View Full Version : Support each other?

19-03-19, 14:12
Hi all, sorry for putting this here but i couldn't find another forum section to put it...

I don't know about you guys but i've been anxious for many, many years and I am usually reclusive and to myself. Recently I've got really bad and got to a crisis point and i reached out to people on the phone for chats and it has helped SO much... Now, my issue is I've been pretty reclusive and I've not kept many of my friends over the years so I don't have that many i can talk to. Also, none of them really understand my issues properly.

So I was wondering if we should start a thread where we could help each other perhaps on Whatsapp so it doesn't cost to message or text? We could pair up with someone or a couple of people sort of like a sponsor type situation and if we need help, help each other over the phone or perhaps just a chat about anxiety or life. I have learned that speaking to like minded people is invaluable and helps A LOT. I feel that we could support each other in a big way.

Obviously don't post your numbers here PM it to your chosen sponsor. Perhaps put out a description of a person who you feel most comfortable with and see if you can find them here? If it takes off perhaps we could make a Whatsapp group?

For me, it would have to be a female as i can only really open up to women it's nothing against men it's just how i am. I would love to have a couple of people who suffer who would like to talk and perhaps even help at times? I'm 32, male for anyone curious.

This could be something no one is interested in but for me, it would certainly help me.

Best of luck everyone.

19-03-19, 15:18
Sorry if this sounds awful, but I've spent way too long on the internet so I'm just speaking based on experience...

I'm sure your intentions are the very best, but you're still asking for the phone numbers of women you've never met. Now, there are a few of the regulars here who I'd confidently let have that information, but coming from somebody I don't know from Adam, it sets alarm bells ringing.

We have the chat room where people can talk without giving away information that could leave them vulnerable.

19-03-19, 15:58
Well that isn't my intent... but i see your point.

I just know it would help me as I'm pretty limited to who i can talk to especially about this. So thought i would put it out there.