View Full Version : A success story

19-03-19, 14:27
I've always thought about making this post but when you feel good you don't want to think about anxiety stuff (at least i don't!) but I just wanted to let people know who are thinking of trying this it has changed my life. I used to be stuck to my bedroom due to panic attack problems but now... I'm free I never get them I actually recently went over seas, all on my own without 1 panic attack.

The early days can be hard and feel like its making you worse but stick with it and it really does help.

Good luck everyone.

29-03-19, 18:03
It's very encouraging to hear this, especially to someone like me who is just starting out with Citalopram - so thanks.

03-04-19, 17:51
Yes. Worked for me as well. Took about 3 months to feel any benefit. The whole nine yards of side effects during that 3 month period. After that, gradually feeling better and better. About the year mark of taking 20mg Citalopram, decided to come off them. Consulted my GP, who gave me a choice of tapering off, or, if I felt brave enough, stopping 'cold turkey'. Being an impatient sort, took the 'cold turkey' option expecting a bit of a rough ride. However, did not suffer any withdrawal symptoms. How lucky was I? Anyway, 6 months after stopping Citalopram, am feeling just fine.

04-04-19, 21:38
Yes. Worked for me as well. Took about 3 months to feel any benefit. The whole nine yards of side effects during that 3 month period. After that, gradually feeling better and better. About the year mark of taking 20mg Citalopram, decided to come off them. Consulted my GP, who gave me a choice of tapering off, or, if I felt brave enough, stopping 'cold turkey'. Being an impatient sort, took the 'cold turkey' option expecting a bit of a rough ride. However, did not suffer any withdrawal symptoms. How lucky was I? Anyway, 6 months after stopping Citalopram, am feeling just fine.

Three months is a long time! It's impressive that you managed to persist with the side effects for that long, all the while not knowing whether the medication would eventually work.