View Full Version : completely convinced i have MS--and it and my symptoms are ruining my life

07-02-19, 19:23
Please reply if you have ever experienced anything like this. My anxiety and depression is off the wall right now and it is all related to my balance problems. I had the flu/or a similar sickness around one month ago but was never treated for it. For the past three weeks (I am also three weeks postpartum and gave birth to a baby boy on 01-18) I have had vertigo and balance problems. I have a fullness in my ears and occasional ringing in my ears. The only medicine I have been taking is my daily Zoloft, Sudafed and meclizine that my OBGYN gave me for the dizziness. When I walk I feel as if I cannot walk straight and get very off balance. The whole room feels as if it’s spinning and I’m rocking on a boat. I go back to work in three weeks and feel as if I cannot even function now let alone work. I can’t even walk straight!!! I have a panic and anxiety disorder and now I have a fear of going anywhere because I feel like I look stupid for not being able to do something as simple as walking. I am trying to get into a doctor to be seen ASAP. I also have always had health anxiety and I fear that the cause of this balence problem is sinister and I am fearing the worst. Brain tumor, stroke, MS etc. this is making caring for a newborn almost impossible and I feel like my life is being ruined. I am beyond miserable because I am fearing the worst and don’t know why this is happening to me.

07-02-19, 19:36
I've struggled with Vertigo / Balance issues since I was 16 years old. I'm 36 now, so 20 years. I've learned to manage it with vestibular therapy (like physical therapy but for vertigo / balance issues) and calm deep breaths. The worst of this is that panic/anxiety can definitely increase the symptoms.

I would recommend getting checked, but many times these are benign symptoms (more often than not, due to migraine syndrome, inner ear disorders, etc) rather than something sinister.

Once checked and you're shown to be okay, do some deep breathing and try to focus on anything else - find a focal point in the room, stare into it, and relax. Know that the very worst thing that can happen is - you will fall. And that's not that bad! I 100% understand the panic and the fear behind vertigo, it's definitely scary, but know that you WILL overcome this, regardless of what is behind it, because there are so many coping techniques out there to help!

07-02-19, 21:49
hi. first of all congratulations on your baby :). I have been suffering with vertigo and balance issues at varying levels of severity for years. it's been worse since having my baby a year ago and last 3 weeks have been particularly bad. I'm hoping the worse dizziness I've been getting last 3 weeks is a virus or something and itll get better but it really does make everything so hard. I also work and it's a struggle but remember i just seem to keep on going and if it gets worse I'll have to go off sick. doc forsnt seem interested or able to help. I haven't tries vestibular therapy. might look into that. let me know if you find anything that works. I had epley maneuvere done once which seemed to help but doc hadn't offered it again, i think they dont know how to do it!

07-02-19, 22:26
Sorry to hear about your worries :( congrats on the baby, hope he is doing well.
I understand your fear since I also have vertigo, it usually comes on when I'm stressed or have a migraine.
Vertigo can be caused by alot of things, 97% or so of those are benign.
A brain tumour/stroke would definitely be more apparent. Your body would let you know if something is wrong

07-02-19, 22:29
But in my head I can’t help but think something IS wrong because of how quickly my symptoms came on and the severity of them. I’ve developed agoraphobia because of the balance problems and don’t know how I can go back to work

08-02-19, 00:24
But in my head I can’t help but think something IS wrong because of how quickly my symptoms came on and the severity of them. I’ve developed agoraphobia because of the balance problems and don’t know how I can go back to work

I 100% understand the agoraphobia and also the fear that something is dreadfully wrong. Once you're seen by a doctor you'll feel better, but I will say that my neurologists over the years have never been panicked or rushed in any way - if it's something sinister, they go through the proper channels and have the proper testing done. Something like vertigo is most likely very benign, but even if it's not, keep in mind that it's unlikely an emergency situation - it just FEELS like it is, because of the panic making the vertigo even worse.

I was agoraphobic for quite awhile. I quit college because of vertigo (I eventually went back and got my Masters degree). I wouldn't go into big box stores (think: walmart, costco, etc) because the lights/spacial disturbances bothered me so.

Eventually, with the help of vestibular therapy and breathing exercises, I've been able to overcome that. But it won't come overnight.

Vertigo is debilitating, for sure. But you CAN beat it, regardless of what's causing it. And know that most of the time, it's not sinister at all, but an inner ear disorder (BPPV is super common and comes on so fast!), low blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, migraine syndrome, anxiety, etc etc. Keep your chin up, and know that you will be able to get out there again. You will. :)

08-02-19, 00:46
Thank you so much, you’re experience is very helpful! I am wondering if it’s related to my inner ear because I was sick for those couple of weeks before labor and I actually spiked a fever during labor that was never treated with antibiotics because it went down after my son was born. Going to big box stores is the worst for me and I’m not sure why!! The lights and everything just seems to throw my balence off and I get kind of out of it? I have been having a lot of out of body feelings, any experience with that? This issue just makes it hard to function and being someone with health anxiety as it is...it’s honestly just hard to function. Plus a newborn...ugg

08-02-19, 01:09
I’m currently dealing with a similar situation. 1-2 seconds of dizziness a few times a day. Then I panic and become irritable bc I’m scared of why it’s happening. My ENT said it wasn’t fluid in my ears and scared me by saying dizziness is serious so see you primary. I went Tuesday to see my primary and she wasn’t bothered by it at all. She said if it were tumor or stroke I’d have vomiting, nausea, tingling and weakness. That helped me until I felt dizzy today. I was using the camera on my phone to take pictures in portrait mode of my son. My husband thinks the motion gave me motion sickness bc I left the camera on and kept lifting it up off the table to take pictures. I’m so scared it’s something terrible and it’s making me feel like a bad mom bc I’m short with my son. I’m currently hiding in my room crying letting my husband do the bedtime routine. I told my counselor about this and she did say dizziness is a symptom of anxiety, what’s terrifying is that a lot of anxiety symptoms are sinister symptoms. ��

08-02-19, 01:41
Based on the ringing, fullness and spinning dizziness (vertigo).... I'm taking an educated stab at this and saying inner ear related. Tinnitus is a telltale sign of inner ear issues, especially directly after a flu.

08-02-19, 02:39
I know how you feel, OP. (well besides the baby part). I've had balance problems since Feb 5 of last year. It came on suddenly for me as well. It sucks. I'm in a pretty manageable place right now thankfully. I wish you didn't have to deal with it.

Gailveronica is 100% correct here. I wish she didn't have to know all about this stuff either! Her recommendations are perfect. Vestibular rehab (I've been through two rounds of it), and calming the anxiety. Two best things you can do.

This is highly unlikely to be a serious medical problem. I sure thought I was about to die too so I can't blame you for thinking it is! But it isn't. It's probably an inner ear thing. Since you've recently been sick it could be labrynthitis/vestibular neuritis. Maybe it's vestibular migraine as Gail brought up (one of my diagnosed possibilities). There are special tinted glasses that can help if it's a migraine thing.

The big box stores become a problem for a couple of reasons. One, agoraphobia of course. But also it's a physical thing - the flourescent lighting overtaxes a challenged vestibular system, as do the moving crowds of people. It's not a coincidence. One thing I've done a lot these past few months is purposely walk around the mall (absolutely unthinkable when it first happened) because it's kind of a tough training technique now.

But first, if you haven't yet, see an ENT to do the checks. You might need to go to a neurologist but not because it's serious. If you've been taking meclizine this whole time, I also recommend asking the ENT if you should still take it. Meclizine is really only supposed to be good for short use, and extended use of it will actually prevent your vestibular system for compensating and it will take longer to improve.

And lastly, don't beat yourself up over becoming anxious and/or depressed. It comes with the territory. Take it one day at a time or even just one activity at a time. Do what you can do, in most vestibular problems, being as active as possible helps compensate better/faster.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

P.S. I noticed you're in the USA from your profile. For vestibular rehab, I advise against going to a big "chain" therapy place like an Athletico. They aren't trained in VRT well. (I know first-hand!) Look for a legitimate therapy facility that specializes in vestibular rehab (this may be harder to find if you're not in a big city)

Feel free to keep us posted. I'd be more than happy to share anything I know if it will help someone. At least that will make my experience have some good come out of it! LOL

08-02-19, 13:59
I know how you feel, OP. (well besides the baby part). I've had balance problems since Feb 5 of last year. It came on suddenly for me as well. It sucks. I'm in a pretty manageable place right now thankfully. I wish you didn't have to deal with it.

Gailveronica is 100% correct here. I wish she didn't have to know all about this stuff either! Her recommendations are perfect. Vestibular rehab (I've been through two rounds of it), and calming the anxiety. Two best things you can do.

This is highly unlikely to be a serious medical problem. I sure thought I was about to die too so I can't blame you for thinking it is! But it isn't. It's probably an inner ear thing. Since you've recently been sick it could be labrynthitis/vestibular neuritis. Maybe it's vestibular migraine as Gail brought up (one of my diagnosed possibilities). There are special tinted glasses that can help if it's a migraine thing.

The big box stores become a problem for a couple of reasons. One, agoraphobia of course. But also it's a physical thing - the flourescent lighting overtaxes a challenged vestibular system, as do the moving crowds of people. It's not a coincidence. One thing I've done a lot these past few months is purposely walk around the mall (absolutely unthinkable when it first happened) because it's kind of a tough training technique now.

But first, if you haven't yet, see an ENT to do the checks. You might need to go to a neurologist but not because it's serious. If you've been taking meclizine this whole time, I also recommend asking the ENT if you should still take it. Meclizine is really only supposed to be good for short use, and extended use of it will actually prevent your vestibular system for compensating and it will take longer to improve.

And lastly, don't beat yourself up over becoming anxious and/or depressed. It comes with the territory. Take it one day at a time or even just one activity at a time. Do what you can do, in most vestibular problems, being as active as possible helps compensate better/faster.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

P.S. I noticed you're in the USA from your profile. For vestibular rehab, I advise against going to a big "chain" therapy place like an Athletico. They aren't trained in VRT well. (I know first-hand!) Look for a legitimate therapy facility that specializes in vestibular rehab (this may be harder to find if you're not in a big city)

Feel free to keep us posted. I'd be more than happy to share anything I know if it will help someone. At least that will make my experience have some good come out of it! LOL

Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry you've dealt with this, too! It really can be a nightmare, and it's definitely scary. No one understands, either, when I used to say "I'm dizzy." In high school, my mom forced me to go to school (I'm glad she did, but it was so hard) and even as I got older, the dizziness was never understood by friends/family (or even doctors!). It was more than just the room spinning - it was a feeling of head fullness, shakiness, extreme heat, panic, trembling, etc etc.

I totally understand how everyone with vertigo feels, and i understand how debilitating it can be. It's a lot to take in, and it's a full-body feeling of discomfort and terror. Learning to cope with it has been the best thing I've been able to do. I'm even flying again (I refused to get on a plane for a long time)! Time is the best way to overcome this dreaded symptom.

09-02-19, 02:37
Congrats on flying again! I actually had to fly on two trips in just the first 6 weeks last year, ironically the flights actually calmed my symptoms down temporarily! Being in the airport before though...total hell! lol

To the OP, I just want to clarify that by no means are we suggesting that your symptoms will be longterm. Most times these symptoms resolve within a couple weeks or months at most. You'll get through it. [emoji106]

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

19-02-19, 21:04
For the past month I have had a terrible acute attack of vertigo. I am very unsteady on my feet and I feel as if I am rocking back and forth even if I am standing still. This has created extreme anxiety for me and is making life almost impossible. I return from maternity leave in a week and a half and do not know how I can perform my job (on my feet all day working in a hospital) because of how off my balance is. This improved for a few days while I was on a steroid pack from my doctor but now is back full swing. Does anyone have any advice or has ever had vertigo to this extent? My ears are also extremely full of pressure and hurt from time to time during this. I sometimes hear ringing in my ears as well and hearing is sometimes muffled

19-02-19, 22:13
I think you need to return to your doctor and find out what is causing the vertigo. It sounds like, from what you are writing here, that there is a physiological reason for it (if the steroids worked) and a diagnosable vestibular disorder. Did your PCP give any idea what they thought the cause might be? I know people can feel unsteady from anxiety, as the delicate balance muscles in ears, face, and eyes.....are affected by stress and tension, but do you feel its anxiety in its origins or something causing it? It sounds absolutely horrible, what you are describing.

22-02-19, 14:29
I am writing because my health anxiety is through the roof because my physical symptoms are driving me crazy. For the past month I have had vertigo almost 24/7. When I stand still I feel as if I am rocking on a boat. Big box stores, like grocery shopping and the mall, are debilitating now because the bright lights and all the sensory information drives me vertigo into overdrive and I am very off balance and dizzy. This vertigo came on suddenly 1 month ago. Around that time I was sick...and have been sick ever since. I have a deviated septum and am prone to sinus infections. My ears are extremely clogged and I feel pain and so much pressure. I am also very congested and have been having ringing in my ears. Sometimes it feels like I am underwater and my hearing has been a little strange. I went to my PCP the other day and am now on strong antibiotics and oral steroids and 3 different nasal sprays. She said my ears are full of fluid and red and my ear drum is "sucked back" (not really sure what that means). But both ears are equally as bad. She did a balance test and when I close my eyes and stand still my body tilts almost to compensate. Standing still really bothers me because of that rocking sensation. This vertigo is just debilitating and ruining my life. I go back to work in 1 week from maternity leave and dont know how I can work a hospitsl job in which I am on my feet for 8 hours a day. I also have nystagmus? Which is involuntary jerky eye movements that can accompany vertigo. I am very upset because I already have health anxiety and have convinced myself I have a tumor or MS. I asked my PCP if she thinks this is a neurological issue and she believes its an inner ear/vestibular disorder because of my ear problems. I also had a brain mri a year and a hald ago that was clear that gave her peace of mind. I am just at my wits end at this point and my life feels like its compromised. Anyone with experience with this????

22-02-19, 16:21
Lots and lots of experience with this - except; I've never had a clear brain MRI. That being said, I've never been diagnosed with a brain tumor or MS either (not yet, anyhow!). I have white matter lesions on my brain that seem to come and go. If you had anything like that, your doctor would be aware and would be pursuing more diagnostic options. Vertigo is super debilitating, and I totally understand. My ears always feel full and I always have vertigo. But the good news for you is - your brain MRI was clear, so your issues are most likely inner ear. Have you tried vestibular rehab? It's really helped me. If you don't have a facility near you, you can look up exercises online to do to help adjust to the vertigo. It doesn't take it away, but it lessens the fear of it.

22-02-19, 20:34
IN BRIEF: This is not a brain tumour. Period.

Brain tumours can, and do, cause dizziness/vertigo. However, not really in the sense you describe.

It would start off with vertigo, but nausea and vomiting wouldn't be long coming behind it. You've had these symptoms for 1 month+. By now, if this was caused a brain tumour, your symptoms would have deteriorated severely. You WOULD NOT be on here posting. You'd likely be unconscious in a hospital bed.

By reading your post, it seems your doctor has very much so established a 'cause and effect' for your symptoms.

But, to reassure you, I would happily bet my career/bank balance on it that you do NOT have a brain tumour.

Good luck

27-02-19, 01:53
I am posting as this has been an ongoing issue for me for the past 6 weeks. I had an acute attack of vertigo around 4 years ago and I remember it lasted about a month before it went away and got better. I had to stop going to school for about 2 weeks when it happened. My ENT ran tests and I had a brain MRI and they concluded it was a very bad inner ear infection that caused my vertigo. I honestly forgot about vertigo for a while UNTIL NOW :)
I had my son 6 weeks ago and this is when my symptoms all started. I was sick before and during labor with a nasty cold/flu symptoms/sinus infection. One day I woke up and was so off balance. I cannot stand still as I sway from side to side. Standing straight and still is impossible. Closing my eyes and standing also sends my balance out of control.
Other symptoms: my ears are constantly full of pressure, my ears hurt, i have ringing in my ears and sometimes the fullness causes my hearing to sound funny.
I was seen by my PCP and she prescribed steroids and antibiotics but the balance problem and vertigo is still constant. im going to a chiropractor to help as i have bad cervical spine problems and seeing an ENT tomorrow to hopefully try and start diagnosing what is wrong with me. my PCP suggested vestibular physical therapy at a balance clinic nearby.
having health anxiety, my mind obviously is convinced something is seriously wrong w/ me and this will never go away and i will forever have balance problems. i go back to work next week and have no idea how i can even work if i am so off balance. i wish there was a magical pill to take for constant vertigo.
anyone with suggestions? experience in this? i am at my witts end and have become extremely depressed and feel like my balance disorder, whatever is causing it, is ruining my life. i don't even like to go in public anymore.

27-02-19, 20:30
has anyone ever had a diagnosis of "central vertigo". ive convinced myself i have a brain tumor. i have contant spinning (vertigo) and off balance when standing. please help. i am beside myself at this point and becoming very depressed because i cant live a normal life.

27-02-19, 23:28
Just want to say you're not alone. I've been suffering with dizziness for a couple of months so know how deliberating it is. If you to talk give me message

28-02-19, 02:21
How often do you get actual spinning vertigo? Do you get nausea with the vertigo?

28-02-19, 05:26
No nausea or vomiting. Very off balance while standing and spinning while walking down hallways or big areas

28-02-19, 12:04
Hi there

I have the same thing at present.. I have been prescribed Stemetil but I have a fea of medications so I am still suffering.. Like you I have had it on and off for years thought it had gone but I have felt awful the last few days and it is ruining my life.

28-02-19, 12:32
HI there

I have the same symptom at present and have had it on and off for years.. It s really getting me down as I am an anxiety sufferer too. I have been prescribed Stemetil but due to my fear of meds I am too scared to take it.. Have any of you tried this medication?

28-02-19, 14:20
never heard of that medicine! i am now on a patch that goes behind my ear (transderm scop). just waiting to see if it works

09-03-19, 18:18
I am absolutely convinced I have a brain tumor and itÂ’s driving me insane. My anxiety has not been this high in so long. Now I do have health anxiety but IÂ’m starting to veer away from talking to family and going out in public, other than my job of course. Ever since giving birth 7 weeks ago I have had worsening vertigo and balance problems. I was very sick though with a sinus infection and my ears were throbbing and very full of pressure. The balance problem is only when I am standing still and it feels like I am rocking on a boat. IÂ’m on a scopolamine patch thatÂ’s helping a little but IÂ’m still off balance while standing. I went to my primary care doctor who sent me to neuro just for an evaluation. My neurological exam was normal and I donÂ’t have any headaches or numbness or weakness. The neuologist ordered an MRI since I donÂ’t have any recent imaging but says he thinks my vertigo and balance disorder is from my inner ears. I canÂ’t shake the feeling that the MRI will show a tumor though. IÂ’ve been having brain fog and sometimes when I talk I have troubles remembering what IÂ’m trying to say and have to stop mid sentence then I get extreme anxiety and my body kind of freezes over. I am very upset that I am still having these balance issues and now I am going to vestibular and balance therapy (my primary doctor said it would help). The MRI will be in the next couple of weeks. IÂ’m just so nervous because the reason for my balance issues has not been solved yet and I just KNOW the MRI will show a tumor and IÂ’m going to die. IÂ’m only 23 years old.

09-03-19, 18:43
...Y'know how the neurologist said your examination was normal...?

09-03-19, 18:52
Self-declared brain tumour expert checking in here.

You have had problems with your ears, which your Neurologist said he believes to be the cause of your balance issues.

When brain tumours cause dizziness, it gets worse and worse. You're at seven weeks now! You'd have developed vomiting, nausea, headaches and a whole other plethora of symptoms. In fact, you'd probably have deteriorated to unconsciousness now, as these things grow fast (glioblastoma - I assume this is your fear). Over 50% of people with glioblastoma are picked up within a month of their symptoms starting, because they're so severe. Your neurologist is simply "covering all bases" by ordering the MRI.

The speech issues you speak of are normal "by-products" of anxiety.

As I said, I'm a self-declared brain tumour expert. They've been my number one fear for seven years now. I have researched them so heavily, I really do believe my knowledge of them is on par with a neurologist!

I would bet my entire life savings, house, everything I own on it that this is not a brain tumour.

As for the dizziness, if you feel the Hyoscine (Scopoderm) is not working, ask your doctor about anti-emetics (anti-sickness) drugs such as ondansetron or metoclopramide if this is an issue. Meclizine is another option

Good luck and keep us posted, when you get your "all clear"!

10-03-19, 16:20
I am absolutely convinced I have a brain tumor and itÂ’s driving me insane. My anxiety has not been this high in so long. Now I do have health anxiety but IÂ’m starting to veer away from talking to family and going out in public, other than my job of course. Ever since giving birth 7 weeks ago I have had worsening vertigo and balance problems. I was very sick though with a sinus infection and my ears were throbbing and very full of pressure. The balance problem is only when I am standing still and it feels like I am rocking on a boat. IÂ’m on a scopolamine patch thatÂ’s helping a little but IÂ’m still off balance while standing. I went to my primary care doctor who sent me to neuro just for an evaluation. My neurological exam was normal and I donÂ’t have any headaches or numbness or weakness. The neuologist ordered an MRI since I donÂ’t have any recent imaging but says he thinks my vertigo and balance disorder is from my inner ears. I canÂ’t shake the feeling that the MRI will show a tumor though. IÂ’ve been having brain fog and sometimes when I talk I have troubles remembering what IÂ’m trying to say and have to stop mid sentence then I get extreme anxiety and my body kind of freezes over. I am very upset that I am still having these balance issues and now I am going to vestibular and balance therapy (my primary doctor said it would help). The MRI will be in the next couple of weeks. IÂ’m just so nervous because the reason for my balance issues has not been solved yet and I just KNOW the MRI will show a tumor and IÂ’m going to die. IÂ’m only 23 years old.

Having witnessed first hand a full blown brain tumour and it's associated symptoms, and the speed at which it works, I can state you have zero,zip, nada, none of the aforementioned symptoms. I won't post for fear of triggering, but trust me, you would know something was SERIOUSLY wrong, not a bit of balance trouble and fogginess. There was no doubt my dad had a serious issue, and within days, knew that it was really serious.

10-03-19, 22:35
Hello all, all day today I’ve had a constant pressure on the left side of my head towards the top. It’s not painful just pressure like a heaviness in one certain spot. My anxiety is at a 100 right now because brain tumors are what my health anxiety is centered around.

10-03-19, 22:39
Tension headache
Although most commonly felt around the head in the "hat band" area, but it can also be felt on top of the haad and the back of it

Take some paracetamol (or acetaminophen seeing as you're in the States) and get a good nights sleep

You'll be fine

12-03-19, 02:06
I second this definitely tension headache. Take a painkiller and lie in a dark room and try sleep it off, also drink water it’ll pass I get them every so often.

17-03-19, 02:00
so...a little background here. i am 8 weeks postpartum with a 2 month old little boy. i was sick with what i assume was the flu before and during labor. i spiked a fever during labor but was never treated for it. after, because i never received medicine, my symptoms got worse and developed into a terrible ear infection. my ears were so inflamed with both eardrums completely retracted. my ears had a constant feeling of fullness to them and hurt so bad i was constantly pulling at them. i took a course of antibiotics over my 6 week leave from work and also a steroid pack. i used ear drops that helped with the pain but the fullness of my ears and pain lasted my whole maternity leave (6 weeks). within a few days after labor i developed vertigo. it started with getting dizzy while walking but turned into 24/7 feelings of disequilibrium. i couldnt change my son at his changing table without feeling like i was falling over. if i close my eyes and stand still my body tilts to one side. needless to say my anxiety was terrible because of my symptoms. i saw an ent and neurologist. the ent claimed the balance issue wasnt from my ears but the neurologist said it was because my neurological exam was normal. my primary care provider was at a loss because all of my bloodwork was normal. it took about 5 weeks for my ears to finally go back to normal. fast forward to now, 8 weeks postpartum, and i am left with a constant feeling of disequilibrium. i cannot stand still because i feel like im rocking on a boat and will fall over. although, i can walk perfectly fine and even run on the treadmil now. this past week i developed shooting nerve pain in my hands and feet at work and went to the er after work. the er doctor ordered a head ct with and without contrast because of my balance problem and neuropathy symptoms. i went into a full panic before the scan and convinced myself they would find a brain tumor. well, the ct came back completely normal! that really relieved me but still no answers for the symptoms. the neurologist ordered an mri to rule out things (even though he said he thought the balance issues were from my ear). but no one knows why they have lasted this long and still have no reason for it. my primary care provider started me on scopalamine patches for the vertigo and balance issue as well as buspar and lexapro for my severe anxiety. this week i have started to develop tremors of my hands and tingling of my extremeties and mouth. i tried to put lipstick on and my left hand was shaking so bad....this is not normal for me at all as before all of these weird symptoms i was a perfectly healthy 23 year old female. i am now convinced i have ms and that my mri this week will show it. the balance issues remain as well as the neuropathy and now my hands shaking. i am at a loss and dont know what to do as the anxiety meds havnt kicked in yet as i have been on them for less than one week.

17-03-19, 02:04
i also want to add that i have been having intense brain fog making it hard to concentrate at work and i have been feeling dissociated from my environment like i am walking on a cloud.

17-03-19, 02:08
I know your mind is taking you all sorts of scary places but frankly, based on your post history, it sounds like common viral side effects from a viral illness :shrug: It takes around a month or so for psych meds to kick in and you're in a stressful situation anyway being postpartum so what you describe is not pleasant but certainly not sinister and will resolve in time.

Positive thoughts

17-03-19, 03:19
I am so sorry you've had such a difficult time! I'll avoid getting on my soapbox about how outrageous it is that no one treated you for your flu/fever during and after giving birth and the bullshit of six weeks of maternity leave.

All of this sounds so stressful, but it also sounds like a combination of postpartum anxiety and exhaustion on top of the issues with your ear. Have you looked into TMJ? I have been getting recurrent ear fullness/pain, sinus issues, and migraines since my daughter was born almost 5 years ago and only just got diagnosed with TMJ. It's crazy how many symptoms it can cause.

You're only 8 weeks postpartum, so your body and mind are still healing. It's great that you've started meds for the anxiety. Having a baby is what made my anxiety kick in. It's so so hard. I got tons of tingles and numbness and crazy stuff after giving birth. It's likely a combination of anxiety and just the physical stress of birth and small changes like lifing your baby, craning your neck when you're holding or feeding, etc... My back has never been the same since giving birth.

Sorry, I feel like I'm rambling. But, I went through such horrible postpartum anxiety and so I totally feel you. I didn't get help for my body or mind for over a year, so it's great you are. I'd also ask your doctor about physical therapy to help with any alignment issues.

17-03-19, 08:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


24-03-19, 22:58
Hello everyone,

I am posting as I am having anxiety that my MRI results are not back yet and my doctor has not contacted me about them. I have been having balance problems since giving birth in January. I have had countless labs drawn (nothing abnormal), an inner ear CT (normal), and a brain CT with and without contrast (also normal). My doctor cannot figure out what is causing the balance problem. I have been using a scopalamine patch for almost a month and it has been helping a lot. I can now stand still without feeling like I am rocking on a boat! I am also taking Lexapro and Buspar (twice daily). A couple weeks ago I developed painful neuropathy in my hands and legs. It went away in one day but it really scared me and I have convinced myself I have MS. I was worried about a brain tumor but the brain CT was normal. Upon leaving the MRI last Wednesday the tech said I should have the results within 24 hours (I had two scans, a head MRI and MRA that looks at blood vessels). Well, my results are not back yet (Sunday). I messaged my doctor on Friday that I was anxious about the results and wanted to know ASAP. She did not respond. Are the results abnormal and thats why they are not posted?? Why would she not respond :( My ear CT results were posted in one day. I am so worried about receiving the diagnosis of MS. I have also had periods of brain fog too. UGH.

24-03-19, 23:00

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


24-03-19, 23:01

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

27-03-19, 03:08
Hey, just wondering how you're doing since I'm going through my own MS scare and I haven't had anyone respond to my own thread. Are you doing alright?

04-04-19, 02:33
Yes! I had a head MRI and MRA (to look at blood vessels) and everything came back NORMAL. Nothing showed on the scan, just that I have cysts in my sinuses. I am still using scopalamine patches for the balance disorder but the doctor finally diagnosed it as severe vestibulitis, which resulted from a severe double ear infection. Best wishes to you!

16-04-19, 14:29
For anyone who has been following my story:
I had my neurologist appointment yesterday - he said my brain MRI is clear and the white matter lesions are common with migraine syndrome. It is NOT multiple sclerosis (as my previous neurologist 4 years ago thought). He is running a full spine MRI to see if we can get to the bottom of the paresthesia in my left side (leg, arm, face) but he said that this is common with anxiety/stress and is expecting a clean scan.
He also stated that my inflammation levels are high (SED/ESR and CRP) and a trip to a rheumatologist / hematologist will be in order, but that it is not a neurological issue.
Which of course makes me think it's still cancer (due to my enlarged lymph node and my health anxiety lulz) but I need to calm the heck down. I don't have MS and this is good news.

16-04-19, 14:37

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

16-04-19, 14:39
This is not my thread

16-04-19, 16:32
HI there. I am experiencing the same issues.. and it is ruining my life also.. I have had vertigo on and off for years and adapted my life to avoid it. however the last nearly 3 months I feel like it most days and it keeps me awake at night so no reprieve!! It is like a lightheadedness/ whoozy feeling. I get off balance if I text on my phone, look up high or move quickly. But when I am in bed I wake up feeling light headed and cannot get back to sleep. I go off ok but then keep waking up, I am exhausted. I really feel for you.. and didn't want you to think you are on your own. I am thinking about the Epley Manoevure but I am scared of the repercussions of it in case it makes it worse. Sending you all the best

16-04-19, 17:07
This is not my thread

Really sorry about that. Could you please re-post it.