View Full Version : White flash in eye?

17-03-19, 12:03
The past few weeks I've become more aware of this white bubble / flash thing in my right eye occasionally. It only seems to be when I look down possibly but I'm not sure. I darent Google cos I can only imagine the horrors that'll come up. Anyone know what it could be or if have a similar thing? X

17-03-19, 12:54
Are you myopic (short-sighted)? Doesn't sound at all serious and happens to me too if I move eyes quickly.

Have you been to optician recently for eye test?

17-03-19, 15:20
No not short sighted or anything, don't wear glasses. I've not had an eye test no as I've felt I never needed to. Just not sure why it would happen, trying not to freak out over it. I mean it only happens every now and again, but cos I started thinking about it I'm really aware if it happens X

17-03-19, 15:55
We all have visual anomalies. Floaters, flashes, fuzzies etc. Just like other NORMAL noises our bodies make, most don't even notice nor give it a passing thought. Anxiety sufferers on the other hand?

Positive thoughts

17-03-19, 16:07
Agreed, yep, I get random visual blips all the time. If you had the sort of disturbances that indicated a major problem, you'd know.

I actually have googled this stuff (HA flare when my migraines were acting up) and far more major stuff than you discuss here is still of no consequence whatsoever.

18-03-19, 09:05
Thanks for these replies, I'll try just to ignore it if it happens again. Glad I didn't Google! X

18-03-19, 16:26
Things like this can be caused by changes in fluid at the back of the eye due to stress. They normally just go away on their own.