View Full Version : Night anxiety

15-03-19, 01:55
Does anybody here sleep with the radio on? I can’t sleep without it. Also I spend all night feeling numb, like asking questions about my existance I feel freaked out to be alive. I also worry about time going too fast. But I seem to ask all these deep questions most at night. I can remember in the past sleeping fine interestingly I sleep best when I am on holiday and I am looking forward to the next day.

16-03-19, 00:20
Anybody? I also worry about dying and stuff like that at night it’s awful I just can’t hit the pillow and sleep..

16-03-19, 09:01
Mindfulness would help with this :)

16-03-19, 14:22
Mindfulness, progressive relaxation. Try some of them. Keep bringing your mind back to something calming, a mantra, or a visual picture of a candle flame. Your mind will wander back to your worries but gently bring it back and keep bringing it back. It takes practice but it's better than letting your mind keep firing off in all directions when all you want is sleep.

theres plenty of info and books available. Have a look and see what suits you best.

17-03-19, 00:15
I sometimes deal with the same thing. Like the other night I was lying awake thinking about how I'm probably going to die young because of the health problems in my family. Or I wonder if I'm in the right career...when I should be getting sleep to go to my job the next day! I recommend the podcast "Sleep With Me." The narrator has a soothing voice and he tells nonsense bedtime stories to get you to sleep. He struggles with insomnia himself and it's aimed at people who need distraction from their anxious thoughts to sleep. There are hundreds of episodes so you can easily play it all night if you need to. More relaxing than the radio.