View Full Version : My mouth is so dry!

14-03-19, 22:16
It has been that way all day, I keep drinking water but nothing is happening. I feel worried :( My lips are dry too. I drank milk, it helped. I dont know what else to do :(

14-03-19, 22:25
I get this sometimes! I think it starts off because I have my mouth open for a long period of time and I don't notice then I panic. I keep swallowing so taking the moister away and it's on going!

14-03-19, 22:58
It has been that way all day, I keep drinking water but nothing is happening. I feel worried :( My lips are dry too. I drank milk, it helped. I dont know what else to do :(

Hi if it doesn't settle down in a couple of weeks see your Dr, it may be Sjogrens which is an autoimmune condition. It is treatable. Try drinking your fluids through a straw so it doesn't take all the moisture from your mouth, also chewing gum helps release moisture from the parotid glands. Buy some mouth gel and use it at night.

Good luck with it, let's know how you get on.

14-03-19, 23:13
I have to suck artificial saliva tablets at night as my mouth is so dry - I have had it for over 18 months now and doctors say they can't do anything.

Also see a dentist and they can check the saliva glands are working properly - which mine are

15-03-19, 11:31
You could also try Biotene