View Full Version : Down the anxiety spiral again...worries about migraine aura and stroke

02-11-18, 02:07
I went in to make sure I'm ok but I forgot to ask him to check for brain tumours...is this something they would do automatically? He would say something if he noticed anything wrong I'm assuming.
Would he have missed it if it's there?

02-11-18, 02:47
This is related to your last post but why did you delete all your posts? It clearly shows your pattern of anxiety and train of thought :shrug:

Positive thoughts

02-11-18, 03:06
Sometimes when I'm stressed about something I quickly post in panic but then realise how silly it was so I delete it...

02-11-18, 03:21
Sometimes when I'm stressed about something I quickly post in panic but then realise how silly it was so I delete it...

Then it illustrates that you know your fear is irrational :shrug:

Positive thoughts

02-11-18, 17:08
An optho would detect strange pressures in the eye from a tumor so, yes they would. I have read that they sometimes are the ones who first detect an issue.

02-11-18, 17:31
Ive just had mine checked because of one side headaches and i mentioned brain tumour and she said everything was ok. She took a pic of my eye, pressure test and peripheral vision test so i too am hoping they would have seen if there was a problem.

02-11-18, 22:54
They check behind your eyes and eye pressure so if there was a tumour it would have been detected during an eye test. You would also have crippling symptoms so I think you need to put this fear to bed.

03-11-18, 01:17
Thank you! That really helped :)

03-11-18, 10:20
Sometimes I'm looking at my computer or phone screen and reading words and it suddenly seems like the words have been cut in half horizontally and the top half very slightly shifted to the right...hard to explain, but overall the words just look a bit misaligned, but when i try focus on it, it's back to normal (kind of when you see something in the corner of your eye and you look at it and it's gone).

I'm freaking out that it's a brain tumour or something. It only happens on screens though - not when reading books, signs etc. If I zoom in I don't notice it either? Maybe it's because the letters are a little small and then appear unusual on the white screen. Anyone had something similar?
The more i think about it, the more i notice it. most days i never notice it but now that i have, I feel like i can't stop noticing it and it's panicking me a bit...just eye strain or is it sensitivity to the bright white background that the words are on?

03-11-18, 12:40
I get this and also my vision gets very blurry.... I am postive I don't have a brain tumor.

03-11-18, 13:02
I can't believe someone actually knows what I'm talking about! So it's like the horizontal shifting of the top half of words?

03-11-18, 18:25
I don't have that happen but I've learned that the eyes are incredibly complex and something like a little extra strain could make you see weird things from time to time. I wouldn't worry about it if it's correctable by focusing.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

03-11-18, 19:59
I can't believe someone actually knows what I'm talking about! So it's like the horizontal shifting of the top half of words?

Yes exactly...

03-11-18, 23:05
Thanks for the responses that helps a lot

24-12-18, 01:41
So I had a weird headache the past few days, I think stemming from my neck as I notice it more if I move my head around. Stupidly, I decided to shake my head up and down to see if it caused the pain aswell - it wasn't a light shake up and down either, it was pretty forceful (yes I know, very stupid, but I feel like us with OCD/health anxiety do stupid things to constantly 'check' and see if certain symptoms arise)

Anyway, now I'm worried I could have caused a brain haemorrhage by doing this. Is that possible? I felt a bit dazed out today (probably just from non-stop Christmas chores), but I'm worried it's part of a brain bleed. When would I know if I had one? I shook my head probably 15 hours ago, would a haemmorhage be obvious by now!?

The dazed feeling I have now seems to be worse when I move my head left and right to look at things, so I'm even more worried about my neck and brain

A part of me also worries because I'm pretty sure my first migraine aura (flashing zig zags etc) happened after doing something similar with my head - may have been a coincidence, may have been neck strain? Not sure, but I worry it's brain damage. Though I feel like the skull and brain are more well protected than to allow head shaking (even somewhat forceful) to cause damage so easily

I feel like I'm majorly overreacting but can't stop worrying:wacko:

24-12-18, 02:21
Seriously? :huh:

Short answer... NO!

Positive thoughts

24-12-18, 12:19
If you would have caused a Brain haemorrhage you’d be dead. Seriously

29-12-18, 10:32
Today I had swordfish for lunch, and later someone asked me what I had eaten and for some reason the word xylophone popped into my head!? Obviously I knew it was wrong and I said swordfish... but now whenever I think about what I had for lunch the word xylophone pops into my head again!? Anyway good old health anxiety is making me freak out that I’ve got a brain tumour or something.. shad this ever happened to anyone?! :huh:

29-12-18, 13:18
Maybe it has to do with shaking your head the other day. You created a word jumble in your brain :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

29-12-18, 14:27
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


29-12-18, 19:35
Maybe it has to do with shaking your head the other day. You created a word jumble in your brain :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

Thought this was a place to feel comfortable speaking about anything without judgement or being made fun of...:lac:I guess I won’t be posting here anymore

29-12-18, 20:38
Thought this was a place to feel comfortable speaking about anything without judgement or being made fun of...:lac:I guess I won’t be posting here anymore

That's up to you but sometimes the sheer irrationality of your thoughts has to be put into perspective. Your short post history is riddled with highly irrational scenarios. This forum is beneficial in that you're not alone and it can be cathartic to write things out sometimes but the true purpose IMO is to get on the path to healing. If my reply rubbed you the wrong way I apologize, but I hope it's also a cyber kick in the rear to get real life help with your anxiety!

Good luck and as always

Positive thoughts

19-02-19, 01:23
I noticed this recently, only when I'm in very bright light or looking at my computer. It happens as I move my eyes, and I see this quite large, shadowy black looking thing drift past my vision, and it's basically gone in a split second. It's quite large compared to my usual floaters which are just little specks - I'm just wondering if it's normal for floaters to be large like this? I noticed it recently, however I may have had it for a while and just not payed it any attention. I had a dilated ophthalmologist exam maybe 5 months ago.... At the time he said everything looked great, so I would prefer not to go back if unnecessary. I really only notice it once every few days/a week - has anyone else had a floater like this?

I also have had small black flashes in my vision quite a lot for at least the past year, most noticeable when I move my neck/eyes. Don't really know the cause although assuming the eyes are fine since I had the eye exam - anyone else get these too?

By the way I'm 22 and have myopia. Reason for ophthalmologist was that I went to the optometrist who said my results could be indicating glaucoma (eye pressure was 18 or so i.e. within level, but one of the tests seemed to indicated 'retinal thinning', but as soon as I saw the eye doctor he instantly confirmed due to myopia my distribution of cells is a little different and has nothing to do with glaucoma. Anyone else with myopia had this problem too?

19-02-19, 08:00
I've had floaters for years some big and others small.
Get it checked if you feel the need but I'd say it's pretty normal.

22-02-19, 03:10
So I was exercising at home and my dog always hangs around and thinks I'm playing with him... somehow when I bent down I bumped the top of my skull into my dog's quite hard! Probably a dumb question...but could either of us be at risk of a concussion? My head only hurt when I hit it and there's a very very slight dull pain, so it's probably fine I'm guessing?

I feel fine otherwise, but classic anxiety can make me suddenly feel light headed etc and instead of just saying "oh it's anxiety" and letting it pass, I'll attribute it to a concussion or something...

22-02-19, 07:44
Sounds as though you're probably okay; if you weren't stunned and you haven't vomited it's probably just a knock.

I used to have a cat who'd charge along our balcony rail and headbutt the bridge of my nose so hard I got dizzy. I miss the little sod so much ;)

22-02-19, 20:39
def not concussion! I think youd know about it

25-02-19, 12:51
So I have no idea how, but I ended up on this website...
Some people were documenting how they/people they know had migraine episodes with aura for years, and one day during/after they had an epileptic episode i.e. seizure. This terrifies me!? Migraine with auras are scary enough with their mimicking of stroke-like symptoms...now I am so worried I'll end up having epileptic episode too. Do you think this is even related to their migraines or just a coincidence, as some people can just get seizures later in life randomly?

Do you think this is rare or common? Should I bother worrying about it?

25-02-19, 12:53
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you - the thread you link to is self-selecting by definition. Both my parents suffered from migraine auras, and this time last year I was getting anything from an aura every ten days to three in a single day.

I know they're terrifying, but I also know they're harmless.

25-02-19, 12:58
I guess I just worry since mine are quite bad... blind spots, then zig zags, then often numbness that spread across my body. Thanks for the reply :)

25-02-19, 13:01
I've not had the numbness, just the visuals. If it's scaring you, check in with your healthcare provider, but I'd lay money on there being nothing for you to worry about.

Side note: I appear to have managed to get rid of my auras by cutting my coffee consumption down to (almost) nothing. I know everybody's migraines are different, but it might be worth a shot - I haven't had one in around six months now.

25-02-19, 13:01
Also, when I first got them, I started more frequently and now less and less ... so once every 3 months, then 6, then 8...now seems to be once a year if that. And I'm still terrified and always worrying they'll come up! Looking into lights obviously leads to blind spots as normal, and I automatically convince myself "oh here we go again" almost every day...and it's never even the case because it happens so rarely. I guess I need to accept it's not going to be harmful

25-02-19, 13:03
Only had the numbness twice (both most recent times). It seems like if when the visuals start if I stay calm and maybe have a panadol it won't 'progress' to the scarier numbness stages which is weird. Both my parents are doctors so fortunately they've been there during my breakdowns as they're happening, convincing me there's no stroke occurring... not a coffee drinker either, but I think regardless a good diet and exercise are a good thing and will probably help too

25-02-19, 13:05
*Also need to consider the role of migraine auras causing panic attacks...thinking I'm getting 'word slurring' etc from the aura may well just be because I'm super panicky, or even if it's from the aura, panicking definitely makes it worse. It may even play some role in the numbness, though with panic that usually happens more gradually but with my aura once it was instant in one of my arms elbow down which was super scary*

Anyway, rant over. Thanks for reassuring me though, definitely helps to feel like I'm not alone!

25-02-19, 13:20
You're really not alone. I tend to suffer panic attacks whenever an aura hits, and if I get more than one in a day I stay panicky for days after. Feel free to drop me a message if yours are ever bothering you, okay?

25-02-19, 14:17
Thank you so much, for sure! Fingers crossed it's not for a while since it's only been 5 months since the last one (and my track record suggests a year + until the next one...but really who knows). Really appreciate that, and likewise :)

08-03-19, 22:00
It seems to happen as I turn my head/blink (so may be neck rated?), but when it happens it’s like I see fireworks for a split second. Literally the length of a blink but it’s while my eyes are open - it’s like tiny bright yellow dots all over my vision for an instant. I’ve noticed it for maybe a year or 2 now and had an eye exam recently with no issues but forgot to ask about it...it happens very infrequently - sometimes I get it a couple times in one day, then nothing for a month or more... could it be related to neck tension? Does it sound worrying? I get flashes basically every day which I’m used to now (small and quick, just a single flash at a time), but when it’s the firework thing all over my vision, even though it’s just for a split second, I do get a little nervous - has anyone had this before?

08-03-19, 22:08
I had the fireworks thing happen to me less than an hour ago. Still anxious over it. I even came here and made a post.

08-03-19, 22:10
Maybe the sudden movements cause momentary eye pressure and that’s the result aswell? Just not sure ... I found this website which seems to be asking a similar question? https://forums.thebump.com/discussion/5135501/seeing-quot-fireflies-quot-flashes-of-light

08-03-19, 22:11
Mine are never just in the corner, they are always all over. Do yours appear mainly if you blink or suddenly move your neck?

08-03-19, 22:12
Mine also tend to happen when I’m in more dimly lit areas, but not always

09-03-19, 05:35
I get them ALL the time when I'm shaving under my arms in the shower. Always on one side. I assume it has to do with craning my neck. It's like tons of little stars. It's been going on before I even had HA (so over 7 years) so I don't worry about it.

09-03-19, 07:23
I get them ALL the time when I'm shaving under my arms in the shower. Always on one side. I assume it has to do with craning my neck. It's like tons of little stars. It's been going on before I even had HA (so over 7 years) so I don't worry about it.

Oh I know what you’re talking about, I get that too! But this is a little different - those develop over a few seconds of being in an unusual head position and take a few seconds to go away - these ones literally come and go in a split second with a quick head movement :/

09-03-19, 10:20
So this happened about a month ago (maybe more) and just now aswell. I was just finishing up some things in the kitchen when a sudden wave of dizzyness came over me - not just where you feel like you're off balance and it takes a split second to steady yourself - more extreme - it felt like I couldn't steady myself at all and I was approaching the ground, so I quickly sat in a nearby chair. It basically went away as soon as I did that but I'm still very anxious about it. I wasn't even anxious when it happened - maybe turning around a lot in the kitchen triggered a slight off balance feeling and anxiety amplified it by 1000x? Lately I've noticed a few momentary off balance feelings where I need a second to steady myself but I put that down to anxiety, although I am fixating on it a little lately and worrying about a brain tumour. Does my experience just now sound like anything could be majorly wrong there or just a mix of anxiety and quick movement?

09-03-19, 10:22
Just to be clear, it wasn't a light headed feeling - it was just major off-balance/about to fall down/world tilting feeling no matter which direction I turned until I finally sat down. Maybe if I hadn't rushed to the chair, I could have composed myself for a second, stopped panicking and maybe it would have stopped, but I feel like in the heat of the anxious moment that is veryyyy hard

09-03-19, 10:23
I'm honestly just so terrified it will happen again and I feel like I'm going to constantly convince myself it's happening through all this worry :(

09-03-19, 10:27

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


ps you have also deleted a few posts on this very subject. These posts are also helpful to people reading your story

11-03-19, 05:12
I have it too. Mine is 24/7. It is very unsettling and scary, but if you suffer from anxiety, which I assume you do, as you are here , then yes, it is anxiety. Your body is in a hyper stressed state and this is the reaction and symptom of it. I can tell you that you must try to not react to it with fear. Sit down, rest as you need, but the less fear you give this feeling, the better it will be. This feeling can come and go when you are stressed or when you are relaxed as it's your bodies reaction to too much stress/anxiety. Many people who suffer from anxiety get this symptom. For some it comes and goes, for others, like me its always there. Calming the mind and body can take a long time and there's a multitude of symptoms we can experience, but dizziness is the worst. I can tell you although its unsettling, it's just a symptom and if you relax mind and body it can go away. If you fear it and react strongly to it, it can come and go and you may experience it again. It can come out of the blue which is why it's so scary. Make sure you rest, eat well, stay hydrated, and work on ways to calm your anxiety.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

15-03-19, 03:23
Thank you! This was very informative and helpful, definitely makes me feel better

16-03-19, 09:00
I guess I've seen a lot of articles recently about the death of Luke Perry, only 51 and suffering a massive stroke, and it's triggered my anxiety again. On one of the articles, I read comments about people who have suffered a stroke, and so many experiences sound like migraine auras that it freaks me out - one is saying they had numbness on the right side of body and slurred speech which passed after a few minutes and then then got a headache...the other 'aura-like' symptoms went away, just like they do with a migraine aura, but when they got a scan, it turned out to have been a stroke. Now I worry, were my episodes of 'migraine aura' a stroke? How can I know?

I usually have a blind spot, then zig zags in my vision for 10-15 mins, and in the bad cases, that's followed by numbness/tingling that travels throughout my body. The most recent time was the worst, because I ended up getting a numbness travelling throughout my body 30 min after the visual disturbances (rather than right after the visual disturbances had gone away), but I guess I can't be sure whether that's because I was extremely panicky about it and hyperventilated, or if it was connected to the aura. The numbness was quite bad...not just pins and needles, but completely numb...it felt as if someone was putting a glove on me which constricted/numbed my fingers, then my arm slowly. By the time it reached my face, the feeling in my hand/arm had returned, so I was more inclined to think panic/migraine aura rather than stroke. That spreading numbness probably lasted a couple of minutes (felt like eternity though...). I even had a bit of speech disturbance which hasn't happened before with an aura, but again, not sure if that was because I was panicking or because of the aura itself. It's weird that sometimes it's just a visual disturbance and that's it, and other times numbness/tingling appears, although my panic levels may play a role. I do worry though, because one time I got the visual problems, and I kind of jumped into my bed so I could take a moment to relax and let it pass, and IMMEDIATELY - rather than gradually - my whole arm, elbow down, went numb, including my hand. It freaked me out so bad that it happened so suddenly (although technically it was after the visuals, and then it spread to my face a few mins later, so again, this could be considered gradual...). Maybe it was as simple as my 'jumping' movement into my bed caused the numbness because the migraine had made my nerves more sensitive... I really don't know. All these thoughts are circling in my mind and making me question stroke!

I've read that migraine aura affects 1/4 of migraine sufferers, which does make it seem fairly common and calms me down, but then I read these things and it really really really worries me. Now I'm scared for it to happen again, because I feel like if it does I'll convince myself it's a stroke. The only thing that calms me is that my visual disturbances as so typical of what I read for migraine aura sufferers, although it's really just the extra numbness/tingling/speech disturbances that then make me think of a stroke. I'm 22, and I really just want to enjoy my life but I'm convinced now that I'm going to die young from this, and I'm so scared of being alone in case I get an aura because I know I will panic like crazy about it being a stroke (and then potentially cause more symptoms e.g. numbness, and then that will REALLY make me think it's a stroke.

Can anyone help calm me down? :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

Edit: apparently scintillating schotoma (the visual stuff I get) doesn't happen with a TIA/stroke, though I read from someone who gets migraine auras that sometimes numbness is their first symptom (rather than happening after visuals). And if it's true what I said before, that the stroke symptoms for those people went away after a while (and then were followed by a headache), but they in fact DID have a stroke (confirmed when they got a scan), or even cases where a migraine aura turned into a stroke, then how on earth am I meant to know or keep calm?!

16-03-19, 09:52

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


25-03-19, 19:54
Can anyone advise me how to stop worrying about the next migraine aura? Compared to some people it seems I don’t even get them that frequently, but since sometimes it can be really different (eg just visual - one time I was surprisingly calm through that and it passed pretty quickly), or very scary with numbness, I really fear the next one - I feel like since the last one (6 ish months ago) I am thinking about when the next one will strike almost every day. Some days it consumes me and I convince myself it’s happening many times... the fear becomes much worse if I’m alone. I know I need to stop fearing it (and try envisioning that if it does happen, it’ll be like that good time when it passed quickly, and not like the most recent time which was absolutely horrible and the travelling numbness showed up half an hour after the visuals ended rather than straight away, and I felt my speech was a bit messed up), but how do I do that!?

25-03-19, 19:59
It seems to be mainly the fear of the last experience really worrying me about the next one. Since the numbness happened quite a bit after the visuals, maybe it was panic related rather than aura related although who knows. Usually after visuals if nothing happens I calm down, but it was the first time an aura happened when I was out and alone and I panicked and asked to be picked up - by the time someone got there for me, visuals were over but panic was super high and I remember my speech felt weird eg I would say the wrong word from time to time, but I know that’s characteristic of major panic anyway. In saying that, maybe the numbness was just all part of that panic too...but if there is a next time, I don’t really want to have the visuals end and then just sit on edge worrying about numbness!? I’m just so scared any of this would happen when I’m alone, or even somewhere like on a bus or in an exam where I’m extremely limited for options...

25-03-19, 20:19
I guess my main fear is: what if the scary symptoms of last time happen again...and since I can get new symptoms (panic or aura related who knows... lately I’ve noticed when I’ve been anxious I’ve said the wrong words or said a word incorrectly so maybe it’s just that and I incorrectly assigned it to aura when I was majorly panicking because of the flashes and then my fear kept feeding on itself so the word jumble continued etc...), what else might be waiting for me next aura, maybe something even scarier!? That all makes me fear I’m having a stroke as it happens so how do I change this?