View Full Version : Lymph node question

15-03-19, 08:08

Just looking for advice from anyone who may have been to a GP for something similar.....

Please could someone tell me how big a lymph node (specifically underarm in female, as I don’t know if this makes a difference) needs to be for a doctor to pay attention or even just to justify visiting a doctor.

Yes, I’m spiralling.

Thank yoooo

15-03-19, 18:47
Normal underarm lymph nodes could be 2cm long, but only the length is not the most important thing..it has to be longer (minim.2x) than wider, it has to have hilus etc.

16-03-19, 15:00
Thanks zebra.

So do you think I should go to the doctor with any palpable underarm lymph node or do we only go if it gets to a certain size?

I’d guess mine is about 5mm (basing that on it being half the width of my thumb nail) and quite circular and close to the surface.

I’ve been aware of it since early December and it hasn’t changed.

I know generally, anything under 1cm is considered normal, but I can feel other lymph nodes in my underarm which are only 1-2mm, so I’m just concerned that this one “stands out” from the rest.

I dunno. I’m trying to be logical but it’s like my brain is playing ping pong over whether this is normal or not.

I know no one can give medical advice, but any shared knowledge would really help!

16-03-19, 16:01
Thanks zebra.

So do you think I should go to the doctor with any palpable underarm lymph node or do we only go if it gets to a certain size?

I’d guess mine is about 5mm (basing that on it being half the width of my thumb nail) and quite circular and close to the surface.

I’ve been aware of it since early December and it hasn’t changed.

I know generally, anything under 1cm is considered normal, but I can feel other lymph nodes in my underarm which are only 1-2mm, so I’m just concerned that this one “stands out” from the rest.

I dunno. I’m trying to be logical but it’s like my brain is playing ping pong over whether this is normal or not.

I know no one can give medical advice, but any shared knowledge would really help!

I dont know but i would guess everything is ok if it didnt change since december...are you going for breast ultrasound every year? They also control the underarm lymph nodes..so if you had the us recently you are 100% fine..

16-03-19, 16:47
No. In the UK you don’t get them til you’re 50!

16-03-19, 17:23
Firstly, do you have a valid reason to be palpating your underarm nodes? Is there a personal or familial history of breast cancer that would make you need to check?

Secondly, (I learnt this from my ex, who is a medic) lymph nodes, when swollen, are felt easily. Ever notice how, if your doctor is checking your nodes, he or she is not pressing firmly? It's just a light touch really. If you can't feel your nodes by doing this, its unlikely they're swollen. As well, when nodes are swollen due to malignancy, they are rock hard, will feel matted and will not move. I think if this was really what you were feeling, your anxiety would have you off to A&E - not on NMP asking questions.

Of course, any lump or bump should be examined by your doctor (disclaimer lol)

Good luck

16-03-19, 18:13
Thanks RadioGaga

To answer your question, I wasn’t searching for nodes when I found it. I was pinching the skin cos I have sinus tunnelling there after a skin infection a few months ago. I sometimes pinch the skin to remind myself that the lump left behind from the infection is just superficial. But by doing that, I found this node.
I can’t feel it when I palpate with my fingers in the way that doctors do...only when I nip the skin can I feel it. I don’t know if that makes a difference or not?

16-03-19, 18:40
I'll explain to you what he told me. I can remember this vividly as I was 19 at the time, had MASSIVE HIV anxiety and I was worried my nodes were swollen under my jaw.

(I can remember it like it was last night, sitting in the student flat)

When I pinched I could feel them, but not when I palpated as he told me. He told me swollen nodes are easily felt. I didn't believe him! I then came down with Strep throat a year later, and yeah he was right. swollen nodes are easily palpated. You don't have to "search" for them

​Good luck

16-03-19, 18:55
Thank you so much, that’s great advice!!!

19-03-19, 17:18
So sorry to ask again....

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to get this little lymph node checked out, but I really don’t want to have to go because I was only at the doctors 2 weeks ago!

So please, if anyone can save me the embarrassment of another GP visit by telling me if a little (size of half a pea), mobile lymph node near the surface, in the upper armpit area is normal - or if anyone has something similar?

I’ve been aware of it since December. I had it checked then, and the GP said it was normal. But it hasn’t gone down! (Nor has it got bigger)

I’m so confused!

I know that most lymph nodes are not concerning if they’re under 1cm....but what if, like mine, they stay that size and don’t shrink to the tiny size of the others around it. Is it still ok because it’s less than 1cm?

19-03-19, 18:14
Having had cancerous nodes that were over 5cm when removed, the previous info is correct. There's no mistaking it. Knowing logic, facts and reassurance doesn't work the majority of the time with HA, I suggest you keep the appointment. The "Told Ya so Gang" is on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

19-03-19, 18:29
Thanks Fishmanpa, I was hoping you would reply!
I love facts, they’re the only thing that help me!

20-03-19, 09:05
Ok. I’ve cancelled the doctor appointment and emailed them for advice instead. If they tell me it needs checked, the. I’ll go. If not, happy days!

20-03-19, 09:49
Ok, so this is the response I got. Damn.

it would certainly be sensible to book an appointment for review if this node has persisted though nodes can sometimes do this and it is less concerning if it is not changing, increasing in size etc. Ideally book with the same GP who originally saw you as they may recall the original problem "

20-03-19, 10:38
You emailed your doctor? They had been talking about introducing that, but AFAIK it hadn't been introduced yet. Certainly not in my health trust.

No GP was going to give it the "OK" over email, and I think you knew that deep down :lac:

20-03-19, 11:14
Yeah, my GP practice introduced it in the past year, but it’s the first time I’ve used it.
It’s part of their online booking facility. It gives the option to either book an appointment or “consult online”. It’s a good idea!
I really hoped they’d say “5mm lymph node! Yeah, come back if it gets to 1cm” or something....

20-03-19, 11:25
Limeslime - no doctor is going to reassure about a lump, mole or similar over the internet or email :shades:

20-03-19, 11:37
I know you said you feel embarrassed for making another GP appointment but I doubt this worry is going to disappear without you taking some action. Does your GP know about your HA?

Even if this node "disappears", your HA is likely to find some other lump or bump elsewhere :lac:

20-03-19, 11:50
Exactly ^

20-03-19, 11:50
I know you said you feel embarrassed for making another GP appointment but I doubt this worry is going to disappear without you taking some action. Does your GP know about your HA?

Even if this node "disappears", your HA is likely to find some other lump or bump elsewhere :lac:

That's why I said go. IMO, it'll be nothing of concern based on your post history but as I said, the dragon won't let you rest otherwise.

Positive thoughts

20-03-19, 14:56
I know, I’m kicking myself sooooo bad for cancelling today’s appointment. The next available appointment is 8 days away. 8 days of trying to keep the dragon in his cave. I could kick myself!
I really thought I was over reacting and that the GPs email would say as much, otherwise I’d never have cancelled it!
Now I’ve put myself in a bad place! 😢

21-03-19, 14:32
Ok. Seeing a GP today. In 15 mins actually.
I feel 50% scared and 50% stupid.
I sometimes think the hardest thing about HA is figuring out if a GP visit is necessary. I must have went about 18 times in the past year, and only once did it turn out to be justified.
I used to be a nurse until my son was born 4 years ago. And yet all that knowledge is wasted on me now because my HA shouts louder!
Oh well, off to waste their time and make a fool of myself again.....
(I hope)

21-03-19, 14:44
I don't generally advise seeing GP re many HA fears, but in your case, I believe you need to finally put this "to bed" and think you're doing the right thing.

Good luck!

21-03-19, 15:12
Thanks so much KK77.
I saw a new GP today, and I must admit, this was the first time I’ve been made to feel stupid. I lost count of how many times she rolled her eyes at me.
She couldn’t find the node, and I think in the end she just gave up and pretended she had. She says she isn’t concerned but will send me for an ultrasound for my own peace of mind. (That’s never happened before!)
I’m not really sure how I feel....
Still just stupid and scared I think.

21-03-19, 15:15
She kept describing it as smaller than a petit pois.

21-03-19, 15:45
She kept describing it as smaller than a petit pois.

It means "smaller than a pea" and it's nothing. And you're getting an expensive test to reassure you to boot!


Positive thoughts

21-03-19, 16:00
Amen!! ^

21-03-19, 16:18
I’m sure in time I’ll see it that way too, but right now I’m feeling pretty low and confused.
I was so sure they’d reassure me and send me on my way, but now I have to wait longer for that reassurance.
I forgot to ask how long the appointment would take....I doubt it’s on a 2 week pathway if it’s just for reassurance

21-03-19, 17:04
I’m sure in time I’ll see it that way too, but right now I’m feeling pretty low and confused.
I was so sure they’d reassure me and send me on my way, but now I have to wait longer for that reassurance.
I forgot to ask how long the appointment would take....I doubt it’s on a 2 week pathway if it’s just for reassurance

GP sounds pretty rubbish TBH and shouldn't have even made referral if she thought it was so insignificant. She's just covering herself and there really is nothing to be worried about. Lump might even disappear by time they get round to appointment, in which case, I'd cancel it.

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience :lac:

21-03-19, 17:47
To be fair to her, she gave me the option of a referral, and said “no pressure”. She even told me to cancel it if I decided I didn’t want it. She said it was just to reassure me and not because she was concerned. But she was very knarky about the whole thing. I think she found me irritating. 😢
I don’t think the node will disappear though. It’s been this size for months, so maybe that’s just it’s natural size....just unlucky for me!

21-03-19, 18:07
To be fair to her, she gave me the option of a referral, and said “no pressure”. She even told me to cancel it if I decided I didn’t want it. She said it was just to reassure me and not because she was concerned. But she was very knarky about the whole thing. I think she found me irritating. 
I don’t think the node will disappear though. It’s been this size for months, so maybe that’s just it’s natural size....just unlucky for me!

Then go ahead with scan ;)

09-04-19, 12:25
Soooo....I’m just updating this incase anyone finds themselves in a similar position.
My GP rang me this morning to tell me that the referral for the ultrasound on my lymph node was rejected. She said it would have been too small for them to see on the ultrasound. She spent a long time apologising and reassuring me, bless her. I’m so grateful that she took the time to let me know, and weirdly, the fact that they won’t even scan it is quite reassuring that it must be so irrelevant and insignificant!
She also said that she isn’t totally convinced that it is a lymph node, and may be a blown hair follicle (I’m not so sure cos it moves freely but hey)
She said just to ignore it....that if it were on her body she wouldn’t worry about it.

So yeah. There we go!

09-04-19, 12:51
Soooo....I’m just updating this incase anyone finds themselves in a similar position.
My GP rang me this morning to tell me that the referral for the ultrasound on my lymph node was rejected. She said it would have been too small for them to see on the ultrasound. She spent a long time apologising and reassuring me, bless her. I’m so grateful that she took the time to let me know, and weirdly, the fact that they won’t even scan it is quite reassuring that it must be so irrelevant and insignificant!
She also said that she isn’t totally convinced that it is a lymph node, and may be a blown hair follicle (I’m not so sure cos it moves freely but hey)
She said just to ignore it....that if it were on her body she wouldn’t worry about it.

So yeah. There we go!
So is that the end of it for you? Will you let this go?

09-04-19, 16:04
I hope so! I’m feeling stronger lately 💪🏼