View Full Version : Leukaemia fear -

18-03-19, 23:53
Hey all,

So I am probably freaking out about nothing. I had a completely normal complete blood count 2.5 weeks ago. This weekend however I developed some big bruises that seems out of the ordinary for me. Could leukaemia have appeared in such a short time?

Thanks a lot in advance

18-03-19, 23:59
Have you been out drinking? Taken any aspirin etc?

19-03-19, 00:05
Did you spend time googling to find this?

I get bruises all the time and I don't have it.

19-03-19, 00:06
Nah, but I started taking citalopram a week ago. Bleeding as a side effect is really rare, but I guess it could happen. I’ll check in with the doc. But yeah I guess having CBC just 2.5 weeks ago should rule out any stupid cancer fears.

19-03-19, 00:07
As always yeah, just seemed a bit out of the ordinary. I should just chill, indeed had that normal CBC 2.5 weeks ago so I shouldn’t be so worried.

19-03-19, 08:51
Yep chill out,it’s not just bruising you need too worry yourself with.