hi Phill

So sorry to hear of your sad loss. I cannot imagine what you have been going through.

Take care xxx

10-09-07, 18:51
Well, i have just been reading the world news on line and have now seen that our police have outlined the case of Kate and Gerry and have now passed all relevant papers over to the prosecutor who will then decide to go ahead or not with charging the both of them with the accidental death of little madeleine.
so looks like there must be some eveidence of this for them to have followed.

What i can't get my head a round is the fact, that if they did do it and it was accidental then why the heck hide the body?? surely that makes things 10 times worse................

I still believe there is much more to this story than meets the eye!! and we haven't heard the half of it yet.

10-09-07, 19:02
I agree Nanny.

I just find it all totally unbelievable. If they did kill Madeleine, which I still dont believe, where have they hidden the body? They have done a full search of the area.

I still believe that she has been abducted though.

10-09-07, 19:25
Me too Ann. It's just so hard to know what to think.

Being a mum myself i honestly can't imagine what they must have gone/are going through.
One minute i feel so sorry for them and next something else pops up that points the finger:shrug:

I was reading gerry's blog just a few moments ago, and i find it really strange how he makes a lot of a to do about mentioning the twins everyday etc but the next minute they are both off out jogging............. would go off out jogging if you little one was missing...

I must stress again that although it does look like i'm pointing the finger, i really am keeping an open mind.

10-09-07, 20:40
In relation to the normal-ness of the McCanns, they have been receiving support from a speciallist trauma team from very early on. Part of the advice given to them was; stay positive; deal with what you know; try to act normal, particularly in public; try to make time for themselves, individually, as a couple and as a family. I think they have been doing that rather well and possibly too well in some peoples eyes.

The DNA found in the car was unspecific i.e not blood. It is the media who have said it was blood. Kate carrys Maddies cuddly cat around with her all teh time. That will be smothered in Maddies DNA.

There are still far more questions than answers in this case!! For now all the answers will be speculative and that is never particularly helpful.

10-09-07, 21:09
They washed the cuddly cat after she went missing which just brings up more questions.
The 6am news just said the DNA in the car boot is a positive match.
As for hiding the body - It's hard to prove a murder without a body cause no-one can say for sure she's dead

10-09-07, 21:41
My tuppence worth.

people deal with things in different ways. Everyone goes through the same stages of loss when we lose someone but we go through it at different rates and we may switch back and forth through stages such as
disbelief, denial, shock, numbness etc and it may seem that all of them are going through our mind at the same time.
For the McCanns, I would imagine they could well be stuck in the part of disbelief or denial. Denial of anything bad having happened to their daughter. i would imagine that accepting the alternative would be too great a burden to bear. Hence why they may seem composed and together, when in reality their brains are screaming at them not to accept the possibility that they may never see their child again.
We have all seen stories on TV of missing people where their families have their room exactly as it was just in case they come back.
Who knows how any of us would be in the situation they are in? I think I would be a nervous crying wreck....but I don't know cos I haven't been there and even if I had....I am not them.
I don't know what to think....so I just don't. I find thinking about such things makes me feel ill if I ponder too long. Hence why I hardly ever watch the news, I find it all intolerable.
I just pray they find her.


10-09-07, 21:45
They are quite a religious family too. So maybe they put their trust in god that everything will be okay and that is how they deal with it.

They also met the Pope just after Madeleine went missing - so maybe that is what is getting through each day. I dont know.

11-09-07, 08:07
gmtv , just said that the portugal newspapers are writing some horrible story headlines , one paper is saying that the Dna suggests that gerry isnt the father of madeline , and the other says maddys remains found in boot of car (meaning DNA !!!)

What wicked headlines , have they no mercy ? these people could be innocent , I cant imagine what the mcanns are going thru , as if they havent been tru enough !

11-09-07, 08:36
well, today is the day the prosecutor is SUPPOSED to make his mind up as to whether to charge the parents or not.
I doubt it will be that simple a decision to make so it wouldn't suprise me if they hang it out a bit. That is even worse for the couple isn't it? the waiting.

lets just hope this case comes to a conclusion soon. The sad part is maddy's still missing..will she ever be found i wonder.

11-09-07, 08:43
On tonights news they said the DNA in the car could be from the cuddle toy.
They also said they've been tapping the parents phones and email for the last month.:shades:

11-09-07, 10:31
Sounds worse than ever doesn't it.

Thing is IF they had anything to do with it, how can they be so calm.
BUT on saying that the news has now said that they have spoken out about how devastated they are about being put in position of suspects.
I can fully understand that coz if they had nothing to do with it that must be the worse thing possible to go through.

I still have an open mind, but those poor poor parents, if they are innocent then what must they be feeling like.

Poor maddy WHERE is she?????

11-09-07, 18:19
Just read todays paper and to be honest it seems to just be getting worse. They have reports from other guests at the hotel complex and Kate was left on numerous occasions to look after all the kids herself whilst Gerry went off to play Tennis or sunbathe. She was heard to be aggresive to the kids and looked like she wasnt coping. But hey isnt that typical of us all - I was always shouting or not coping! The tapas bar has indiated that they had a booking for 8.30 every night once the children had been fed and put to bed!!!!!!!!! I thought this had just been a one-off. Things just dont seem right.

Im still praying for the safe return of Maddie and hope that answers will be found.

Luv Darkangel :flowers:

11-09-07, 19:16
There is one thing and one thing only that started this whole tragic chain of events and which IS the fault of the parents and that was..................leaving the children alone.

Whether they are involved or not there is no getting away from that fact. sorry but true!!

11-09-07, 23:42
Very true Ann

12-09-07, 15:17
Gerry mcann, we had no part in maddi,s disapearance, what a load of crap, they left her to go and have a meal,if nothing they should be guilty of neglect, never had this publistaty when ben needham went missing 13 years ago, money has spoken again.

12-09-07, 15:50
The front page of the Sun today said they had found Madeleines hair in the boot of the car - dont know how true that is though...

Granny Primark
12-09-07, 18:17
I totally agree with rickards.
Im sad to say that ive felt kate has had a look of guilt on her face from day 1.
Whether that was due to her feelings at leaving her children on their own or for the reasons that they have something to do with their daughters disappearance I dont know.
There reactions and the way theyve both behaved are strange to say the least.

This case just keeps getting sadder by the day.

Take care

12-09-07, 18:25
Innocent until proven guilty surely?

I don't know whether they did it or not but I do think the media portray people in different lights depending on what they want you to think.

Open minds 'eh folks?

12-09-07, 18:35
I agree.

The press make a lot of stuff up to make the stories more juicier otherwise the papers wont sell. I wouldnt believe half of the stuff they print.

I still think the McCann's are innocent.

12-09-07, 18:58
Heard on CNN today a Scotland Yard investigator saying that they have no real evidence against the parents and that hair and DNA could be found anywhere that anyone who ever had contact with her would have been.

My thought is that if the authorities really had any evidence at all they wouldn't have offered the mother the 2 year deal if she said it was accidental!!
2 years for murder?? Doesn't make sense to me.
What sounds more plausible is the fact that they have no suspects and no real evidence and now with all the media attention they are trying to wrap it up in a nice little package so they don't look bad.
John Walsh made a statement the other day that the authorities botched the investigation from the beginning.
Sounds like now they are trying to cover their own butts.

Yep I agree she and her husband are guilty of neglect and truthfully I don't think that they should still have custody of their other children but that doesn't mean that they committed murder.

Beautiful little girl - such a shame:weep:


12-09-07, 19:50
I do agree with "innocent until proven guilty" and about having an open mind.....

But IF evidence that we are hearing about is true, then it's not looking good is it.

I also agree about little ben needham, after all why is any one child different from another.........................

Granny Primark
12-09-07, 20:31
Well this story is certainly keeping us all baffled.
I really hope they are innocent and that their little girl ends up with her parents.
And I do agree that we are innocent until proved guilty.
I just wonder would ben needham have been found if there was the publicity for him that the McCanns have had?
If she had have been in that car over 20 days later, well how the hell did they hide her for so long? and how did they manage to put her body in the boot without someone seeing?
I wonder if any of us will ever know what has happened to her.
It would be sad if the McCanns got sentenced for her murder if they werent guilty.
I think of the women who were accused on wrong evidence of killing their babys when they were cot deaths.
Perhaps the way the McCanns have been so methodical in dealing with their missing daughter is because they are qualified doctors and its their way of coping?
I just dont know what to believe or think from one minute to the next.
But my instinct as a mother would have been so different. The last thing id do was to worry about my appearance. And I would never have left my other 2 childrens side let alone go visit the pope.

Take care

13-09-07, 07:36
Hi Guys
This isn't for sympathy OK
When my grand daughter was murdered they couldn't prove who did it so they intriduced a new law that "Anyone responsible for a child who dies in sispicious circumstances does 5yrs" It's called Taia's Law named after her.
It was too late for her but it covers cases like this where the parents negligence has directley related to the death or disappearance of Maddy.
Please don't say how sorry you are -I don't wanna sound ungrateful - I know you'll be thinking of me but it was hard enough to type this without being reminded OK.
Phill :shades:

13-09-07, 07:43
:weep: This world never fails to dissapoint me . Phil my lips are sealed.

I cant believe they are searching the church today , sounds like they are clutching at straws :shrug: .

13-09-07, 07:51
Did anyone just see GMTV? They interviewed a guy from America whose 14 year old daughter had been abducted. He and his brothers were accused just like the McCann's and then they found her 9 months later and also got the man who abducted her.

13-09-07, 08:07
Hi Ann
Yes i just saw that, it was interesting what he had to say! and it made you think all over again didn't it???

oh i JUST don't know what to think, best thing to do is NOT think hey:lac:

13-09-07, 15:40
I know Nanny.

It is so bloody depressing though isnt it. I just wish they would just find her safe and well now.

14-09-07, 08:37
I know this is being pessimistic BUT i honestly think it's been too long for that.

I hope not but................

17-09-07, 04:51
Latest News

THE senior detective jointly in charge of the investigation into the Madeleine McCann disappearance is to face a criminal hearing into an alleged cover-up involving another missing girl.

Chief Inspector Goncalo Amaral has been accused of concealing evidence that the mother of eight-year-old Joana Cipriano, who disappeared in the Algarve three years ago, was tortured by police into confessing she had killed her daughter.

The senior officer, who heads the Policia Judiciaria in Portimao, the nearest Portuguese town to Praia da Luz from where Madeleine vanished, could appear before the secret hearing as early as next month.

The revelation casts further doubt on the Portuguese police, who have faced increasing criticism about their handling of the McCann case.

In a separate development, Britain's Mail on Sunday revealed yesterday that fragments of hair found in the McCann's hire car, said to belong to Madeleine, cannot be matched to the missing four-year-old.

Sources close to the scientists investigating the case say they have concluded the hair could belong to any number of people.

This undermines earlier claims that DNA evidence proved the McCanns used the car to move their daughter's body.

The leaking of these original claims fuelled fears Portuguese police were conducting a smear campaign against Kate and Gerry McCann as they faced increasing pressure for results.

Insp Amaral has been accused of concealing evidence into allegations that three of his colleagues tortured the mother of missing Joana Cipriano in order to secure a confession.

Leonor Cipriano did confess, after almost 48 hours of continuous interrogation but later retracted her statement. She was convicted of murdering her daughter and is now serving a 16-year jail term.

The four detectives, plus a fifth accused of fabricating evidence, deny the allegations and say Cipriano sustained the injuries when she threw herself down police station stairs.

Insp Amaral is not the only accused officer linked to the McCann investigation.

Another is recently retired chief inspector Paulo Pereira Cristovao, who has been writing a daily column on the Madeleine inquiry for a Portuguese newspaper that has been reporting sensational stories, leaked by sources close to the police.

17-09-07, 07:33
I read about this yesturday and its absolutely disgusting.
The Mcanns have had so much heart ache and if the portugal police have been misleading people to believe the Mcanns have hurt their precious little girl , then i think the police should be punished.
At least things seem to be in the mcanns favour again, I dont believe they will get maddy back now, but I pray they do.

17-09-07, 08:01
Well i'm blowed!!!!!

just goes to show your saying "don't believe all you think" is right Phill.

Also said on our news last night that Richard Branson is putting up £100,000 for the Mcanns to get the best legal team in the country.
IF those police are guilty of all they are suspected of then they ought to be dealt with severley.......................

17-09-07, 09:39
now they reckon sh'es been dumped in the sea. and with no body then no case. so looks like they really don't have any leads or anything and this is just an excuse to end it all.

I doubt madeline will ever be found and thats a real shame


25-09-07, 09:36
Well, everything has now gone quiet on the Mcann case.
Have they forgotten all about it now or just keeping it all under wraps??

And none of us still any the wiser?? :shrug: :shrug:

25-09-07, 14:27
I know - its not on the news much at the moment.

The McCanns have got the best legal team on the case though.

Robert Murat has now been cleared or was in the process of being cleared - that was the last thing I heard.

26-09-07, 09:32
did anyone see the news this morning about a photo of a little girl in morroco that looks like madeline ? This little girl was being carried on a old womans back wrapped in some material. I must admit she doesnt look morrocan but she did look younger than 4 years old to me .

I think in the world war one , our soldiers were placed in north africa and did populate there :blush: , when I visited Morroco and tunisia
(in my care free days) we were told by our guide to look at the people and you could see ginger hair quite often !

Wouldnt it be lovely if it was her still alive , the news is all doom and gloom , lets hope a miracle happens .

26-09-07, 09:40
I saw it and ,call me a cynic, but the first thing I thought was "Photoshop"
Phill :shades:

26-09-07, 10:43
Phill, call me thick:blush: but what did you mean by "photoshop"

26-09-07, 11:06
Its a photo editing program.
You can take part of one picture and put it into another.
If I can do it anybody can.
Phill :shades:

26-09-07, 11:10
OOHHHHH makes you wonder hey??? :blush:

26-09-07, 17:02
Reports say that its not Madeleine and the girl seen in photo is a girl of a male farmer. Journo's have been finding out info b4 the photo anylyst ppl have confirmed, yes or no

geordie flower
26-09-07, 17:27
I have to say i got a shiver down my spine when i saw the picture of that little girl on the back of the woman in the newspaper today, it does have a striking resembelance to maddie!

26-09-07, 19:16
Dear All

I have to say that when i saw the picture this morning i was elated and i so so so wanted it to be little madeline, i feel gutted about the fact its not her, so i cant imagine how her family feel


26-09-07, 19:31
I've just been on bbc news and seen the picture that they thought was maddy and underneath there is a proper picture of the child that they are saying it is, as it is stated that this is not maddy, mores the pity. However, if you go on and look at the two photo's i do not think it is the same child, they look to disimilar to me. The top photo does look like maddy and even though it is a fuzzy piccy it still doesn't look like the girl in the second photo to me. Will someone else please have a look and see what i mean?

geordie flower
26-09-07, 19:39
Hiya just had a look at bbc news online and i agree they look nothing like each other!

26-09-07, 19:45
Yep, they are nothing alike are they? But they are definately saying that it is not maddy! Such a shame, thought it was her myself, thought they had found the poor child. Would be wonderful for her to be found fit and well. But obviously there is doubt as the DNA in the boot was positive wasn't it?

26-09-07, 20:58
I wonder never have guessed it was the same girl. They look nothing alike. She looks more like Madeleine. It must be awful for Gerry and Kate.

26-09-07, 22:09
I agree too, looks like madeline but apparently not, but you never know, lets see what the photo people say tomorrow when theyve examined it properly at the moment its only the the word of the morrocan family who say it isnt


27-09-07, 08:13
Hi All

Well it turned out not to be maddie more's the pity.

I wish with all my heart that poor little girl is alive somewhere, but deep down i think it's unlikely.

Oh why are there such horrible people out there?????:mad:

30-09-07, 17:01
im convinced they did it. totally convinced. their behaviour is not normal at all. im sure they will be found guilty soon enough and brought to justice. hope i am wrong, but the story doesnt add up. poor maddie. xxxx

30-09-07, 17:07
I don't like to think like you bit i'm afraid i do...you're right the story doesn't add up somehow.

I hope like you hope that it will soon come to an end but somehow i don't think it will be a pleasant one:shrug:

01-10-07, 14:40
It said in the paper yesterday that they were looking for an ex employee of the hotel complex!!! They reckon they may have taken Madeleine in revenge.

22-10-07, 14:41
well !! it's all starting again, they are on about the parents being questioned by our police this time..............

wish it could all be bought to a head, that poor little girl or her memory deserves some closure.

it's all so so sad:weep:

14-12-07, 11:14
As its near xmas , lets not forget people like little maddie .
I just read this on the virgin media homepage this................

Detective hopeful of Madeleine breakthrough

http://www.virginmedia.com/images//fd_1020_story10b7ffcef0b98a7aa34d29a2f4ff75f2_149x 146_150x150.jpg
The private detective hired by Madeleine McCann's parents says the youngster could be back with her family by Christmas.
Francisco Marco told a Spanish newspaper he knows who has taken the four-year-old and is putting together information for the police so they can make arrests.
Mr Marco said the girl, who was snatched from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in the Algarve in May, might never have left Portugal.
He said: "We have proof of her movements after her kidnap and we know she was alive the day after her disappearance. We are not certain she left Portugal.
"I talk of certainties because we know which group may have her or could have kidnapped her to then sell her on to others.
"We know who kidnapped her. We believe she is in an area not very far from the Iberian peninsula and north Africa. And we have a fairly certain idea who she is with."
He added: "I cannot say who she is with because we are putting together conclusive proof we can present to the authorities so they can proceed with their arrests.
"God willing, I hope that she will be back with her parents before Christmas."
Mr Marco admitted he had no proof Madeleine was not dead but said he had to believe "100 per cent" that she was because he only knew how to look for people who were still alive.
He said: "One of the things that makes us believe Madeleine is alive is that every day, she's worth more to them. It's obviously not a kidnap carried out by professionals for economic reasons.
"A professional kidnapper would have done something by now. He would have given her back or left her."
He also dismissed allegations that the McCanns could have been involved in Madeleine's disappearance, saying you only had to spend five minutes with them to know they were innocent.
The McCanns' spokesman Clarence Mitchell said last night that the family was "pleased" the agency was so confident about ultimately finding Madeleine.

14-12-07, 11:26
Hi Mirry

I heard this too on the news today, lets hope and pray that they do find her, it will make everyones christmas if they do:hugs:


14-12-07, 11:31
wouldnt it be wonderful for her parents , they have ben thru so much.

I cant imagine the damage that has been done to poor maddy.

14-12-07, 11:41
Hi Mirry, I have read near enough the same article in The Sun this morning, though its only given a small piece on page 17. I truly believe that they do have someone under observation and are leaking these stories in order to scare the kidnapper into making a move, and i believe she is still alive. I just think that it is too dangerous for the kidnappers to try and dispose of her. I think it is very sad that the people who were first so eager to put up posters and help search the local areas are now saying that they are fed up with it all and are taking down the posters and saying Maddies parents abandoned her and we shouldnt feel sympathy for them. Whatever you beliefs everyone should keep looking if not for her parents but for Maddies sake. The agency say that she could be home for christmas, and i am sure that everyone around the world couldnt wish for a better gift for her family.

Jacq x

14-12-07, 12:09
the maddie case, is a very strange one......

her parents have never looked that upset to me

my daughter went missing one night many years ago (2 hours at her mates, never thought to phone lol) and i was beside myself, just begging everyone to find her.....ive never seen this in the mccanns.

you cant tell me that you could switch your emotions on and off in front of people and the cameras....eh

14-12-07, 12:14
lets hope its maddie and she is home for xmas.....

14-12-07, 12:23
i dont know dawm , when my nan died who i was close to, i couldnt shed a tear , i had a lump in my throat but no tears came at all.
yet i was devestated, i think shock can do many things to a person.

14-12-07, 12:32
I don't know if Maddie's parents are guilty of any crime.

I do know that hindsight is a wonderful critic.

I don't know how I would react if something like this happened in my family.We,of all people,know that people react rightly/wrongly in countless different ways.

Until it be shown otherwise,my thoughts and prayers will most definitely remain with Maddie's family

14-12-07, 12:54
yeah maybe im being harsh.....

it would make everyones xmas if the little one is found
