View Full Version : It is ‘just’ anxiety!

18-03-19, 07:58
Hi all,

A lot of you have probably seen my posts about symptoms over the last 5 months or so.

I’ve been through a nightmare with palpitations, chest pain, dizziness and anxiety in that time. Even being admitted to hospital and kept in for monitoring over 2 days & nights due to prolonged tachycardia.

Eventually I was told I might have PoTS as my tachycardia got significantly worse with standing. It took another 3 months of feeling like this constantly before I was able to have a test for it, which I was sure would come back positive. Then it took another month to get the results as they got lost!

This morning I went to my GP for the results and was told the opinion of the consultant, who specialises in PoTS, was my exaggerated responses were due to anxiety. So even though I was showing all of the signs of a syndrome, it was still ‘just’ anxiety!

I’m not going to suddenly stop feeling lightheaded all of the time and I will still need to keep taking my beta blockers for the time being. However, I now know that I will get better purely by altering my mindset and working on my anxiety.

I wanted to put this out there so if anyone in the future is in the same position as me they can see that anxiety certainly can cause these symptoms. I know I did months of searching on this forum.

I’ve also done a lot of research in medical journals etc to find out the physiologic reasons for the symptoms. So if anyone wants info on how anxiety causes exaggerated responses to standing etc then message me and I can send you the links.

Also want to thank everyone on here who has given me advice. It was always very helpful.

