View Full Version : Random head pressure

15-03-19, 09:25
I’ve been doing pretty well as of lately. Had a few anxiety blips. Then last night I was having an argument with someone and I got all stressed out and I suddenly got this weird pressure at the back of my head just on one side, almost like a balloon feeling inside, I tried to sit through it but I had a massive panic attack, it went away a bit when I was distracted but it just scared me, I have been worried a bit about head symptoms because someone I know is unwell with brain issues and it freaks me out.

I’ve had pressure before but at the front or on top of my head so usually when I get it now it doesn’t freak me out. But because it was just one spot and at the back it really scared me.
It did go away when I calmed down and I managed to get a few hours sleep. Still worried today. Has anyone had this before?

15-03-19, 11:29
Yes I have had this. Again happened ally during my brain tumour severe anxiety days. Still get it now. It sort of feels like air expanding inside your head?

No idea what this is. If I had to guess I'd say some sort of muscle spasm or cramp

You're fine

All the best

15-03-19, 12:07
Yeah like a pushing feeling expanding then going away. It didn’t hurt or anything. It just freaked me so much because of where it was I think. I’d never had it in one spot. I’ll admit as I distracted myself it went away. Like most symptoms they come and go over an hour or so then I usually panic then it usually calms down a bit.

I’ve been worrying about aneurysms again, my daughters dad had one three years ago and he’s survived and doing well but he had to have a scan lately and that scared my daughter and I was worried too. We’re not together but I would never want anything bad to happen to him. And my Grandma died of one when she was 75, and then my Dad killed because he was punched in 2017 and died of a brain bleed from hitting his head :( I know they’re quite rare but when two people you know have had them it can be so scary and then my Dad being murdered like that it’s a had a big effect on me.

I’m just so frustrated at myself I’ve been doing so well but then I have days like this and I just feel awful

15-03-19, 12:13
I know it’s ridiculous but because I can’t find any posts of anyone talking about having it in one spot and at the back of the head I’m more freaked out if that makes sense.

I’m used to it at the front or on top but that was so specific. But then again I know you can have symptoms anywhere. So I feel like if I ignore it I could be ignoring something serious. :(

15-03-19, 13:19
I've got it at the back of my neck, and head. Radiates upwards over the top of my ears. Sometimes one side, sometimes both. Also hurts to lay on it so I've had to get softer pillows. Had it a while with no progression of symptoms so I assume it's an anxiety symptom.

15-03-19, 14:15
I've got it at the back of my neck, and head. Radiates upwards over the top of my ears. Sometimes one side, sometimes both. Also hurts to lay on it so I've had to get softer pillows. Had it a while with no progression of symptoms so I assume it's an anxiety symptom.

Hi yeah it was just weird. I’ve had a couple of mild pains today but I know it’s because I’m worrying about it. Plus I’ve only had 4 hours sleep.

I think I just feel frustrated at myself. As now I’m sensitised again and my body feels like my enemy instead of my friend.

Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s probably anxiety, it’s just scared me.

15-03-19, 16:53
Honestly izzybizzy this is definitely what I have had and it's isolated to the back of the head where you describe. It freaked me out at first but now I'm used to it when it happens.

You can rest assured - you do not need to see a doctor for this.

That I am sure of

Good luck

15-03-19, 18:18
Hey thanks for your replies. Weirdly I have a hugely productive day regardless of my freak out last night.

I’ll try not to run to the doctors every time I feel something. It just caught me off guard. But I had been holding my head in a weird position then obviously an argument and boom tension.

It might actually do me some good to go get a massage and get rid of some of the tension.