View Full Version : Looking for advice

08-03-19, 01:41
A couple weeks ago I smoked with my buddy some stuff happened that made me start to worry about possibly having hiv or hep c etc etc. I told my buddy that I had HA and told him I was worrying and he said that he and his his mom doesn't have hiv or anything like that. Plus I did more research on them and that calmed my nerves unfortunately while we were talking about HA he told me he had sex with 2 different girls before we smoke he didn't say how long ago but I would say anywhere from a few days to possibly weeks and let's just say that there is a lot of loose women in our town and he told me he is worried he may have gotten an std I told him to get it checked out but he can't because he doesn't have insurance and too poor to pay for medical bills and now I'm worrying about him and I'm worrying about myself. I'm trying to calm myself by looking what isn't transmitted from smoking after someone since we both shared a bowl and bong. Right now I am worrying about syphilis I'm not sure why exactly syphilis maybe because it's of the dangerous ones but I don't know but the reason why I'm worrying is because I can't find any answers on if it can be transmitted from sharing a bowl or bong I highly doubt it can but I can't find anything saying if it can or can't. If you know if any std or if syphilis can be transmitted from a bowl or bong I would like to know and I don't know what to say for my friend we don't have a free clinic anymore and he can't afford to go to urgent care or the hospital since he doesn't have health insurance. If you know anyway he can possibly see a doctor just be safe please let me know.

12-03-19, 02:05
You can’t catch any of those diseases through salvia. Get rid of this worry now 0% chance.

12-03-19, 02:11
I will echo what Liddy said. There's no way to get either of those diseases through saliva. I can't even imagine how many times I randomly shared a cigarette or drink with someone at a bar when I was in college and I came out unscathed.

19-03-19, 07:40
Last month I agreed to smoke with my buddy to celebrate his 21st birthday we went to his place and his mom was over there because she was recently let out of the hospital from being sent there for what she told me was from "plaque in her bloodstream" I don't know if she meant tooth plaque or artery plaque but there is a good chance of it being either one since she doesn't go to the dentist and as far as I know doesn't have the best oral hygiene and she told me that after we all already took a couple of hits from a bowl I smoked with her before and was fine and I know she used to do some hard drugs like crack and meth etc but that was when she was not doing that stuff unfortunately she is back on it but I didn't know that until after we all smoked together. Than a little after that his cousin and her boyfriend came over because they got evicted even through neither my friend or his mom wanted either of them there seeing how seeing how his cousin shoots up I don't know about her boyfriend but he brought over either crack or meth and that's when I told my friend I got to leave and I know how he doesn't like his cousin or her boyfriend he actually hates him. I decided to convince him to walk to my place that way nothing would go down at his. We started walking he started apologizing about all that and saying how he didn't want them to come over in the first place and thanking me for pulling him out of there. While walking he told me he had sex with two different girls and he is worried that one of them might have game him an std for the last month I have been worrying about shit like hiv, hepatitis, and stds like syphilis for some reason I'm not sure how I got to worrying about that of all things but I have been doing research on them found out that none of them can be transmitted from sharing a bowl with anyone with it. Unfortunately my anxiety won't let me stop worrying about it even through I have looked up the facts about them. I've been trying to distract myself with finding a new job seeing how I don't have at the moment and been and trying to distract myself with art and music but that only works for so long until it rears its ugly head again and I don't want to bother my family or friends with this. Is there anything that you do that helps you deal with health anxiety? What helps you bring you back to reality than being stuck in your thoughts?

19-03-19, 16:21

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


19-03-19, 16:36
Please can you read the PM I sent you several times. Thanks