View Full Version : Die from the flu?

17-03-19, 19:35
I have come down with the flu. Influenza A to be exact. I’ve been down in been for about 5 days and I still feel awful. I’ve had a temp between 99.1-103.5. Today I am slightly bettter but I have no energy, no appetite and I’m constantly coughing. I’m 23. I was reading this article about how many people die from the flu each year and now I’m terrified. How long will it take before I get better?? I’m starting to have bad anxiety about all of this. How do people die from the flu??

17-03-19, 19:43
Flu can knock you for six for at least 2 weeks. I think it's either the very elderly or the very young or someone with added health problems that are most at risk from complications. At 23 I reckon you'll be fine. Give yourself time, you will get over it.

17-03-19, 19:53
I don't understand how people know what flu strain they have in the US, is it that you go and get tested - I don't understand why it is necessary as if you have flu you have flu and how is knowing what strain any help ? (and it must infect other people going out to surgeries) Welllllll, its been 5 days and you have flu, (we had 18 months ago) a temperature, coughing, loss of appetite and, well, every normal flu symptom. Its the pits isn't it, but as a healthy 23 year old -who SHOULD NOT be reading articles about people dying from flu as that seems a somewhat daft thing to do when you have flu- it can take quite a few weeks to recover. I felt exhausted for several weeks, but in the first week had to drag myself to even go to the toilet. The cough can also go on for a few few weeks. Seeing as you asked about people dying - there is a reason that it is deemed necessary to vaccinate the old, children, those with weakened immune systems and lung problems, as they are more susceptible to secumbing to secondary infections/ pneumonia from bacteria. This is the way that many might die. Keep taking your paracetamol, drink lots of fluids (nibble a few nutritious things in you can), don't over wrap yourself up, have a little fresh air in the room if possible and take it easy and rest up. HOpe you feel better soon, its a nasty thing feeling so crummy, give it a couple of weeks and you should be much much better.

17-03-19, 20:15
I don't understand how people know what flu strain they have in the US, is it that you go and get tested - I don't understand why it is necessary as if you have flu you have flu and how is knowing what strain any help ? (and it must infect other people going out to surgeries) Welllllll, its been 5 days and you have flu, (we had 18 months ago) a temperature, coughing, loss of appetite and, well, every normal flu symptom. Its the pits isn't it, but as a healthy 23 year old -who SHOULD NOT be reading articles about people dying from flu as that seems a somewhat daft thing to do when you have flu- it can take quite a few weeks to recover. I felt exhausted for several weeks, but in the first week had to drag myself to even go to the toilet. The cough can also go on for a few few weeks. Seeing as you asked about people dying - there is a reason that it is deemed necessary to vaccinate the old, children, those with weakened immune systems and lung problems, as they are more susceptible to secumbing to secondary infections/ pneumonia from bacteria. This is the way that many might die. Keep taking your paracetamol, drink lots of fluids (nibble a few nutritious things in you can), don't over wrap yourself up, have a little fresh air in the room if possible and take it easy and rest up. HOpe you feel better soon, its a nasty thing feeling so crummy, give it a couple of weeks and you should be much much better.

Yes - They test for the flu here so they can give anti-virals if people want them, and the CDC records data about reported flu cases. I think the test shows which strain it is, so they tell people.

Here's the thing with flu deaths. They aren't flu deaths. They are flu and pneumonia deaths. The CDC does NOT keep records of every flu death in the US - only for children. They take the number of people who die while having flu like symptoms or pneumonia and create a number. This means anyone who dies while having flu like symptoms or pneumonia during flu season will be counted. It's WAY higher than the number of people who die solely because of the flu - which is a completely unknown number.

Try to ignore the hoopla created by the media and even the CDC. It's very unlikely to die from the flu. The only real risk is to the very young, the very old, and those with immune system issues. You will be fine.

And, for what it's worth, I had this strain of the flu (H1N1) back in 2009 and made it through. And, I hadn't had the shot that year, which makes it more mind.

17-03-19, 20:22
They test for the flu here so they can give anti-virals if people want them

Not sure if the OP is taking the anti-virals, but we have had lots of people on saying that have flu and the strain and not taking anti-virals. Under those circumstances I don't under why being tested ? Ha ha, our doctors don't want to see us with the flu, they tell us to steer clear and not spread it around.

17-03-19, 21:23
Not sure if the OP is taking the anti-virals, but we have had lots of people on saying that have flu and the strain and not taking anti-virals. Under those circumstances I don't under why being tested ? Ha ha, our doctors don't want to see us with the flu, they tell us to steer clear and not spread it around.

Yeah - a lot of people turn them down also because they only really shorten the flu by a day or two and have a lot of side effects. I think it's just somehow engrained in us, haha. If people think they have the flu they run to the doctor or urgent care for the test. To be honest, it never occurred to me that this is weird until you said something. :roflmao: There really is no reason to be tested unless you're an at risk category where the anti-viral may help.

I think a lot of it is our crazy media making it a huge deal. I was nutty about the flu last year because it was so bad. I was constantly checking my state flu surveillance website for how widespread it was, etc... I went and looked at it once this year to see if it had gotten bad in my area yet and was looking at all the charts. The flu is WAY less serious and widespread this year, but the only statistic that stayed the same as last year were visits to the hospital. Even with that, actual hospital admissions are way, way down from last year. The only explanation I see is that everyone scared the crap out of us last year so now at the first sign of flu everyone is rushing to the ER.

17-03-19, 21:34
To be honest, it never occurred to me that this is weird until you said something. :roflmao: There really is no reason to be tested unless you're an at risk category where the anti-viral may help.

LOL Well, yeah, I knew I had flu and my family had flu it was kinda obvious.

state flu surveillance website

Say WHAT ? :roflmao:Oh I am SO glad we don't have one of those (don't anyone tell me please if we do !!!) You are right, some news agencies really enjoy scaring the living poo poo out of people.

17-03-19, 21:37
bunny I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

17-03-19, 21:59
Yes - They test for the flu here

Heres the other thing/s that makes no sense to me, apart from the fact that the flu you go to be tested for could be spread to all the 'at risk' people in the surgery (all the vulnerable ones mentioned earlier in this thread) If you go to the clinic/surgery to be tested for flu and its negative, you could pick flu up from all the other people also going there for testing. Also, why drag yourself out off your sick-bed for confirmation of what you (should) know? I know I didn't even feel like walking to the front door let alone for a drive to be tested. Oh well.....different cultures and all that....

I wonder if there are any doctors who suffer from HA ? Just a passing thought....

18-03-19, 00:21
Heres the other thing/s that makes no sense to me, apart from the fact that the flu you go to be tested for could be spread to all the 'at risk' people in the surgery (all the vulnerable ones mentioned earlier in this thread) If you go to the clinic/surgery to be tested for flu and its negative, you could pick flu up from all the other people also going there for testing. Also, why drag yourself out off your sick-bed for confirmation of what you (should) know? I know I didn't even feel like walking to the front door let alone for a drive to be tested. Oh well.....different cultures and all that....

I wonder if there are any doctors who suffer from HA ? Just a passing thought....

So true. I suppose part of it is to keep track of which strain is prevalent on a given year so they can help plan the vaccine for the next year. It may be why "they" (whoever they is, haha) have convinced people to go get tested. Data collection. I still remember the one time I had the flu back in 2009. I was living in Washington, DC and didn't have a car so I actually got in a cab and went across the city to an urgent care to get tested! Really ridiculous looking back because there was absolutely nothing for them to do for me.

It's definitely possible there are doctors with health anxiety. My mom is a nurse and has severe health anxiety. I think part of her is that she knows all the possibilities so nothing can ever just be something small, she always jumps to the worst case scenario that most people wouldn't know without googling.

18-03-19, 01:43
I always think that when US members post about getting tested for type and being issued with Tamiflu. Over here your GP would suggest Ribena! :yesyes:

Erin - it sounds like the CDC are not doing a very good job with their statistics on this one. Perhaps if we compared UK-US statistics we might find a much different % of true deaths linked to flu?

18-03-19, 02:25
I always think that when US members post about getting tested for type and being issued with Tamiflu. Over here your GP would suggest Ribena! :yesyes:

Erin - it sounds like the CDC are not doing a very good job with their statistics on this one. Perhaps if we compared UK-US statistics we might find a much different % of true deaths linked to flu?

It's possible! I always find the numbers they put out so unbelievable. This is what they say they do to come up with a number: "This system tracks the proportion of death certificates processed that list pneumonia or influenza as the underlying or contributing cause of death. This system provides an overall indication of whether flu-associated deaths are elevated, but does not provide an exact number of how many people died from flu."

The one thing they do count is pediatric deaths, which I assume are people below age 18 because I can't find anything that specifies differently. Last year, for example, there were 180 pediatric flu deaths in the US. However, the CDC says they estimate that 80,000 total Americans died from the flu. To me, these numbers make absolutely no sense. As of the 2010 census (most recent) there are 74 million people under the age of 18 in the US. There were 309 million people total in the US that year. If 180 kids died from the flu that's 0.000243243% of the population below 18 years of age.

That leaves 235 million people over age 18. So, if we take out those 180 and say 79,820 more people died from the flu last year, that would be 0.033965957% of the adult population. That is an EXPONENTIALLY higher (but still extremely low) rate of deaths among adults. To me, that makes absolutely no sense. They have somehow gone wrong with their extrapolation or are intentionally inflating the numbers to keep people getting their flu shots. (conspiracy theory?? :winks:)

I realize there are a lot of other factors to take into account, like how many adults who die from the flu are already ill with other things. I'd imagine there are probably a good number of terminally ill and/or immunocompromised patients who end up getting the flu and it causes complications that lead to their death. But, even considering that, the numbers seem wrong.

Annnnnd, you know I'm supposed to be working when I start willingly doing math at 10:30pm.

Oh, and one more thing. I checked my state's flu surveillance site. Apparently last year there were 126 adult flu deaths reported in Maryland... Soooo, where the heck is 80,000 coming from?? It's also an unofficial count and they only look at people who were admitted to the hospital first. But, stilllll.

18-03-19, 08:41
Last year I had 2 flu vaccinations and still managed to get 3 bouts of the dreaded flu,I managed to get another round of it 2 weeks ago and ended up in hospital with a chest infection I was discharged yesterday.
I know over here in Aus we have had a number of deaths directly due from the Flu.

18-03-19, 08:57
Wow, Lola-lee that is incredibly unlucky I've never heard of anyone getting flu more than once in a year (I've had it only twice in my lifetime and at 50 years old have never had the vaccine), BUT for those who are scared of the flu - see that Lola-lee was discharged healthy and well after her chest infection!

18-03-19, 09:01
Erin, that is all really interesting, thanks for candidly (and mathematically) sharing so many US facts, incredible discrepancy between 126 and 80,000!!!! Are they trying to scare people deliberately so they take precautions ??LOL. I do enjoy comparing our systems and responses of agencies and behaviours of communities.....not saying this is a UK/US competition at all, we both have pros and cons. As for the ribena, ha ha, yeah.......any lucozade, cos that cures sick people!!!

18-03-19, 15:00
Erin, that is all really interesting, thanks for candidly (and mathematically) sharing so many US facts, incredible discrepancy between 126 and 80,000!!!! Are they trying to scare people deliberately so they take precautions ??LOL. I do enjoy comparing our systems and responses of agencies and behaviours of communities.....not saying this is a UK/US competition at all, we both have pros and cons. As for the ribena, ha ha, yeah.......any lucozade, cos that cures sick people!!!

I always wonder if I'm missing something here, but it just doesn't add up! I also enjoy seeing the similarities and differences in our systems and norms. It's one of the most interesting things about this forum for me!

19-03-19, 02:23
I always wonder if I'm missing something here, but it just doesn't add up! I also enjoy seeing the similarities and differences in our systems and norms. It's one of the most interesting things about this forum for me!

Ours has an average of 600 mortalities per year. We currently have a little over 66m in population. There was a spike one winter where it shot up to 11k during one winter which was regarded as an anomaly. But last Winter (2017-2018) sprang up in the national media as it reported 50k according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). This caused panic but you can see an article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) where it is explained as the difference in mortality rates between years and not recorded flu deaths. Now, this differs perhaps to your country but our media have a habit of taking ONS numbers, as any of us can request on Freedom Of Information (FOI), which allows them to make what they want of what they mean :winks:

So, our massive increase causing panic in the media...was a simple comparison of deaths one year to the next. I think you can guess how worthless that is? And given our media are split between government supporters, opposition party supporters and those who support groups behind the front bench sowing seeds of descent, you can take the cynical view this is something activists can use to overinflate issues to get their party in to power :winks:

It was the coldest winter on record for about 3 decades, we have rising utility bills and fuel poverty. Some people are having to choose between heat or food. That doesn't mean they die from flu though does it?

Why else could it be high? Well, considering how much money is involved here I would imagine your anti vaxxers would be suggesting it's a way to get you all to rush for a flu jab and fuel the big pharma lot? I would hope your CDC, and government, are above such things but I would be asking myself the same about the NHS (and I'm not an anti vaxxer) because we see enough scandals when big sums of money are involved or poor standards need covering up.

Over the last Winter, since the reports causing panic over the previous year, Public Health England (PHE) had weekly flu reporting on their site and certainly Jan-now ever week has the "statistically insignificant" statement in it. But if you scanned our media you would see the scaremongering over this periods flu vaccine potentially causing more mortalities as it was said to be ineffective. :shrug:

19-03-19, 03:16
Last year I had 2 flu vaccinations and still managed to get 3 bouts of the dreaded flu,I managed to get another round of it 2 weeks ago and ended up in hospital with a chest infection I was discharged yesterday.
I know over here in Aus we have had a number of deaths directly due from the Flu.

Blimey Lola! I hope you are feeling much better :hugs:

Is it an occupational thing for you?

19-03-19, 08:44
Thanks Terry:D
No if you mean Occupational Therapy,where I work we have hundreds of people coming in daily there is always someone coughing and sneezing all over the place,we put masks at the entrance but they don’t seem too notice them,plus the aircon is so darn cold, I go outside and warm up them back into the igloo,I am having no more flu vaccinations they do not work for me.
This time it has really knocked me,haven’t felt like that for a long time and sick of the smell of the vaporiser,sorry if I sound like I’m whining just sick of being sick and lonely, other than the flu my overall health has been ok for awhile.:hugs:

22-03-19, 03:39
Thanks Terry:D
No if you mean Occupational Therapy,where I work we have hundreds of people coming in daily there is always someone coughing and sneezing all over the place,we put masks at the entrance but they don’t seem too notice them,plus the aircon is so darn cold, I go outside and warm up them back into the igloo,I am having no more flu vaccinations they do not work for me.
This time it has really knocked me,haven’t felt like that for a long time and sick of the smell of the vaporiser,sorry if I sound like I’m whining just sick of being sick and lonely, other than the flu my overall health has been ok for awhile.:hugs:

I meant occupational health hazard, which is sounds like it is. Don't you also help out with the homeless? Do they seem to hold up to it or struggle more?

I bet you will be glad to get back on your hog! http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/transport/t4015.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-transport.php)